Ninth Young Master Is Not A Fighter

"Agul, help me sense if there are any magical beasts nearby. I want to catch one. Just a holy beast will do!" Beiting Huang sent a voice transmission to Agul.

Although she had a team now, it was obvious that if she didn't help Yuan Ye find a magical beast in these seven days, Yuan Ye wouldn't be able to do anything other than hold her back. Beiting Huang would never let her team suffer any damage under her leadership.

As for Mu Qingling, Beiting Huang decided to find a place to help her detoxify her poison. She originally had a seven-star divine beast, but because of the poison, her meridians were blocked and she couldn't even contract a magical beast. She would make Nangong Zhiyun and Mu Wanyue pay the price sooner or later.