Only Victory, Not Defeat!


After all, they were two Heaven Ranks. It was a last-ditch effort. After almost exhausting all the elemental energy in their bodies, the power of this move was so great that even a powerful high-star holy beast like the Mountain Splitting Bull could not withstand the combined attack of the two of them. It took a few steps back before it could stabilize itself.

The Mountain-splitting Bull did not only have brute force. As a holy beast, it had the intelligence of an adult human, but its perception was also more sensitive than that of a human. At first, it might have been confused by the strange atmosphere created by the Three-Headed Hellhound, but through its aura, it could still clearly sense that the other party was a dark-element magical beast.

They were both magical beasts. Even if they were enemies, they would still stand on the side of the same race when facing the attack of a different race like the Human Race.