Show Off That Mountain-splitting Bull

Shen Lin seemed to glow a little, and the look in his eyes changed from withering uneasiness to admiration. "It's a team led by Your Excellency Tang Yan, who's ranked second on the Heaven Roll. There are only five people in total, and none of them are not experts in the top ten of the Heaven Roll. Your Excellency Tang Yan is a nine-sword Star Spirit Master with a divine beast. Most importantly, he's also a Grandmaster Beast Tamer!"

The moment the words "Grandmaster Beast Tamer" fell, the entire mountain fell silent!

Even Beiting Huang had to take a deep breath. Her heart was beating wildly. A Grandmaster Beast Tamer and a Nine-sword Star Spirit Master indeed had the right to be arrogant. It was not surprising that such a person could win over all the top ten experts on the Heaven Roll.