Afterimage, Divine Realm Teleportation?

Beiting Huang glanced over indifferently. After giving Teacher Nan Ling a respectful and friendly look, she landed on the lake. She floated in the air and seemed to be stepping on the water with every step she took. The elemental energy under her feet collided with the lake water and bloomed like water lotuses blooming under her feet.

If Teacher Nan Ling wasn't here, with Beiting Huang's personality, he would probably land on these people's heads without any scruples, even if he instigated an attack. However, with Teacher Nan Ling around, how could Beiting Huang be willing to do such a disrespectful thing? She didn't have parents. Teacher Nan Ling and Teacher Leng Qianmo were the only two teachers she had in this world. She only had respect for them.