The Commander Is Here

The two golden blades combined into a spinning saber in midair. It spun rapidly and carried a huge amount of energy as it moved crazily. It was like a death god's scythe that harvested lives as it blasted towards the training team. Its target was the three Heaven Rank experts who were dodging the two-star divine beast, the Six-Winged Mantis.


Like a grenade, the spinning saber flickering with golden light stabbed into the body of the One Sword Star Spirit Master. Right on the heels of that, a huge explosion sounded, and flesh and blood splattered everywhere. The One Sword Star Spirit Master was sent flying and hit a tree. Then, he slid down the tree trunk. He snorted twice, straightened his body, and died.

This scene shocked everyone on the battlefield. Even the mantis divine beast stopped attacking and stared at the sudden huge bombardment from the sky in confusion. He didn't seem to have such a powerful friend. Who came to support him?