Don't Tell Me You Don't Care About My Life and Want to Rape Me?

"Aiya, Yan Ye, don't you think the heavens are very powerful?" Beiting Huang grabbed Yan Ye's wrist and her gaze lingered on his jade-like fingers for a moment. She smiled roguishly and said, "I clearly know that you have ulterior motives towards me and want to get close to me, but I don't let you do so. Hehe, Yan Ye, tell me, what did you do that made the heavens punish you like this? Look, as soon as you get close to me, my blood flows in reverse and I almost bleed from my seven orifices."

Yan Ye's originally relaxed expression had turned serious again, and his face was terrifyingly pale, with a storm brewing in his eyes. Seeing that, Beiting Huang smiled fearlessly. "Yan Ye, don't tell me you don't care about my life and want to rape me?" She deliberately pretended to be very afraid and took two steps back. "Don't be like this. Besides, I'm only 14 years old. I'm still underage…"