The Past, What Happened in the Silver Moon Palace

The flexible sword, longsword, dagger, and the clone formed the fourth level of the killer move. Although the flying sword hadn't appeared for the time being, Beiting Huang wasn't worried at all. She was only at the fourth level now. As Agul had said, this longsword was a superior-grade spiritual artifact. What if she advanced to the fifth level?

Beiting Huang was looking forward to seeing if this longsword would really enter the ranks of divine artifacts as Agul had said.

In her previous life, as the king of the mercenary world, Beiting Huang was used to using two-handed weapons. Whether it was a dagger or a gun, there was no difference between her left hand and right hand. Now that she had two weapons, Ultimate Kill and Night Kill, how shocked would her opponent be if she suddenly had a superior-grade spiritual artifact in her left hand that was no less than a divine artifact?