Pills, One Bottle Each

Since it was only a decrease in effectiveness, it meant that it could still be absorbed. Beiting Huang said, "Take it. I won't give it to you next time!"

Would they be able to get it next time? Gu Chengze and the others were stunned when they heard that. However, when they thought about how their captain came from Yan City and his status in Yan City was close to that of the City Lord, Gu Chengze and the others heaved a sigh of relief. Otherwise, they would really be defeated by their captain!

Liu Xu would be lying if he said that he wasn't touched. He reached out his hands and held the Origin Liquid that Beiting Huang had poured out. He took a deep breath and his eyes burned.

The other six people felt that even thanking him felt insincere. They held the Origin Liquid with both hands and stared at Beiting Huang gratefully for a long time, as if they wanted to remember her deeply and engrave her into their bones.