Ye Qi Is Yan Ye?

After everything was arranged, Liu Xu and the others found an empty room on the second floor. The eight of them gathered together and prepared to advance after consuming the Origin Liquid.

Ye Qi did not leave. Instead, he stood up first and walked upstairs.

Beiting Huang followed behind him and didn't ask where he was going. Instead, she asked him, "What did you do to him?"

Ye Qi stopped in his tracks and turned to look at Beiting Huang in disbelief. Beiting Huang sneered. "Are you looking down on me? Do you think I won't recognize you just because you changed your clothes?"

Some people did not need to be identified with their eyes. It was just like how she could recognize her brother at a glance even though she had not seen him for ten years. It was just like how no matter what outfit she changed into or what mask she wore, the person in front of her could recognize her at a glance.