Breakthrough, Increasing Strength

Beiting Huang was officially the City Lord, but there was almost no need for her to do any work in Huang City. The four family heads had already arranged everything. As the four elders of the council, they were responsible for making daily decisions. Only important matters needed to be decided by Beiting Huang.

"Since it will no longer be run by families but as a city in the future, I think that as long as all the forces in the continent are willing to submit to Huang City, we will welcome them. All responsibility and treatment will be no different from that of the four great families. It's just a city now, but in the future…" Beiting Huang looked into the distance with a deep gaze. "In the future, it might be possible to become a kingdom. A kingdom that can stand shoulder to shoulder with the empires like Laia and Silver Moon Liberia. I hope that at that time, it will be called the Alliance Kingdom!"