She Has Always Been a Very Sentimental Person

One after another, they woke up from their respective states. The originally calm forest became especially lively at this moment.

"Hahaha, my arm, my arm. Oh my god, this is my arm?" The Black Water member who had lost his arm looked at the regrowth of his arm. Compared to the original arm on the other side, it was much fairer. He simply could not believe it.

"My leg, my leg can move!" The crippled person lifted his intact leg. His leg, which had its meridians broken and was unable to exert any strength, jumped on the ground. If one did not see it with their own eyes, no one would believe that this leg had once had all its meridians damaged and could not move.

"I also have a holy beast. From now on, I also have a holy beast companion!"

"Ahahaha, this is the strength of the Heaven Rank. Although I'm not a Heaven Rank expert, I have a holy beast. Who dares to say that I'm not a Heaven Rank expert in the future?"