Prison Break

"Really?" As soon as Mu Qingling finished speaking, her plant holy beast had already released 36 white furballs. The white furballs surrounded Mu Qingling tightly. Some rested on her shoulders, some rested in her hair, and some rolled around on her fingertips. Mu Qingling was so excited that her heart trembled.

"Little Ninth, thank you!"

Mu Qingling walked towards Beiting Huang and pulled her into her arms. Beiting Huang hugged her tightly. "Silly girl, there's no need for thanks between us. We're good sisters to begin with!"

"That's right, we're good sisters to begin with!" Mu Qingling let go of her and said with tears of happiness in her eyes, "Little Ninth, it's so good to have you!"

"Ling'er, it's useless to just say thank you!" Beiting Huang pinched her fair and smooth face with a smile. "You have to devote your life to me. Clean your name tonight and wait for me to visit you!"

Tonight? There would probably be a huge battle tonight!