Princess Ninth Huang of the Western Wilderness?

"I, I, I, you, you, you are Princess Ninth Huang of the Western Wilderness, right? Aren't you dead? No, the Devil Emperor must have revived you. You, you, don't come over!" When the envoy saw Beiting Huang, it was as if he had seen a ghost. He seemed to have forgotten that Ming was behind him.

"Huang, we can't let him return alive. Kill him!" Ming's voice was incomparably cold. The gaze he shot at the emissary was filled with disdain and disgust.

Beiting Huang immediately understood what he meant. She didn't know if this envoy was really tired of living, but he actually recognized her identity as soon as he came up. Then, he wouldn't be able to live. Her dark and fierce eyes locked onto this envoy. The soft sword in her hand was surrounded by a circle of sky-blue elemental energy that spat out small silver snakes. "That's right, I'm Ninth Huang. You'll be the one to pay for what the Spirit God Clan did to me today!"