The Pill Refined by His Son's Love Rival

"These guys, hmph! Those who don't know better would think that Beiting Huang is their leader!" Qin Duan had already returned. He walked to Qin Yu's side and muttered angrily.

Qin Yu did not understand what his father was mumbling about. He threw a jade bottle into Qin Duan's hand. "Little Ninth gave it to me. It's a bottle of Spirit Breaking Pills. Give it to the brothers in the team!"

Qin Duan had long heard of the Spirit Breaking Pill, but he was still so frightened that his hand trembled and the jade bottle almost fell to the ground. The ground was paved with spirit stones. If it fell, would the Spirit Breaking Pill shatter? Qin Duan was already covered in cold sweat, but fortunately, his hand was steady.