
The uglier Xiao Yelei's expression became, the more comfortable Yin Chujin felt. As she watched him stride ahead with a livid expression, she turned around and waved at Zhu'er, indicating for her to follow closely.

Zhu'er ran forward and looked in the direction where Yin Chujin's chin was pointing. She immediately understood what the princess meant and introduced the people in the palace to her in a low voice.

Yin Chujin nodded and looked at Zhu'er in admiration. Although this girl was a little timid, she was still quite smart.

"Princess, on the left, the scarily pale-faced Prince Rui is next to the Second Prince, Yin Wenhan…" Seeing the Second Prince and Prince Rui walking towards them, Zhu'er hurriedly finished her sentence and stood behind Yin Chujin with her mouth shut. She looked straight down like a good maidservant.

Yin Chujin was looking into the distance, trying her best to memorize the appearances of the princes, princesses, and ministers. She did not pay attention to her surroundings. When Zhu'er's words floated into her ears, Sheng Yiming and Yin Wenhan were already standing beside her.

"Sister, long time no see. Why are you alone? Where's Yelei?"

Yin Wenhan took the initiative to greet Yin Chujin, but she could still hear the unfamiliarity in his voice.

"Second Brother." Yin Chujin smiled and nodded at him. Then, she pointed at Yiyuan Hall. "He went in first."

Yin Chujin looked to the side of Yin Wenhan and saw Sheng Yiming dressed in white. Just as Zhu'er had said, his face was as pale as a dead man's, and he looked like he would faint at any moment. There were a few palace maids following him closely, afraid that he would stretch out his legs and die.

"Princess… cough cough… Princess, we meet again, cough cough…" Sheng Yiming covered his mouth and coughed.

Yin Chujin thought to herself, 'You're really good at pretending.' She smiled gently. "Prince Rui, are you alright? Since you're so weak, you should rest in your room. Why are you still thinking about attending the banquet? If anything happens to you, it won't be easy to explain."

"Cough cough, thank you for your concern, Princess Jin. This is an old ailment, so it's fine. Cough cough, on the other hand, you should take good care of your body. Your old injuries have yet to recover, but there are new injuries…"

Of course, Yin Chujin knew that he was referring to the bruises on her face. At the same time, she noticed the smile in his eyes.

"Thank you for your concern, Prince Rui…"

"When did the two of you become so close? Why are you so polite?" Yin Wenhan looked back and forth between the two of them inexplicably. Based on his understanding of them, they were not familiar with each other. The few times they had met in the past, it had always ended with Yin Chujin mocking Sheng Yiming. However, the situation was definitely not as peaceful as it was now.

"I'm just concerned. Second Brother, Jin'er is kind enough to give you some advice. Don't get too close to some sick people, lest… Second Brother, take care. Jin'er will go in first." After saying that, Yin Chujin waved her hand and brought Zhu'er to the Yiyuan Hall, leaving behind the stunned Yin Wenhan and Sheng Yiming who was secretly laughing.

After entering the hall, Yin Chujin looked around and found Xiao Yelei. She reluctantly sat down beside him. When Xiao Yelei saw her sit down, he only glanced at her from the corner of his eyes and continued to drink by himself.

To her surprise, Sheng Yiming followed closely behind and sat at her table. Surprise flashed across Yin Chujin's eyes before she turned her head away and observed her surroundings.

The entire Yiyuan Hall looked rather gorgeous. Four large pillars inlaid with gold stood in the north, south, east, and west of the hall, just enough to leave the center of the hall empty for a banquet. Yin Chujin looked at the emperor, who was smiling so widely that his eyes were narrowed into a line. He was holding a concubine on his left and right, and there was a row of palace maids waiting on him. The empress sat at the side without even frowning. It seemed that she was used to this.

According to Zhu'er, the emperor would hold a banquet every month. If they continued to waste food like this, how long would it take for the national treasury to run out of money? Yin Chujin took a pastry from the table and tasted it carefully. At the same time, she was secretly guessing.

She was not interested in the song and dance in the middle of the hall, nor did she care about the cheers of the ministers, princes, and princesses. Yin Chujin only cared about eating the sumptuous snacks on the table. Who asked Xiao Yelei to only serve her rice and vegetables in the Xiao Manor? However, she kept feeling a burning gaze on her left, making her hair stand on end.

Unknowingly, the song ended and all the dancers stopped dancing. The hall was filled with cheers and Yin Chujin clapped along with everyone else.

"Ahem, I heard that Princess Jin is proficient in music, chess, calligraphy, and painting. Her dancing skills are even more outstanding. Since the emperor is holding a banquet here, I wonder if the princess can do us the honor of performing for everyone…" Sheng Yiming suddenly raised this suggestion to the emperor when the hall fell silent. Instantly, everyone's attention was on Yin Chujin.