magic day part 5

After walking for 10 minutes all of the group along with teachers reached the temple now the group separated and a one person line was formed gender wise. Sonu stepped away from the boy and said goodbye with a smile on her face the boy also smiled and said goodbye to Sonu.

As Sonu was walking in the crowd of students to find the others she was pulled from behind.

"Abeee..who the heck are you?!! " Sonu snapped at the person who pulled her and saw bani standing calmly in front of her with a teasing smile.

"Good job panda now let's go Rani and teju didi ( sister) is waiting for us "

Sonu snorted her nostrils in anger like a horse.

"You!!! Wait till I get my revenge!! Huf! "

Sonu Huffed in fury and started to walk but stopped at her place after a few steps.

Bani saw this and smirked

" What are you waiting for ? go they are waiting for us "

Sonu rolled her eyes and turned to bani with serious face

"Idiot it's you who knows where they are ! "

At this bani started to laugh

" You.. hahaha..ptfff.. what kind of expression is that monkey? Hahaha "

" Hey!!!! Stop it what?! Why are you laughing I am serious ok " although Sonu was complaining she also started to smile.

Swoosh!!! A newspaper 🗞️ was hit on both of the laughing duck 🦆.

" Owweee!!why did you do that?!! "

"Owweee!! Why did you do that?!!"

It was Teja who hit both of their heads with the newspaper behind her Rani was smiling seeing Teja hit their head. Although Teja hit both of their heads she was still smiling gently at them like a mother who just hits her child lightly but with caring and affection.

"Let's go inside the temple and get darshan ( blessings) of mother goddess Kali don't just stand there laughing or everyone's going to think that you two are mental hospital patients who ran away "

Hearing this bani and Sonu dramatically looked from Teja's face to each other's faces. Sonu and bani looked at each other and then Teja they did this like three to four times before bursting in laughter like a real mental patient. Seeing them Teja and rani also started to laugh.

After a while they got in the line to see the mother goddess Kali as the mandir ( temple) was famous and well known many bhakt ( worshipper) came to see the mother Kali so it was a long line after half hour all the three of them finally got to see the mother goddess Kali then after the darshan ( blessings) all the students were gathered inside the temples landscape the orphanage caretaker said.

" You all can go and explore the temple area but after about one hour later you all should be here the next destination is a water park"

Every student said in a union

" Yes teacher "

After that within a second many of children's were out of sight , Some went to explore alone while some formed groups.

Sonu , Rani and bani , Teja were in one group and went to see the other small temples , Sonu saw a small Kali Mandir ( temple) with no one inside it , the temple looked quite old and the murti ( workshiping statue of mother Kali ) also looked very old.

Sonu " hey let's go see in here there is no one we can see the maa ( mother) Kali as much as we want" and before bani , Rani and Teja could reply Sonu already went inside. Teja sighed and followed her inside Rani and bani also went behind them

Sonu was shaking like a tree in the wind from the excitement as she sat on the floor in front of the goddess mother Kali she looked behind and said " hey ! Come fast why are you all so slow like a slowbro Pokemon!!"

Teja " keep quiet panda don't be that loud! It's a temple "

Sonu " sorry sis I was just excited "

Teja sat near Sonu and patted her head

"It's ok there is nothing bad about being excited just maybe? Don't be so loud ok little panda? "

Sonu nodded her head and again started to look at mother goddess Kali with both her hands joint together in preyar.

Rani and bani also sat either side of Teja and Sonu , they closed their eyes and started to prey , Sonu was the first to finish her preye when she opened her eyes she saw the fire in deepak ( lamp 🪔) was abnormally getting bigger she panicked but before she can do anything Teja opened her eyes and saw the flames getting bigger she got in protecting mode her eyes went big and she got up with the speed of light and pulled the three of them.

" Run get up quick ! Quick !!! "

Rani and bani also opened their eyes because of Teja grabbing them all and when they saw the flames of the Deepak ( lamp ) 🪔 while scarimimg loudly they all got up and ran toward the gate but no one was able to hear them because in that particular area there was no one and the flames got bigger and divaded in half surrounding them and blocking the front door.

The flames were slowly getting nearer with every second Teja was desperately thinking a way to escape or at least save Rani , Sonu and bani she was ok with dying alone. But as she didn't find anything , she saw the scared faces of Rani , bani and Sonu she immediately hugged them all tightly burying their faces in her chest to hide them from the terrifying scene.

As the flames fully closed in on them swallowing the four of them after that the flames slowly started to fade but there were no traces of Sonu , bani , Rani and Teja.

The Deepak flames were back to normal and it looked as if nothing happened here but where did they all go ?


hi sweeties \(⁠.⁠ ⁠❛⁠ ⁠ᴗ⁠ ⁠❛⁠.⁠)/ did u find a friend who can annoy and make u laugh at the same time if not I want to become one (⁠。⁠•̀⁠ᴗ⁠-⁠)⁠✧ .

sweetie u don't know it but today when u did something for someone and when it made u happy and smile I was happy for u.

dear sweethearts when u smile ur whole face lights up and bloom like a sunflower 🌻 but when u are sitting alone sad it feels like the beautiful flower wilted and the lights are out.

sweeties I told u this just so u can know it not because I want u to fake a smile , with a gentle soul a soft heart 💜 don't look in the mirror but instead in your own eyes they tell the truth.