grandpa mountain

Now that the whole team got horses it increased their speed of travelling and shortened the distance a lot it was only two more hours until they reached Nitya kingdom.along the way they were teasing each other , Sonu was even goofy with the princess. it was obvious that niru is a social butterfly but the connection between the gang and her felt more like they can understand eachothers and more specific niru can understand Sonu on a deeper level as though she was seeing the reflection of her feelings in Sonu but the past one.

where in the past she was always the one to be compared with her other cousins and left alone since most of them were older than her , always being left because she was a princess and no one would want to mess with her it made her feel alone but she learnt a lot from the guide and her path enlightener that person was her mother while her father was her motivation and comfort zone although once then and now she felt like her parents were somewhat control freak that is the part she hated which made her questions to herself

°•° can I love someone like this? °•°

But in continuation of her self improvement she got to know that love means accepting everything of the person with flaws with pros and cons , after that she got to know that some of her cousins wanted to kill her as she was the only successor for the throne as she was the only child later they were caught and sentenced to life long prison for trying to harm the only legal heir of throne. niru relished that her parents strictness about something and freedom about the other was totally right as they were only protecting her from an danger they knew but she never saw.

although Sonu never had parents but that doesn't mean that she can't have social issues and own questions and answers she didn't know she had and niru saw her younger self behaving happy all the time and being the entertainer so she can feel less awkward while being social , somewhere inside Sonu she can feel that niru understand her like the rest of her orphan family , without her knowing she was starting to be near niru more not just her but all of them.

half an hour later they reached a border where they saw a huge white mountain and niru got off her horse "let's go we have to walk from here " her words made the girls face twist into a sowl as always the 1st to complain was Sonu " what? but you said we still have one hour of distance left and I am in no position to walk plus the snow mountain looks cold enough to freeze me ! " Sonu looked like a child while frowning niru smiled "who said you have to walk ? and who said this is an ice mountain? "

Rani "umm..we can guess even if we never saw an actual snow mountain anyone can guess that it's an ice mountain " before niru can answer Bani who had already got off the horse and was crouching next to the snow and said "no it's not ice ! "

everyone looked at her "what? Then what is it exactly?" Teja asked.

" see it for yourself It's not cold here ! it's pure cotton " she got up and walked up to the rest and handed each of them a little earth crust like cotton which looked like snow.

all of them were shocked that it wasn't cold because it wasn't snow it was pure white cotton. all of their eyes were round, niru grinned at their reactions "this mountain is also called grandpa mountain it is made up of pure cotton and is alive " Sonu thought she didn't hear the end correct "sorry did you say alive!? " niru nodded her head "yes it's alive so please put that bundle in your hand back if you don't want to see a talking head in your hand "

all of them quickly threw the cotton ball from their hand. niru laughed and jumped over the cotton soil "common! let's go ! " all of them were confused as to why niru would jump into a living being but before they had time to react the cotton soil slipped below their feet and dragged them like the sea wave. all of them started to scream like crazy the wave did not harm them but not was gentle with them the wave of cotton dragged them with a lot of speed until they reached the end of cliff.

the wave stopped niru who was practically a mess pulled her head out and said " hey ! grandpa! why did you do that !? " a head formed from the front cotton with a beard which had a smile " sorry child I was just excited to see you again! I thought you want to have the old fun waves! " niru sighed she forgot to say to the mountain that she wants a smooth wave as she had some guests coming with her. "umm ok anyways uh-huh? "

niru looked around and saw that bani was helping Rani out while on the other hand Teja was grabbing her spinning head but Sonu was nowhere to be found " grandpa! where is sonu !? " a low was sounded from her side "I am here ! " the cotton soil quickly moved away from Sonu and gently wrapped around her waist and pulled her out and got her on her feet and went inside again. "wow that was awesome! " niru sighed seeing that sonu is okay.

"hey can we do it again? " Sonu asked , immediately a firm voice came from behind her it was Teja who was still holding her head from both hands"NO !! " niru cackled seeing the ever so cool and calm person being fazed by a little bit of motion. "it's ok Sonu ! there is something more fun than this" after niru said this the old man's head made a coughing sound "aweee ! don't worry white beard it's not as fun as your cotton wave rides ! " the old man's head smiled and dissolved knowing that their future rular has a sweet personality.

niru smiled and got up " let's go ! "

"where? it's literally the end of Cliff!" Rani said while panicking. Niru smiled and walked up to the edge and jumped for a second all of them were going to scream their lungs out but they stopped seeing that as soon as niru jumped a cardboard piece came floating beneath her feet "see ? these work on air just jump and think where you want to go it will take you now come on what are you waiting for!? "

Sonu was the 1st one to step forward and jump and immediately a cardboard also came floting from the down clif beneath her feet. after that one by one every one of them jumped. niru started to guide them while floting they saw Nitya kingdom many small houses and after that big building were there the colour of those building were either red , pink or yellow with the same colour of flowers plastered on the whole wall which looked very pretty as they started to float above the kingdom they saw many children floting around them , Sonu was feeling amzad of the way she was flying.

Sonu wanted to try something more so she thought of trying to jump in the air , she bent and held the side and the board went fast and flipped in the air "wowww!!!!" all of the others looked at her and sighed knowing all too well that Sonu's wildness is better to be left alone.

but Teja decided to warn her " be careful! " on this niru said"don't worry even if she slipped from the board the air protection spell are casted on ground so she can land safely" and after hearing this Sonu keep on flipping fearlessly , suddenly two small children were in her way she took a sudden up flip and her hands slipped she was going to fall but Teja caught her in time , Sonu thought now she would be dead , Teja glared at Sonu

"can't you be careful just once! " Sonu shrugged "didn't you hear I won't get hurt even if I fall "

"that's no reason for you to be careless! "

"ok !ok! I won't do it again ok ! " Teja shook her head she had enough of her strength drained today she can't argue anymore so she decided to keep quiet.

Sonu made a cute smiley face " please let me ride with you? " Teja rolled her eyes and nodded her head " just make sure to hold unto me tightly ok" Sonu obediently nodded her head , Teja put Sonu on her feet and Sonu stood behind Teja while looping her arms around Teja's stomach.

they all reached two big building which looked like castle they landed on the roof and saw there was no entrance or exit. Rani asked "how are we supposed to get down from here?" they were standing on a building in front of the building garden then again a big building, niru looked at Rani and said " you just need to jump from here " the four heads in coordination looked at niru their reactions were saying loudly that they couldn't believe it.

"what? believe me it's safe! a there is a pink net which catches and transport directly inside the castle" bani looked at niru then down side and jumped immediately a pink net appeared and caught her and she was invisible in a blink of an eye. seeing her Rani also excitedly followed and jumped, Teja also jumped it was only Sonu and niru left.

"afraid? " niru asked in low voice with a smile lingering on her lips, Sonu took a deep breath and nodded with a nervous smile , " maybe I just don't want to repeat the same thing as before" niru was still smiling " ok then let me pick you up" without waiting for Sonu's answer niru picked her , "whoa! hey ! "

"what? your scared right? let me help then "

Sonu looked at niru's calm face which had a beutiful smile she sighed "ok thanks for your help"

niru smiled and nodded her head before taking steps towards the end and then totally taking the last step and falling Sonu closed her eyes tightly and held niru's neck with her arms tightly. Niru just silently looked at Sonu with a faint smile.


"glass half empty, glass half full either way you won't be going thirsty count your blessings not your flaws ʕ⁠っ⁠•⁠ᴥ⁠•⁠ʔ⁠っ" song name :- king.

"I can do it " and "I want to do it" has a big difference .

if it's " I can do it" once you face failure you will break and won't stand up thinking that you were proven wrong.

but if it's "I want to do it " you will have the guts to face failure and improve and never give up because you set the aim as " I want " not "I can " maybe we can't do it in one go but slowly after trying and failing again and again one day you will have what you want.

sweethearts don't set the aim while thinking that we can do everything when in reality we have to start from learning right?