Darren and Annabelle have been best friends for years, but ever since Annabelle decided to travel for a few months Darren has missed her terribly. Annabelle's absence has been like a large gaping hole in his life, and he can't help but think about her every day. Now that she is back, Darren's anxiety has been soothed, but he still misses the old days when they were inseparable. The two of them are finally able to start rebuilding their friendship, but it is not easy.

Darren was sitting on the couch when Annabelle came home from her trip. "Hi Darren!" she greeted him, "How was your day?" "It was good," he said and gave her a hug. "Where are you going to be staying while you're here?" Darren asked her. "I'll be staying with my friend," she replied, "I'm so sorry I won't be able to spend time with you." "Don't worry about it," he said and patted her hand, "We'll see each other soon."

Darren and Annabelle had been dating for a while before they decided to take their relationship to the next level. Annabelle was going to be away for the next few months, but Darren was nervous. What if they couldn't work through their problems while she was gone? He was going to miss her so much and he wanted her to know that. He knew that he should have been more patient, but Darren was also excited. He was going to get to see his girlfriend more often and finally meet her family. Darren and Annabelle made plans for their first date when she got back.

I was at work when I received a text from Annabelle, my best friend. She was traveling for work and I was missing her. I knew that she would be back soon, but it was still hard to not see her, even though she was just a few hours away.

Darren met up with Annabelle after work and settled in his apartment for pizza and drinks while they watched a movie.

"I miss you so much," Darren said to Annabelle while they were sitting on the sofa. "I'm sorry I left without saying goodbye. I just needed to get away for a while."

"It's okay," she said, hugging him. "I understand."

"I just really missed you," he said, looking at her.

"I know," she replied, looking back at him.

They had been dating for a few months now. They have been spending time together almost every day and it has been going well. Darren has been missing Annabelle when she is away and he feels that their relationship is not the same without her.

Darren: I was really missing you when you were gone

Annabelle: I was really missing you too

Darren: I really missed you when you were away.

Annabelle: I missed you too

Darren: You're not the same without me

Annabelle: You're not the same without me either

Darren and Annabelle had just met each other a few days ago and they were already talking about missing each other. Darren was excited to hear that she was going to be in town for a few days and asked her if she wanted to go out for coffee one night. She said yes and they made plans for the next day. When the time came for her to leave, Darren felt a little sad and wished that he had more time to spend with her.

Darren called James and they discussed about the date he will be having with Annabelle.

Darren was excited to go on a date with his beautiful new girlfriend Annabelle tomorrow. He was so excited he had a hard time sleeping last night and was up until the early hours of the morning. Darren went to work but got a call from James, who tried to talk Darren out of going on the date. Darren decided to go on the date anyway because he knew it would be worth it. When Darren got home from work he told Annabelle about James' attempt to stop him from going on their date. Annabelle wasn't surprised by James' actions and laughed it off. The next day Darren and Annabelle went on their date, which was everything Darren hoped it would be.

Darren can't sleep and is so nervous about his date with Annabelle tomorrow, he decides to talk to his best friend James about it. "I'm so nervous about tomorrow," Darren says. "I'm going on a date with Annabelle, and I don't know how I'm going to do it." "What do you mean?" James asks. "Well, I'm not really good at these things," Darren replies. "I don't know what to do, I don't know what to say." "Is it a date?" James asks. "Yes, it's a date," Darren says. "It's my first date ever."

"I think it's important to keep an open mind when dating someone," James said. "I've been in a relationship with my partner for two years now, and we're still learning about each other." Darren nodded his head in agreement. "You're not going to know everything about them, but that's not the point. You need to give them the chance to open up to you." James said. "And I think it's worth it to wait for someone who is worth it."

Darren dropped the call and went to bed.