
There were several separate groups which had been identified by Mallory.

Among them was the group which was cursed, those suffering diseases, others suffering from symptoms brought on by their environment and then poison.

Among the people which had similar situations or anything out of the ordinary, their details had been recorded which meant that their lives would be investigated.

Meanwhile Mallory arrived at the first home where a large family lived, the rooms were spacious and tidy which showed that they were quite important figures in the city.

Mallory turned to the mother and daughter who were the ones which had been affected the most by the curse. "Can you show me to where you and your daughter usually spend time?"

The mother nodded and lead the way through a couple of rooms. "This way."

As Mallory entered each one, she observed the auras around the room each time to check for any abnormalities.

The woman opened the door to another room. "This is my daughter's room."

Mallory walked in and saw a strange and ominous aura within so she warned the mother and daughter. "Stand outside the room for now."

Mallory carefully entered the room and followed where the aura came from until she was close to the bed.

Many small toys and teddies were on the bed which she reached out towards.

She grabbed the ear of a large bunny and pulled it up. "How long have you had this?"

The mother looked confused. "That.. why?"

Mallory reached into her clothes and removed a kunai which she then used as a knife to cut into the rabbit doll. "You will see."

The daughter burst into tears which made the mother upset. "What are you doing!?"

Mallory sighed as she answered. "You will soon find out."

After she had cut it open, she reached inside and pulled out a weird looking straw doll. "So this is a curse doll."

The mother went pale and fell to her knees but then turned to hug her daughter tightly into her chest. "You.. you mean that thing has been cursing us?"

Mallory took out a talisman and placed it on the curse doll. "Purify!"

As she had expected, the talismans effects were shown and some of the curse energy was dispersed however there was still some which remained. "Just like magic items or weapons, there exist curse items or weapons. Curse items can look ordinary and those close to them or in contact with them will be affected by the curse. My guess is that the curse planted on this will be something to make you physically weaker over a long time."

Just like her talismans or other possibilities for her Apotropaic skill, curses could use similar ways to harm others.

Curse dolls, curse tablets, curse talismans, cursed jewellery, cursed ornaments, cursed weapons and cursed tools were just the form of the cursed items which could be used by any unsuspecting person.

Each curse varied depending on who had made it and which curse had been placed on it.

One could be used to affect someone's life force, another could be used to affect their mentality while another could affect their fertility.

Each one varies in the effects and how effective they were but they each had some kind of negative effect.

The curse placed on the doll was one which would cause those who were close to it to become physically weaker and have their health be reduced over a long time.

The daughter was the main person in contact with it but when she had visitors to her room or took it with her, others would be affected by it too and carry slight traces of the negative aura on them.

Mallory asked the mother. "How did you get the bunny?"

The mother had regained her senses a little but she was still trembling. "It was a gift.. three months ago, it was gifted to us by my husbands relative who lives outside of the family but.. how could they do this?!"

She was very shocked and was unable to believe that someone from their relatives would try to harm them.

Mallory let out a sigh as she explained. "This may have just been a gift as intended and they may have purchased it from somewhere they thought was safe but you have to doubt them too. If they did know of its effects then you must suspect them otherwise you will never know what they may try later."

Once a plot had been discovered and stopped, it was unknown if those involved would try again with another method.

While it seemed like one case on its own, it could still be connected to something much bigger so Mallory did not wish for those involved to be careless in the future.

If those who were harmed were targeted again then they needed to guard themselves better.

The mother nodded. "I will discuss it with my husband and the rest of the family. Thank you. What will you do with that?"

Mallory carried the doll in her hand with a thoughtful look on her face. "I will keep and study this. Hopefully I can reverse this method and learn how they made it. Perhaps I can make something similar with protective effects."

She then went on to say as she left the room and headed towards the exit. "Remember to visit the Seshat Familia when the talismans are for sale. That way you can prepare for future misfortunes ahead of time. While I have dealt with the cause of your misfortune, those behind it may still be free to act as they please."

The mother held her daughter tightly in her arms and then wept. "Thank you."

Mallory smiled as she left. "You are welcome."

Mallory could feel that she could repel the curse within the doll with her own aura once she came into contact with it but her thoughts were mainly placed on the growing feeling within her body as it was flooded with Excelia with every passing moment.

Her actions and words lead to the movement of the city as it brought great change, that change lead to many lives being protected and saved from suffering and misfortune.

Although she had just begun, she had succeeded in removing several poisons, curses, diseases and other dangers within a little time whether it was by her own hands or trough others actions which were brought on by her involvement.

After she had left, the rest of the family returned after their checkup and being restored from any of their previous effects.

They all had a family meeting as they discussed the potential threat to their family.

The family head was an old and wise man who came up with his own theories. "It could be that the distant relatives made a move themselves or were acting on others orders. They were originally cowards and bowed to those in power so they would not act against us unless they had some backing or they feared those involved more than us.

This could either involve the family inheritance or could be much deeper and involve the cities important pillars and positions. The city wide inspection makes me suspicious enough to think that those involved with it know something that we don't yet know. The city may face unknown enemies in the future."

He had seen many faces within the groups of those affected by the poisons, diseases, curses or other effects which he recognised.

They were either those in important positions, were talented figures in various fields, those with wealth or enough influence to cause change or affect the stability of the city.

Either those he recognised were affected and one or more within their family were identified as someone affected by some kind of harm.

To those with enough insight, they were able to see how such a thing would weaken the city and leave it vulnerable to attacks from inside or outside the walls.

The management of the city would be poorer, the defences would be less than it would be expected and there would be more dangers to come as those within the city were slowly becoming weaker or dying without noticing a thing.

Such a thing may have went unnoticed for a long time so long as the effects or symptoms were not too obvious and were spread widely or not targeted specifically towards one target or group using the same methods.

By the time that anyone realised anything, it was already too late because they may have been under the effects for years or even more than ten years.

When an attack came from monsters or other humans, the city would be left to defend themselves in their weakened state and would eventually be destroyed or taken over by others.

Whoever was behind the harm done to the city would be directly or indirectly involved in the downfall of the city so they would benefit in gaining infamy, wealth or more power at the cost of many lives and a city falling.

While most in Orario were focussed towards their primary enemy, there were many other places inside and outside Orario that had chosen to ignore their primary enemy and threat as they harmed their fellow intelligent races for own various motives.