Fitz and Noire moves the quickest among the group so they were the first to reach the small group of people.
They were not disturbed by the blunder that had happened within their group and had responded quickly in order to prevent any further incidents.
A spear had been thrust forward by one of them as they got within a certain distance of the group so that the spear could hit its target but the reach of the opponents could not yet reach to the other end of the spear.
"Gah! Uh.."
"Enemy attack!"
Those that had yet to remove their weapons started to reach for them and came to the aid of their injured ally.
They moved forward to push past the extended length of the spear to get to the cat person but their efforts were wasted.
The one wielding the spear had not remained where they had stood once they thrust out their spear and chose to keep moving once the target had been hit and the spear was pulled back a little.
Where everyone had aimed to get to in order to attack their enemy had already been vacated and the cat person they were up against had took up some distance again while they circled around them.
Another cat person circled behind and had jumped forward towards a man who was at the back of the group that faced the group belonging to Franco.
The person at the back had a little distance between himself and his group but hurried to get back into the formation where it was safer but suddenly felt a strong pain go across their waist.
He was scratched by the cat person through the gaps in his low quality armour and the wound was deep enough to let him start losing some blood.
They were all bandits that lived off the land and stole from others so their daily lives were full of foraging, hunting and pillaging.
There were times when there would be some people that would approach them for them to carry out some kind of task so most of their experiences were from hunting, killing and living off the forest or mountains.
They rarely visited places where they were wanted for their criminal activities unless they sneaked someone inside of a city to gather some intelligence or to purchase something.
They moved around a lot so they could not always wait around for things to be made for them since it meant that they would risk being hunted down by those that knew they were nearby and were causing problems on the roads.
If they did get any weapons or armour with whatever Valis they had earned or stolen then they would usually purchase anything that was readymade but may have not been the most suited to their style of combat or protected their bodies that well.
Most of them were either dressed in thick leather or lightweight metal armour but they did not cover enough of their bodies to keep them safe.
They may have protected against some monsters that were not intelligent enough to target those places but it was very different for going up against the different humanoid races.
If a person was skilled or smart enough then they would aim for the gaps in the armour or for the straps that held them together.
Most armours were solely built towards not restricting movements and only protecting vital parts of the body so they were mostly made for going up against monsters so that adventurers could use.
Most blacksmiths rarely made heavier armours unless it was requested or if it was specifically made for to be used against humans.
By the time that Franco, Maeve and Jaco had arrived close enough to the enemy group, Noire and Fitz had already stabbed and scratched enough as they jumped around the enemy formation and caused most of them to be wounded.
The first person to be pierced from the spear was on his knees holding his hands over his wound and others had moved around with some difficulty.
Franco removed two daggers and led the charge, one dagger had met the enemies short sword that had a slightly weakened swing behind it due to their injury. "Ha!"
He parried the sword away from his body and closed the distance as his other dagger had pierced into their body.
Maeve stood further behind and pointed her arm towards group of enemies, a small crossbow was aimed away from Franco and was pointed towards someone that was among the enemy group that was trying to attack him.
Just as she was about to open fire upon them to help Franco out a little, a figure had run ahead of her while waving a sword around. "I am coming!"
It was Jaco who had alerted the enemy of their presence by stepping on a something and not watching where he was walking.
He ran directly in the way of Maeve and blocked the path of the bolt that was about to be fired by her. 'What is he…'
Maeve was getting a little annoyed that Jaco was causing so many problems and he was even affecting her own performance.
She tried to reposition herself but it was already too late and Franco had already stopped the attack himself and counterattacked. 'I missed my chance..'
A glare was sent towards the back of Jaco who had reached the enemy group and widely swung his sword around, his sword clashed against the enemies and he fell back. 'Idiot..'
A bolt had flown over Jaco and hit the chest of the person that had a sword raised above their head ready to deliver a finishing blow upon Jaco.
Jaco seemed to have received a fright and remained still where he had fallen until Maeve had shouted in anger. "Jaco! Get up now! Stop messing around!"
Noire and Fitz had taken down two to three people each in a short amount of time due to their quick movements and guerrilla style of combat.
Franco had dispatched two due to him possessing more experience than most others.
Maeve had dealt with one but could have possibly killed or wounded two if it was not for Jaco getting in the way.
Jaco had failed to contribute to the battle but there were still two more remaining among the enemies.
Franco parried the sword with his dagger and cut the arm of the person opposite him which caused them to drop their sword. "No more killing."
A kick landed on the stomach of them that had been the follow up move of Franco, the remaining person that had been left was full of panic and fear so he had turned around to run away.
His order was heard and a bolt had fired towards the legs of the final man that was trying to run away. "Gahh!"