Franco’s Assessment

Franco thought back to earlier and a sigh escaped his lips. 'It sounded like Mallory had a tough time from how she described it but at least she had everyone working together in some way.'

He thought back to the beginning of the mission until later on as he evaluated his team. 'The two new recruits were very helpful this time and they helped us a whole lot to solve problems that appeared.

They worked well together and were fast in their response to any of the crisis we encountered so I cannot fault them. If I had to be critical of them then it would be that they worked best as a duo who were looking out for the group rather than actually being a part of the group.'

Just like Nia, the two other cat people were more familiar with those they had worked with previously since they worked together as a group of three originally.

Having them split up to join a new group had helped to introduce them to others they may be working with in the future if they were able to fit in well enough.

They could not just get rid of their past relationships and experiences that made them used to doing things a certain way so they still needed to find how they could fit into the new group even if they were separated at times.

He continued to think over the others performance. 'As a mercenary.. I would never have brought a kid like Jaco along ever. He is the type to bring trouble to everyone due to his carelessness and cluelessness.

I lost count of the amount of times he had stepped on something or made some mistake that resulted in him making enough noise to draw attention to himself. If it had not been for the talismans and the extra help from the two cat people then we would have been doomed."

Franco saw no good traits in Jaco who had no experience, no skills and nothing else but big hopes and dreams.

There would be chances for such people so long as they worked on themselves and kept striving towards their dreams no matter how big or impossible they seemed.

It was a good trait to have and even Franco recognised that but it would take time for Jaco to get past his flaws.

He lacked decent swordsmanship and fighting abilities so he was little support when it came to a fight but he still ran in recklessly.

His vigilance to his surroundings was severely lacking and his overall stealth or tracking abilities were nonexistent.

There were too many times that he had stepped out into the view of the enemy or had made enough noise to draw attention to himself and those with him.

He would have died many times already if the talismans did not trigger and protect him from sudden ambushes inside the cave.

Even during the times that he recklessly charged forward with no skills and experience of his own, he could have died many times over if it was not for the talismans triggering to protect himself after he made a wrong move.

Bravery was a good thing to have but not when it was completely reckless and could bring harm to oneself and allies.

One last person came to mind as Franco thought to himself. 'Maeve was another troublesome one. It is not that she did anything wrong in particular and carried out her duties as told but it seemed like she could have done more.

It may just be an issue with her being new to the group too so she has yet to find her own place but it would be nice to see her show off more of what she is capable of. She seemed smart enough to notice things around her and notice some problems but she never voiced her opinions.'

Maeve was very observant of her surroundings and adapted well as a supporter role as a temporary position.

She showed a little capability in combat abilities by landing some hits with the mini crossbows and had followed along quietly carrying out her duties.

Maeve did not play a large role in the group and quietly participated like someone in the background that would go unnoticed.

Franco had noticed that she was quick to adapt and learn from those around herself but she did not speak up or take action when there was something that could have been avoided if she had done so.

It seemed like she was better at taking care of herself rather than others so guiding others in things they did not understand things as well as her was something she was lacking in.

If she noticed something early on then it would have been best for the group if she had given a warning or guidance to those involved.

If that did not work out then she needed to have ways to deal with the things she had spotted whether it was preparing beforehand for such unknown variables or simply by cooperating with the group better.

Mallory had later listened to the report and nodded slowly as she looked over the survivors and those around her.

Each aura had been within her eyes and she continued to scan each one.

Each time her gaze passed over each person, her face became much gloomier.