
Mallory was unable to break past and land a clean hit due to them wearing armour too so she retreated after a failed attack.

Valis hit the armour and missed any gaps in it so she had no other option but to disengage from the fight before the enemy closed the distance.

It was her advantage that she was using her spear to provide more distance to stab the enemy but it would be far more difficult for her once they got in a range that made it more difficult to use her spear freely.

After hitting the armour, Mallory retreated by leaping to the side just as a barrier formed to protect her from an ordinary arrow that failed to break through.

She gained a little distance once again covering more ground when she leapt to the side before reaching towards another talisman.

The paper talisman was flicked out towards the attacking enemy she failed to harm.

They were to close a little distance and catch up to Mallory until she suddenly threw out the talisman along with chanting some strange foreign words again. "Flash!"

A blinding light hit the eyes of those close by after the talisman was used causing them to shield their eyes once again or flinch during combat.

Mallory who had retreated had advanced once again as Valis began to be thrust towards the throat of the closest person.

It happened so fast that it was difficult to see within the blinding light that was beginning to clear.

Those who had blurry vision or were covering their eyes had not yet registered what had happened to their ally before Mallory shortened the distance with another.

Valis was thrust towards another throat showing no mercy and hesitation.

Mallory knew that she could no longer hesitate or hold back against the enemy.

Any softness towards them would end up putting her in more danger.

Any thoughts of sparing them or giving them wounds that would disable them was not enough to stop them.

They were not ordinary people who were unfamiliar with pain and persisting through ordinary combat situations.

Each one of them were skilled enough to put pressure on her and wear her down.

If her attacks did not kill them then it would only give them room to recover from the use of potions.

If she kept failing to do enough harm to them which they could recover from then it would not be long before any opportunities she had in the beginning would start to slip away.

It was proven true when she wounded one of them but they recovered fast enough to offer aid to his allies once more without taking a large break.

Through the goggles, Mallory was able to see the large figure approaching again with the large weapon that was swung with very wide swings.

If anyone was hit by it then they would die instantly but there was something that allowed Mallory to overcome it.

The wide swings were slower and more predictable with little change in the path it was being swung so it was very easy to leap or duck down enough to fully avoid it in time.

She escaped unharmed but more arrows kept firing upon her and more tried to surround her.

The pressure was becoming stronger and so was the feeling of danger.

Her adrenaline was increasing along with her heartbeat.

Her emerald green eyes became even more predatory and wild.

Her sharp fangs seemed to look a little sharper and larger.

Her leopard instincts were screaming at her of the danger around her as her spotted leopard ears and tail were positioned in a wary and cautious manner.

The strange surge of adrenaline within her was difficult to suppress in such a state and she felt that she did not want to suppress it in the current situation.

More talismans were scattered in all directions. "Wind Gust!"

The wind based talisman was a type of talisman that could creates gusts of wind, wind blades or other types of attacks or defences.

It depended entirely on the power of the talisman, the property of the spell runes being used and the amount of magic power used to create it.

Any of other talismans were the same in how some types of talismans could be useless and less harmful but if it was used in a larger number or was made into a higher grade talisman then it could begin to show off its potential.

Wind blade was an example for a damage dealing type which could be used to release a single wind blade but it only released the one attack which may not have been that well aimed after being released from the talisman.

They would be perfect for throwing towards a group of unarmed people of a lower level but it would be much easier for others to take the hit or avoid it.

Wind gust was another example of a weak attack that had a wide range, the main issue was that all it really did was knock an opponent back a little and did no real damage to them.

Unless the person hit by it was very weak or off balance then they would not have too much difficulty with it however what took place in the battle was completely different.

So many were thrown out in every direction as Mallory kept chanting to release each one.

One gust of wind hit someone before another came from behind pushing into it building up the power while it was the same in other directions.

It would have been impossible to use that type of talisman to delay anyone but so many of them caused so many that had were just as powerful to be knocked back.

Mallory spotted the weakest point in the encirclement and leapt towards it as Valis was thrust forward once more claiming another life. 'Now I am just burning through my precious talismans…'