Upon returning back to the Seshat Familia in Visa City, Mallory spent a day unconscious recovering and undergoing treatment.
It had been a day since she had participated in the mission which had been successfully carried out.
The City Lord and Goddess Seshat played a very large role in greeting those who had suffered due to the sudden plots that were being carried out.
There were mainly merchant groups among those who had suffered on their way to or from Visa City so many supplies had been given back to them from what had been retrieved.
Other valuables that had belonged to others like nobles and diplomats from inside or outside of the city had their problems handled swiftly too.
The dead that were being counted and identified had left behind the remaining belongings unless they belonged to the bandits or the Bloodhound mercenary group.
Once the dead were identified, efforts were being made to contact any of their relatives to let them know about their demise and to come collect their belongings.
If their bodies could be recovered then they would be able to ensure their family or friends got a proper send off while they were able to keep some of their items as a way of remembering them.
All those preparations were being put in order ready for those bodies and valuables to be collected by their rightful owners.
Any items that would be asked about would be given to those they were confirmed to belong to or those related well enough to the dead to claim them.
If there was any left over then those items would be held for some time before being put towards the city to help handle some financial aid and contribute to some areas that needed to be developed.
Efforts were already being made by the Seshat Familia to help arrange excellent builders and designers to assist with closing up the sole entrance leading outside of the city that could later become a major weakness for the city.
Other funds would be put towards furthering the growth of the poorer districts and helping to support the various local businesses to help renew the cities trade and to help form some kind of community of skilled people that could work together to bring life back into the city.
With new laws and regulations being put in place too, the City Lord was very busy and so were many others especially when they had to handle the fallout from the recent events.
Any merchant groups that had their carriages and people attacked, captured, robbed and killed needed to be informed of the cause of those events and the current status of such incidents being solved.
If it was left too long and no contact had been made to them then it would not be long before they took it as a sign of aggression from Visa City and that it was much too unsafe for them to continue to do any trade with the city.
It was the same with any others who travelled to or from Visa City encountering similar incidents since they could have been ordinary people, nobles or even important individuals who were tasked with handling the relations between other cities.
Having such people go missing or to be caught up in such events would only further damage any kind of relations that could be had within or outside of Visa City.
Meanwhile rays of sunlight came from outside through the window as they entered the small room that was full of books and other materials.
Many sketches were drawn in the shape of runes and magical circles while there were some carvings and engravings in some other areas of the room.
In some other areas were jars of inks, strange dusts, monster materials and even several magic stones.
The rays of light rose up slightly settling on the figure lying on a wooden bed who was lying under a thin blanket.
Once the rays of light touched her face, her brows knit in annoyance as her arm raised up to block it followed by a groan. "Ugh.. I feel like I have a major hangover after a wild night of drinking.."
Her spotted golden leopard ears lowered to show her current emotions which were not good before she pulled the covers over her head to block out the light that shone on her.