Status Update

Mallory had no time to focus on the building of her new weapon Fang yet since her time was quickly taken up by many other visitors.

Each one of them came to check on her condition and wished a quick recovery.

The new recruits started to show off the new markings on their backs which showed the Seshat Familia crest and their status.

Seeing each one that was difficult to read without a god to provide a translated and printed copy, it fuelled Mallory's desire to learn more.

It was not that she wished to peer at her companions status more deeply but she was just genuinely curious towards the status and the various texts contained within them.

Her recent experience had proven that her fast growth had been a great advantage for her but it was not enough.

She needed more than a level or stats to overcome stronger enemies.

In order to do just that, she needed better weapons, magic and other tools to be able to overcome that gap.

Mallory needed to be prepared for just about anything and any possibility.

If her other life had taught her anything then it was to remain vigilant of any possibility.

In a world full of magic, skills and all kinds of races and monsters, there were way too many possibilities for something to go wrong.

The anime or novel depicting the current world was enough to show that one misstep could cause the death of an adventurer unless they had some major luck.

Mallory was sorely lacking in the luck department and it was already very hard to come back alive from her previous battle.

There was no memory of what had taken place but others had told her about her form allowing her to gain some minor insights into it.

It seemed like her current ability was linked to her connections formed with others but there were some conditions involved.

Judging by how the red threads connecting her to others had snapped after her transformation, it seemed that the transformation had taken its toll on the red threads which needed to reconnect again.

From her previous experiences observing the red threads, she could also guess that the red threads signified her bonds with others and who was considered as someone she was close with or considered as a part of her group.

The skill she possessed had a very pack-like name so it helped her identify that those who met the conditions for being a member of her pack would start to be linked to her by thinking red threads.

As her relationship grew with them and the bond became stronger, the more sturdy and thick the red threads would become.

Since the red threads had snapped upon her transformation then it meant that her bonds in number or quality were still far from enough to support her skill to transform.

The red threads had snapped after one short transformation and another transformation seemed difficult to achieve unless her red threads were reconnected and recovered enough.

What Mallory had learned was that she needed to increase her bond and strengthen it further if she ever hoped to repair the damage done.

She spent a little time with each person that visited her observing the snapped red strings between them that had yet to reconnect.

Each one had shown very minute signs of the red strings growing in length once more but it was still quite far from fixing it.

Unless she had a very strong bond with her pack and experienced very strong bonding experiences together beyond simply sitting together chatting in her room, the repair time seemed to be quite long to the point that it could take days or weeks to repair completely.

Learning that allowed Mallory to put an estimated timer on how long it could take to regain the skill to transform again.

Having knowledge over such a skill was very important especially when she needed to know how often she would expect to be able to rely on such a skill in case of emergencies.

As far as she knew, it seemed to activate when she was in danger and her instincts took over her rationality yet there were no other significant triggers spotted for it so far besides those.

The main triggers she could guess for being the main cause was either the feeling of real danger and being pushed to the very edge or another possibility was the drive to protect her pack .

One was a self preservation based theory while the other was towards protecting others other than herself.

It was either one of the two which had triggered her transformation in the end yet it could have been both of them at the same time.

Meanwhile in her room, Mallory was lying down on her front with her back exposed.

Goddess Seshat rested her hands over the back of Mallory as a glow surrounded the Seshat Familia crest on Mallory's back. "Alright, almost done!"

Goddess Seshat took a piece of paper from the side then placed it over Mallory's back while pressing it down over the glowing area until the light dimmed down.

Just as she had finished, she quickly tossed the sheet of paper aside onto another part of the bed before grabbing onto the golden spotted leopard tail within her reach.

Goddess Seshat brought the tail up towards her cheek using it to stroke against her face with a blush forming and a slightly lewd expression. "Hehe.. hehehe.."

Mallory felt the grab of her tail followed by weird fondling and other sensations so she let out a cry. "Nyaaa! S.. stop it!"

Her body moved instinctively and quickly causing Goddess Seshat to fall onto the bed while Mallory moved much further away. "I told you to stop!"

Goddess Seshat put away her previous expression looking almost depressed after being rejected once again. "Ugh.. my dear child. Just one more touch."

Whenever she got the opportunity, she would use it to grab and play with Mallory's ears or tail but those were quite sensitive areas for Mallory.

Mallory's emerald green eyes sharpened as she glared towards her goddess. "No!"

Goddess Seshat looked even more disappointed before brushing it off to move onto the main subject, she picked up the nearby paper observing it and passed it to Mallory. "I have updated your status. From this task you have gained a lot of Excelia.

Of course you said that you still do not wish to grow too quickly so I distributed them all quite evenly this time. Have a look."

Mallory's expression softened a little but quickly became serious once she started observing the paper.

Her emerald green eyes occasionally lifted back up vigilantly towards Goddess Seshat as if she still did not trust her completely.

It felt like if she let her guard down for a single moment, the goddess would surely pounce and take advantage of her again.

She read it all until all of the changes were completely covered.


Name: Mallory

Familia: Seshat

Level: 2

Strength: SSS (1399) | H (150)

Endurance: SSS (1399) | H (150)

Dexterity: SSS (1399) | F (300)

Agility: SSS (1399) | F (300)

Magic: SSS (1399) | B (700)

Development Abilities: [Mystery: I][ ][ ]


Skill: [Apotropaic] [Ω Α] [None]

Magic: [Warding Mirror] [None] [None]

Curses: [None] [None] [None]
