Chapter EIGHT (8)

"You just got your wolf, right?" I nodded. He smiles at me.

"Just picture your human form." He tells me.

I stepped back and pictured myself in my human for and I shifted back to my human self. I ran behind a tree. I was naked. The guy took off his shirt and handed it to me. I put in on and came out from behind the tree. I said,

"Hello, I am so sorry I didn't know this was someone land. My wolf finally let me shift for the first time and I didn't know how to shift back." I tell him.

"Hey, its ok I told the Alpha that we found you and he wants to meet you. So, come on. Let's go." He said to me.

"I am Beta Sawyer, and the other two with us are Gemma Ryder Jones and Delta Roman Jackson, my older brother is the Alpha. Alpha Braxton." He says to me.

We walked about fifteen minutes because I was weak after Zoe left me finally shift. When we get to the re pack house it was huge. Let me tell you it was more like a mansion. Suddenly Zoe got edgy and said, 'mate is near I feel it.' Really Zoe? We were just rejected and banished a few months ago, are you sure you want another mate? Wont he do it to? Zoe laughed, 'No you human of mine he will love us and want us I feel it.' Hope your right Zoe. She said, "have I ever been wrong before Nova, just trust me on this one. I know what Jordan did was wrong. But it was what we needed. This mate is our true mate, the moon goddess says so.' Your right Zoe, you haven't have lied before. But don't leave me again. I was so lost without you. Zoe says, 'I don't plan on leaving again.' Good we better pay attention to where we are going.

We were in the pack house and Sawyer knocks on this door and I hear someone say Enter. I smell coffee and mint and I knew Zoe was right and then Zoe says, 'mate, its him.' I walk into the room with Sawyer, and I see the most handsome man that I have ever laid eyes on. He is 6'6 jet black hair, blueish green eyes, and well built. You can tell by his figure and how he is standing. He turned around and looked up from the papers in his hand and looked at me and smiled and walked over to me.

"MATE." He tells me.

"Mate." I say, but I backed away from him as he keeps approaching me. He looked at me all concerned. I

I turned around and ran out of the room and out of the pack house and sat on the front lawn and started to cry. Braxton runs out after me. He kneels beside me.

"Hey its ok. I won't ever hurt you. I promise. Please don't cry, you make Ari upset and want to hurt something." He said. I just looked at him and chuckled.

"Would you hurt me if I ever made you mad?" I asked him

"Never intentionally, my dear." He said with pure sincerity in his eyes.

"By the way, I am Alpha Braxton, but it's just Braxton or Brax to you. Please know that I would never hurt you, I have been looked for you since I turned 18. I thought I had found you a few months ago, but your scent was so faint, and pull was extremely weak. Which told me you were underage." He tells me.

"How old are you?" I asked.

"I'm 21 and where have you been?" he said.

"Red Eclipse Pack and I just turned eighteen two months ago, but I'm now a rogue. You see I am afraid that you're going to reject me like Jordan did and banish me to." He looked at me completely shocked.

"Why would I do a horrible thing like that?" he asked me. I took a deep breath and told him.

"Well on my 18th birthday I met my mate Jordan the future Beta, but he rejected me because I didn't shift. But Zoe my wolf would not let me shift because my mate was sleeping with someone else. My father who was the Alpha wouldn't listen to me and told me how I was an embarrassment to have in the pack and as a daughter and banished me from my family and pack that night. My wolf Zoe just let me shift today. I have been now living at the cabin I got from the Finlay, but before that I was staying at the Ashville bed and breakfast."

"The new wolf they were talking about introducing to the pack, was you?" I looked at him confused.

"I guess I have been there for two months now." I said to him, and he just smiled.

"I smelled you in the area for two months now and I couldn't find you anywhere. I will never reject you. But what is your name?" he said, I couldn't help but smile, at his words.

"It is Nova Daniels." I tell him.

"Your Alpha Knox's daughter?" I nodded and put my head down.

"Don't be embarrassed or ashamed of that. But I have to tell you something. He said.

"What is it?" I asked

"It was about four months ago I was at your old pack, and I met with your father for an Alliance meeting. Your scent is one I was talking about Nova. So, you're the first Alpha Female and my mate." He says to me with a smile.

"Even though, I had trained and studied to become Alpha, my little brother Easton will get the Alpha title. My father said that women don't get the title of Alpha. So, no I am not the Alpha Female. Sorry." I said. He put his hand on my face so I would look at him.

"I don't care if you are a Female Alpha, Luna or just want to be my mate. I just want you, Nova." He said. Tears started to form in her eyes.

"I Alpha Braxton Lee Waylon of the Himalayan Pack accept Nova Rose Daniels to be my mate and Luna." He said the words I never thought that I would ever hear from a mate. I stood there shocked and took a deep breath.

"I Nova Rose Daniels accept Alpha Braxton Lee Waylon of the Himalayan pack as my mate." I tell him and then this pull or power or something flow through me. Braxton hugged me and gave me a kiss on the forehead.

"Please tell me that you will stay here with me?" He asked.

"Oh, of course. I just must get my things and my car that's by the woods where I shifted." I mentioned.

"I will have the guys take care of it." He tells me.

"Ok that works for me, but where would I be staying?" I asked him and he laughed a little.

"Let me show you." He said.


I had been trying to mink-link my mother about something for about twenty minutes. Apparently, she doesn't see the needs to use it today. So, I was leaving my office to find her when I was caught my mates smell. But it was on Leon. I knew he wasn't cheating on Nora; he loves her with all his heart. I knew I snapped when I slammed him into the wall. But when he said that she is living in his cabin and then is a two-minute run by wolf from here. It is tempting to go and seek a peak at who she is. But like Leon told me she has been though a lot and just need time. She lost her wolf, joyfully we can help her get it back. I am determined to help her get her wolf back if it is the last thing that I do.

I had to go up to my bedroom and take a shower and cool off. Just thinking about Nova who I don't even know what making my skin boil. My wolf was getting out of control, and I needed to get him in control. He wants to protect her. Right now, I don't know how to do that.

I went back down to my office, and I was working on some pack papers that I was getting behind on. I was working on the patrols and border control. When Sawyer mink-linked me.

S: hey Braxton hope you're not busy.

B: Sawyer I am a little busy but what do you need I was in the middle of border and patrol stuff.

S: But I have found your girl and I am bringing her to you right now.

B: Are you certain it is her?

S: She smells like champagne and vanilla and has a faint rogue smell, and she just got her wolf back. She told me.

B: Bring her to my office, how far out are you?

S: Yes, be there in about 10 minutes.

B: Thank you Brother and you're the Best Beta!

S: Your Welcome and Yes alpha.

I am sitting in my office when the smell of champagne and vanilla gets strong and very overpowering. Then Sawyer and Nova walk into my office. Sawyer looks at me and I just nod. I walk over to her and smiled.

"MATE." I say to her.

"Mate." She says but keeps backing away from me as I approach her. She turns around and ran out of my office and out of the pack house and she was sitting out on the front lawn and had started to cry. I darted out after her. I knelt beside her.

"Hey its ok. I won't ever hurt you. I promise. Please don't cry, you make Ari upset and want to hurt something." I told her, she just looked at me and chuckled.

"Would you hurt me if I ever made you mad?" She asked me.

"Never intentionally, my dear." I said with pure sincerity in his eyes.

"By the way, I am Alpha Braxton, but it's just Braxton or Brax to you. Please know that I would never hurt you, I have been looked for you since I turned 18. I thought have found you a few months ago, but your scent was so faint, and pull was extremely weak. Which told me you were underage." I tell her.

"How old are you?" she asked.

"I'm 21 and where have you been?" I said.

"Red Eclipse Pack and I just turned eighteen two weeks ago, but I'm now a rogue. You see I am afraid that you're going to reject me like Jordan did and banish me to." He looked at me completely and utterly shocked.

"Why would I do a horrible thing like that?" he asked me. I took a deep breath and told him.

"Well on my 18th birthday I met my mate Jordan the future Beta, but he rejected me because I didn't shift. But Zoe my wolf would not let me shift because my mate was sleeping with someone else. My father who was the Alpha wouldn't listen to me and told me how I was an embarrassment to have in the pack and as a daughter and banished me from my family and pack that night. My wolf Zoe just let me shift today. I have been now living at the cabin I got from the Finlay, but before that I was staying at the Ashville bed and breakfast." She explains.

"The new wolf they were talking about introducing to the pack, was you?" I tell her. she looked confused and shocked.

"I guess I have been there for two months now." She said to me, and I just smiled.

"I smelled you in the area two months now, but I couldn't find you anywhere. I will never reject you. But what is your name?" I said, she couldn't help but smile, at my words.

"It is Nova Daniels." She tells me. She was that Alpha's daughter from that pack I was at a few months back. But why would be banish her. he could have just arranged for something between us instead.

"Your Alpha Knox's daughter?" I asked. She nodded and put her head down.

"Don't be embarrassed or ashamed of that. But I have to tell you something. I said.

"What is it?" She asked.

"It was about four months ago I was at your old pack, and I met with your father for an Alliance meeting. Your scent is one I was talking about Nova. So, you're the first Alpha Female and my mate." I told her with a smile.

"Even though, I had trained and studied to become Alpha, my little brother Easton will get the Alpha title. My father said that women don't get the title of Alpha. So, no I am not the Alpha Female. Sorry." She said. I put my hand on her face so she would look at me.

"I don't care if you are a Female Alpha, Luna or just want to be my mate. I just want you, Nova." I said. Tears started to form in her eyes.

"I Alpha Braxton Lee Waylon of the Himalayan Pack accept Nova Rose Daniels to be my mate and Luna." He said the words I never thought that I would ever hear from a mate. I stood there shocked and took a deep breath.

"I Nova Rose Daniels accept Alpha Braxton Lee Waylon of the Himalayan pack as my mate." I tell him and then this pull or power or something flow through me. Braxton hugged me and gave me a kiss on the forehead.

"Now that is the most sexist thing and playing favorites, if you ask me. That is not right at all. Sorry to startle you my dear. But my son has been mink-linking me all day about dinner. I am the former Luna Athena, and I am Braxton's mother. "Athena said.

"Luna, its lovely to meet you." Nova said.

"Oh, know dear, I'm not Luna anymore. And from what I hear, there is a new Luna is in town?" She asked Braxton.

"Mother and father this is Nova Daniels my mate and the Future Luna. Once she is ready." I speak.

"Finally, I get a daughter to spoil, can I hug you? Sorry dear but I am a hugger. I am Garrett his dad." Garrett said, Nova laughed, and she gave him a hug. In those few minutes she felt so welcomed and loved by those people she didn't even know. Nova begins to cry.

"Of course, its ok." She said

"Nova what's wrong?" Athena asked.

"You all are so welcoming, and I already feel loved, in just the few minutes have been with you all. But I still miss my mom Luna Everleigh and my dad Alpha Knox before when he actually believed in me." Nova said and just smiled. I wiped her tears away and kissed her forehead and felt the sparks. Man, those were powerful and intense.

"I bet your mom misses you to and I know that I will never replace your mom and Garrett will never replace your dad. But we are here for you. You can call us by our name our mom or dad or whatever you like. Ok sweety?" Athena said.

"My dear Athena is right; we have our boys. Now we have our daughter. Welcome to the family Nova." Garrett says.

"Braxton and Nova I am going to take Athena to start dinner would you like to join us for a welcoming dinner for Nova tonight?" Garrett asked.

"I would love to join you for dinner, you don't have to make it special for me, I don't like the attention. But is Braxton being ok with it." Nova says.

"We will be there mother." I said.

"Good, we will see you soon." Athena said and then they were out the door.

I just looked over at my mate and she was just beautiful. I was so lucky to have Nova as my mate. I pulled her into a hug and then I started to kiss her soft lips. The soft kiss turned into a passionate and heated kiss. That lead into a heated make-out session.

I had her sitting on top of my desk while I was kissing her. The shirt she was wearing was hiked up I was rubbing my hands along her thighs. I was kissing along the side of her neck, and she moaned. I knew I had to stop, or I was going to mark her right here and now on top of my desk in my office. I pulled back and ran my hands through my hair.

"Braxton what's wrong? What's did I do?" she asked me.

"If I don't control myself, I will mark you before you're ready." I said and she giggled.

"Oh, ok that makes sense." She said.

"Sweetheart will you stay with me tonight?" I asked

"Ok but I need my jeep picked up from where I shifted and what about my cabin?" she asked

"Well, I have my alpha floor here, but people still bug me. Do you have space for an office?" I asked.

"I have a library and a study. You should look at it." She said

"Nova did you buy or rent the cabin?" I asked her.

"I wanted to buy, but the Finlay's gave it to me. I still want to pay them. I have money." She told him

"What do you mean you have money." I asked her.

"Braxton, I'm not poor. I have 2.5 million dollars in a safe. I worked growing up and saved everything I ever earned. From my jobs to my allowances and my inheritance from my grandmother." She told him. I looked at her shocked.

"Wow my mate is smart. If you would like I could pack some stuff and come stay with you? I can sleep on the couch, stay in a spare bedroom. I just want to be with you." I addressed to her.

"I would like that, but don't we have a family dinner to attend to. I am starving." She said though a laugh and her stomach growled.

"Yes, we do." I said and we laughed together.