Chapter THIRTY (30)


"Well since everyone still things that we are currently on the airplane and won't be home for a few more hours I have an idea, Babe." I said, and he smiled genuinely.

"Hmm... and just what would that be love?? Nova asked.

"It deals with shopping and lots of shopping!" I said with a smile and Nova just looked at me and gave me this weird look.

"But you hate shopping Braxton." She said, which is technically true.

"Not when it comes to you and definitely when it comes to the pups and our family Nova. Besides this is for our Pup Announcement and it needs to be epic." I said with a smile and kissed my mate.

"You are sneaky and devious man. But that is just one of the many things that I love about you." Nova said. She kissed him and said, "I love you."

"I love you to Nova and always will." I said and he kissed Nova again. That is something that he just cane seem to live without. Is feeling his lips touch hers.

They got into his truck and headed to the shopping mall. It is a gigantic shopping mall, it's more of a shopping center then mall. It was still within our territory but outside of town. When they arrived, I took her to Epic Designs. Once they arrived inside the Epic they began to look around. As they were looking around, they found a tun of stuff that would be able to be customized for an announcement. They ended up getting onesies for themselves for their babies. T-shirts for everyone else. The owner of the store helped them with the ordering, preparing the order, purchasing the order, and boxing the order. He even labeled the ones that are being mailed with postage and labeled to who they are going.

"Now you two come back when you find out what you're having, and I will make more onesies, t-shirts, wall décor, bottles and stuff for the nursery for the pups." The store owner DW (David Wayde) said.

"Thank you we will DW, you can count on that." I said.

"Anything for my Alpha and Luna." DW said. We nodded, shook his hand. Then Nova and I gathered all of the boxes and headed out to the truck.

I started to drive, and I knew we were planning on telling our families together. So, I mind-linked my mother Athena, my father Garrett, my brother Sawyer, and his mate Rory. Our best friends Leon and Nora.

B: Hello family, were on our way to the house. Could you all please me us at mine and Nova's house in like 20-25 minutes please?

N: Yes, I will be there. Do you want your normal 2 pizzas, Pepperoni, and cheese? Nova wants one with everything. Right?

B: Yes, Nora thank you. I appreciate how you knew I was going to ask.

N: No problem. I will make them and bring them out give me 15-20 minutes.

B: Thank you.

A: I am here waiting for you and Nova.

G: Here with your mother.

B: Thank you mom and dad. We just need to see you all.

S: We are on our way but, it okay if we bring the twins? The nanny is off.

B: Yes, bring my niece and nephew, we have missed them to.

R: Ok, we will be there in a few.

L: He I just got off of Patrol. I am a muddy mess. I'm grabbing a shower really quickly and then I will be there.

B: Ok, I am not going to ask what happened. But see you soon.

L: Two newbies on patrol decided to fight and I had to break it up. its handled.

B: Thank havens for you Leon. We are almost home see you all in a few.

I closed the mine-link and looked over at Nova and she was just looking out the window.

"Brax, are you ok? You looked spaced out." She said, sounded concerned.

"Of course, I was mind-linking the family to meet at the house. But I know that your family isn't able to be here. So, I am going to stop by the postal station, and we are going to mail the packages. Then I thought that we could call your mom." I said with an ecstatic smile.

"Thank you so much, Braxton. I love you." She said as she kissed me.

They left shopping center and headed for the postal station to mail her families gifts. At the postal station Braxton went into the Post and mailed the gifts. He comes out and gets into the truck and kisses Nova with pure love, admiration, and passion. Then says, "You ready to call your family babe?"

"Yes, I am more than ready. Let's do this." She said, as she picks up her phone and dials her mother's phone number. It rings three times before she answers.

---------------------------Nova's Phone call with her mother & family-------------------------------------------

(Everleigh-Mom, Knox-Dad, Easton-Brother and Violet-SIL/Best Friend)

E: Hello Nova, I missed you. How was Hawaii?

N: Hello Mom, I have missed you to, and Hawaii was great.

E: That's wonderful Nova. It is so good to hear from you. I was just sitting here with your father, and we were just talking about when you kids were little.

N: That's great mom. But can you turn your camera on?

E: Of course, is everything ok?

K: Nova what the hell is going on? Your mother looks worried?

N: Dad just turn the camera on please. I came ok I promise.

K: Ok kid. (He turns the camera on.) There's my not so little girl anymore.

E: She is far from little Knox, she is Alpha-Luna now. (Dad nodded with a huge smile)

N: hi dad. Could you get Easton and Violet please?

K: Just mind-linked them and they are on their way.

East: Dad what did you need you said it was important?

K: (Knox help up the phone) Your sister called and wanted to talk to us all.

East: Glad you call sis.

V: OH MY GOD NOVA, I have missed you so damn much. I am so sorry that I missed the wedding. Please forgive me.

N: Violet, you were about to give birth. And if I am not mistaken Easton left right before we did because two very special pups decided they wanted to share their special day with us. So, I completely understand. I love you both and those pups.

B: Congratulation's on the pups' births. Did you get our gifts for your twins? I sent it before we left for our honeymoon

East: Yes, thank you. We loved the clothes and customized bottles and wall décor for the nursery.

B: Hey us Alpha's have got to stick together. Besides were family after all.

E: Nova, Braxton what is going on. You are making me worried.

N: First I want to say that everything is fine, and I am ok. So, you don't need to worry.

B: We wanted to let you know that we made it back from Hawaii safe and sound first. And second, I wanted to thank you for everything that you have done for us, to be where we are today. But things are exactly how we planned.

K: What are you taking about?

N: Before you say or ask anything else just look at the picture. (She shows a picture of the ultrasound that shows pup 1 and pup 2.)

From Everyone: Oh my god your pregnant!

K: I am going to be a grandpa and to twins again, I am so happy Nova and Braxton.

E: Yes, more twin grand pups. I am so proud of you both, I love you. I will see you soon when we visit.

N: Yes, I know. I wanted you all to know before you all get your gifts in a couple of days in the mail.

E: I can't believe you're really having a baby and two at that.

N: Yes, and I am excited.

B: Dr Eli things she is out of danger territory for miscarriage but wants her to still be careful. Because her pregnancy is moving at a fast pace. With us both being Alphas.

East: Big sis, I can't be happier for you. I love you and will see you as soon as I can I love you. (Crying in the background) Well dad duty calls. Talk to you soon.

V: Nova out kids will grow up together, maybe from different packs. But they are still family. They will be able to play together. Yes, and as Luna of this pack there will always be an alliance with you.

B: Agreed we are family, and that will never change.

N: we will try and see you soon.

V: how about we visit you, Like for your baby shower. I am sure you r MIL and your mom will plan one.

E: You bet we will, and I can't wait.

B: Just don't tell her yet, they are next, they don't know yet. (They nodded)

N: Well, we will find out what there are in about 2 ½ weeks so let's do it in 4 weeks.

E & V: Perfect.

V: I have to go and help East with the twins. We will see you soon, Love you.

N: Love you to.

K: You look tired sweety. Have you been sleeping?

N: I have but, we just flew in today and went to the doctors. Then to the mall to get gifts, them mailed them and called you guys.

K: It's just your mother and I, how about you give us a call when you get some rest.

E: Yes, please, you look Exhausted.

N: I love you both.

B: I love you guys.

K & E: We love you both, stay safe and see you soon.

---------------------------End of phone call---------------------------------------------------------------


I felt a little more relaxed since I talked with my family about the babies. As we were driving home Braxton was holding my hand. It made me feel peaceful and calm. I didn't know that Dr. Eli had told him that. I am glad that he did. But I am still going to take thing extra precautionary this time. We finally pulled into our driveway of our house. We got out of the car and grabbed the gifts and headed into the house. That is where I smelled pizza and not any pizza, but the pizza from Nora and Leon diner. I love their pizza. I didn't even tell Braxton I was hungry for their pizza. I have been craving in the last few days.

"Hey everyone, were home." Braxton said as we walked into the living room and saw everyone, and they all just looked at us and smiled.

"Braxton, we are happy that you two made it home safe and sound. But what is so urgent that you wanted us all to meet you when you first got home?" Athena asked.

"We are going to give each of you a box, but you can't open it until everyone has theirs, ok?" Braxton said.

"Ok" they all said confusedly. Nova and I started to pass out the gifts.

"Since you know all have your gifts, please open them." I said.

Everyone opens their gifts and one by one shocked looks on their faces started to appear. Athena looks at her gift and it says Grandma of Future Alpha Twins. She had tears in her eyes. Garrett looked at his and it said Grandpa of Future Alpha Twins. He looks at Braxton and smiled and nodded happily. Sawyer and Rory both looked at theirs and it said Proud Uncle of the Future Alpha Twins. They smiled and showed the twins. But the twin showed them their shirts. Future Betas twins to the Alpha Twins. Sawyer and Rory, we are happy and shocked at the same time. Leon and Nora looked at theirs and it said Proud Godparents of the Future Alpha Twins. Leon was shocked and Nora just smiled. She already saw it coming.

"Your pregnant? Really pregnant?" Everyone asked.

"Yes, we are!" I said

"This is amazing news; I have to call your mother. Oh no. Does she know?" Athena asked.

"Yes, my mother knows and please call her. She is expecting you two to plan a baby shower."

"Consider it done, with Nora's help of course." Athena said.

"Yes, I am definitely helping with this. I am so happy Nova." Nora said.

"So, it seems that we were pregnant approximately 1 ½ -2 weeks before we got married. Neither of us knew or could sense it." I said.

"What?" Garrett said.

"Thankfully, I didn't drink any alcohol at the ceremony or over the honeymoon." I said.

"Nova, I couldn't tell that you were pregnant. Just that you were sick. I felt it over your honeymoon." Said Nora.

"Yeah, I didn't know what was wrong with me at first. I figured it had to do with something that I ate. But then to be seasick. That is crazy. I love being in the water and on a boat. I have gone on boats every summer since I could walk. The day before we left Zoe told me that I was with a pup. I thought she was crazy. So, I took the home test from my purse, and it was positive." I said

"Babe how many home tests besides that one did you take?" Braxton asked.

"Four, they were in my bag. But I didn't pack them. Plus, I wanted to be sure. The one could be a false positive. When we got home today. Braxton got me into see Dr Eli and he confirmed it. I am almost 4 weeks. But my pregnancy is moving twice as fast with us both having alpha blood. So, I am technically 12-13 weeks. We go back in two weeks to find out what we are having." I said

"Nova, I knew how many was in your bag I packed it. I saw a vision. But I didn't think it would happen this quick." Nora said.

"Really?" Both Braxton and I ask at the same time.

"Yes, so relax. Plus, I can't see what they are yet. But I can see two healthy pups in the end." Nora says. That does help me relax some.

Everyone enjoyed some pizza, salad with the fixings, desserts, and soda. I was tired and dozed off on the couch. I had a dream where I was at a park with a little boy and girl who was calling me mom. They kept asking me to push them on the swings. The little girl looked so much like me, and the little boy looked so much like Braxton. The dream started to fade away. Maybe this was a sign of what the babies were and that they were going to be okay in the end.


"Hey Braxton wait up." Nora said, with a determined look on her face.

"What's up Nora?" I asked.

"Listen Nova will give birth to two healthy babies, and they will both be Alpha's. They won't fight each other for the pack. They will Run it together. Your daughter's mate is from here and her best friends is your son's mate. They will be set to take over when you step down." Nora said.

"That's amazing news. I can't wait till there here. Hell, I can't wait till you and Leon have children of your own." I said.

"(She laughed) Are you sure about that one?" Nora asked.

"Why wouldn't I be? We are all best friends." I said.

"I see visions of the future Braxton. Give me your hand. (He hands her his hand) You see what I see?" Nora asked. She showed him the birth of her son Zac Price the birth of her daughter Tori Lake. The death of their real parents. There is adoption. Little visions of them playing with a set of twins a boys and girls. Images of the four as they grow older to where they find their mates at 18. Then Braxton let go of her hand.

"Your children and mine will be mated together?" I asked shocked.

"Yes, I've seen it. But mine are adopted as you can tell and that they are one year older. But it doesn't matter. They are coming. They still have alpha blood in them. There packs are from another country. They're going to be here soon. Please welcome them. I can't have children." Nora said.

"Absolutely, Nora. Anything you need. You need a nursery or whatever set up. Tell Brock to set it up immediately. We are going to be family after all." I said.

"Just promise me that they will figure this out on their own." Nora said

"Absolutely, we can't interfere with fate." I said.

"We also need to try and keep Nova as relaxed, and calm as can be throughout this pregnancy. We don't want to stress her out anymore then we need to." Nora said.

"Don't tell me something that I don't already know. Dr. Eli and I have already had a long talk about this. keeping her calm is the only thing I want to do right now. It is what is best for her and the babies." I said.

"Glad you know what to do." Nora said.

"Yes, I have been given instructions on what I should be and not be doing. Don't worry we got this. I am sure she would love your company though." I said.

"I'm sure she would. But we are flying out tomorrow remember. You approved our 2 ½-3-weeks off." Nora said. She just gave the look.

"Ah yes, safe travels and we will see you soon." I said. They nodded and I headed back towards my mate.

After getting all of that information from Nora. I was surprised. She is going to England to the River Forest Pack in East side to get there little boy, then traveling south to the Golden Pearl Pack to get their little girl. This should take them about 2 ½-3-weeks till they get both of their children and get home. It will be exciting.