From the Author

Note From the Author,

Thank you for taking the time to read my very first book. I really hope you enjoyed it. Please let me know what you think. Also let me know if you want to hear about any of the other character's stories. I may do a book to go along with this in the future. Not sure yet.


Luna Becky


This book is dedication to my family who has put up with me over that last year with my writing process. I know my kids have enjoyed hearing some parts about this story. Thank you to my supportive husband and children for giving me the courage to keep at it when I thought I couldn't write anymore. For that I love you all, more than I already do.


Book 2 coming soon. Want to see more of Alpha Brock and Sylvie. Well, you're in luck their story in the works right now. Will be uploading the very first few chapters soon. Hope you like it. Also, what do you guys think of series? I have idea for a Book 3 as well It would be about one of Nova and Braxton's babies in the future. What do you think. Let me know.