Chapter THIRTEEN (13)

The council meeting is between me and the seven Elder Members who are alphas. The meeting with Sawyer and Rory is with two of the Elder Members. We go into the building, and we all walked up to the front desk there was a gentleman there he looked up.

"Alpha Garrett, What a surprise. What brings you in to the council today?" He asked.

"Hello Ace Caspian, it is good to see you. I have a meeting with the Elders at 9 a.m. and my son's meet with Elders Dakota Wade and Royce Porter, when my meeting is finished." I said. He looks down at the book and nods his head.

"Yes, that is correct you do. Are your sons going with you to your meeting?" He asked.

"Yes, that is fine with me." I said.

"You two can come, but I would suggest you be more of witness and only answer if your asked questions. So, it goes well for your meeting. Just trying to help." He said

"Thank you, Ace." We said as we nodded our heads.

"Please follow me, they are ready for you." He said.

We all followed him down the hall and to the last room on the right. It was huge. We walked in and all the elders were sitting up at the bench in from the room. The room looked like a court room. From right to left sits, Alpha Josiah Preston, Alpha Declan Nash, Alpha Caden Griffin, Alpha Dakota Wade, Alpha Edwin Tate, Alpha Kade Lawson, and Alpha Royce Porter. They are the Elders members that make the council.

"Good morning, Alpha Garrett, can you tell why you have requested this meeting on such short notice?" Declan said.

"Recently my son Alpha Braxton found his mate Nova Daniels. She was rejected by her first mate.

"Alpha no disrespect may be rejected by your mate is no reason to call the council." Royce said

'Wait a minute did you say the last name Daniels, as in Alpha Knox Daniels. Would that be her father? Josiah asked.

"Yes, she is his daughter. You are right Royce; I did not contact you about the rejection. Jordan wasn't her true mate. Braxton is. However, why her father did that night was uncalled." I said.

"What did he do?" Dakota asked.

"He banished her on the night of her 18th birthday after she couldn't shift." I said.

"But Nova first in line to be the Alpha of the Red Eclipse Pack?' Kade asked.

"No, her father refuses to give her the title because she is a girl, so he is giving it to her brother Easton. But the issue is that the Beta is going to name Nova as beta when he steps down instead of his son. Because he doesn't believe that his son is for the title.

"Yes, we approved Beta Charlie's requests on passing it to another candidate of his choosing as long as he/she will benefit the pack." Edwin said.

"His son Jordan, was her mate and rejected her publicly, caused her wolf to go into hiding. He wolfs has since come back, but her father believed that Nova would have a target on her back once the title was given to her. So that is why he did what he did." I said

"That is still no excuse, all alpha's first born are to receive the alpha title if the possess the gene and we already know that she has that gene. It doesn't matter if they are a boy or girl. But he should have contacted us to get the approval for the title change and banishment for he did it." Josiah said

"Did Alpha Knox bring thing to our attention for approval or even that to let aware of the situation?" Caden said

"No not that I have seen." Edwin said.

"My son Braxton doesn't care if Nova is just his Luna, or is she is an Alpha to. She is his mate and is his equal no matter what. My mate Athena informed me that when I return that they are having the Luna celebration for her." I said.

"Fellow Elders what do you think we should do in the matter of Alpha Knox? Kade asked.

"As a mother a both a girl and a boy I can see where is coming from to a point. But I think Nova should still get her title even if she doesn't want to return to the pack." Dakota says

"A motion for Nova to receive her title say I." Caden said.

"I' said Josiah.

"I" said Declan.

"I" said Dakota.

"I" said Edwin.

"I" said Kade.

"I" said Royce.

"I and let the I's have it." Cade said.

"Alpha-Luna Nova Sky Daniels the Future in the Wayland family we all hope." Josiah said.

"Oh yes, I see it happening, soon. My son can't keep his eyes off of her." I said

"Young mate love, its powerful." They all said.

The meeting was over and five of the elders left the room. Leaving only Royce and Dakota. Along with myself with Sawyer and Rory. They were a lot calmer than I thought that would be.


The ride here wasn't too bad, as we slept most of it. The lady at the from desk of the hotel was a little rude. But nothing we can't handle. I mink-linked Braxton when dad and Rory were asleep.

S: Hey Braxton, just wanted to let you know we made it. All checked into the hotel.

B: Hey Sawyer, that's good to hear. How is everything going?

S: Good, both dad and Rory are passed out cold sleeping and I can't sleep naturally.

B: Isn't that how it always goes in a strange place for you thought?

S: Yes, that is what normally happens. So, what is going on back home?

B: Well, today I met Nova's wolf, and she met mind. Everything is perfect.

S: Man, that's great.

B: When you guys get back, I want to have her Luna ceremony.

S: About time brother. Ha-ha- I'm kidding. That is a great idea.

B: Thank you, I left a message for Elder Royce to perform the ceremony, like they're supposed to. I want it to be him and dad.

S: That would be great Braxton.

B: Are you nervous about tomorrow?

S: Not like I was before we left home today. I am ready to get it over with and head home.

B: I will tell you there not that bad. Just be yourself little brother... I love you.

S: I love you too big brother and thank you

B: Your welcome and good night, Sawyer get some sleep.

S: Night Braxton.

I woke up to my day shaking my arm saying that we had to leave in a half an hour to the meeting. I didn't fall asleep till after 3 a.m. I just didn't want to get up, but I knew that I had to. We all got showered and dressed. We headed out the door to the council building.

Dad's meeting was up first. I was thankful that we got to sit in and watch to see how the council works. It is amazing on how they work and what all they do. It is meeting was quick and to the point. Then it was our turn. My nerves hit me like a ton of bricks. I remembered Braxton's words just be yourself little brother and it seemed to help relax me.

"Next on agenda is with you two young men over there. Please step forward." Royce said. They got up from their chairs and walked up to where I was standing.

"Good afternoon, Alpha Dakota and Alpha Royce, my mate Rory and I have come here with the application petition for adoption of a child or children. However, in order for it to be aloud it needs the approval of the council." Sawyer Said.

"Well, I am impressed. Are you two are ready to be parents? Dakota asked

"Yes mam? I do, I learned from the best. I had Alpha Garrett and Luna Athena as parents, and they taught me how to respect others. How to take on responsibility. I mean we are the Betas to the pack. My pack is my family, I make sure everyone is safe when there is a problem I go out and fix it. I also learned from my brother. Family is what makes your life worth living. Rory and I need this." Sawyer says.

"Do you think you have what it takes?" Royce asked

"Yes, sir We do! We wouldn't be here with the application if we didn't. We want this more than anything. Everyone else can have children. Why can't we? They are so many children in out of the werewolf orphanages and we just want to give them a loving home so they can grow up happy, healthy and feel the family life that Sawyer got. My mother died when I was little, and I never saw my dad. I vowed to never treat my child or any child like that." Rory said. The elders looked at one another.

"Before you give them your answer, just let me say one thing." Garrett said.

"Yes of course Garrett" Royce said.

"These boys wear their hearts on their sleeves. They maintain the orphanages daily. Rory had been giving his wages that he earns to them to support all of the kids, so they have learning materials, food, clothing, toys, and so much more. He even made plans with his brother to have a new and bigger orphanage built for them. These boys are one of a kind. They will make great parents. Athena and I would be happy to help them every step of the way." Garrett said. They nodded.

"Just give Elder Dakota and I a moment or two to discuss this." They said.

They left the room and about five minutes later that came back into the room. But it seemed like all the air in the room had been sucked out. And no one of could breathe until one of them spoke.

"Your Petition for Adoption Application order in question, the other Elders and I have discussed, and we have decided that the best decision is to grant your application. We all feel that it is the right decision. The rest of the Elders agree too. Congratulations." Royce said. They looked shocked

"Thank you so much, Thank you all for everything. For my mate and I and with my dad and my brothers mate Nova. You're all amazing. Thank you." Sawyer said.

'Well thank you for your kind words. Safe travels back home guys. See you soon. For the Luna Ceremony." Royce said.

"Yes, we wouldn't have it any other way. See you soon Alpha Royce." Rory said.

We left the room and walked out of the council building. I stopped and I just I looked at my dad and I just hugged him. I knew that he knew that everything was going to be ok today. He kept saying it all along. I just didn't believe it by myself.

"What was that for?" he asked.

"Thank you, dad, for everything, you said it would all be ok, and it was. I just needed to give my dad a hug." Sawyer said.

"Sawyer, everything always works out because we have each other and our family for support." Rory said. I hugged him.

"Let's go to the hotel and get out stuff and checkout dad. I really want to just go home." Sawyer said.

"You read my mind kid" Garret said.

They went to the hotel, and they packed their stuff. It wasn't much at all. It was only a night's worth of clothes and toiletries to pack. But they wanted to make sure that they had everything. Once they check and double checked and triple checked at dad's request. They went down to the main desk. There was a gentleman working this time.

"Hi checking out?" he asked.

"Yes, a day early I know. Sorry change of plans." Garrett said.

"Oh, it is no problem, Alpha Garrett. Here you go and here is your refund of $184. Oh, ok thanks." He said and we walked outside. There was a homeless man searching garbage for food.

"Guys hold on a second." He said. He walked up to the homeless man.

"Excuse me Sir?" Garrett said, the guy looked scared.

"H-Hi, I-I'm sorry." The homeless man said.

"No reason to be sorry, here is $184 get yourself some food. Ok?" He said.

"T-thanks you sir." The homeless man said.

"You're Welcome." Garrett said. The homeless man walked away.

"Dad that was very kind of you." Sawyer said and Rory nodded his head.

"Paying it forward boys." Garrett said.

We all headed toward the car and got in. Dad got into the drivers' seat. So, Rory and I got into the back seat again. Dad, drove with a lead food this time. We made it home within 3 hours. His was speeding home. I know that he missed mom. But more importantly he really wanted to talk to my brother about what was going to happen with Nova. She had no idea that we were even going to the Elder Council on her behalf. Hopefully, she won't be to upset or mad about it. Only time will tell once we get back home. After we got home, we got out stuff from the car. Dad heads into the house and Rory put his hand on my arm.

"Sawyer wait a minute." Rory says.

"Rory babe, everything ok?" I asked.

"Yes Sawyer, everything is better than fine. But I was thinking, and I know that we have only just been approved for the adoption process. But before we bring a child into our lives, we need to find a home first. Don't you think?" Rory asked.

"You know what Rory? That is a wonderful if not the greatest idea I have ever heard." I said

"You really think so?" he asked.

"Of course, but I might have a solution already."

"Oh yeah, tell me more." He said.

"Well, when my grandparents died, they gave Braxton and I their house." I said.

"That big house behind the pack house?" he asked.

"Yes babe, that's the one. But Braxton is planning on staying in the cabin and expanding it when they have pups. Nova bought that all on her on, after her father did what he did, Braxton won't take that from her. He wasn't to expand it with her. I think she will let him in the future, especially if they have pup." I said.

"WOW, which is a beautiful house. I remember being there when I met your grandparent before they passed away." He said.

"Well, what would you say if I told you that Braxton already gave me permission to live there with you?" I said

"I would die a happy man; know seriously I would be excited, thrilled, and delighted. Why are you asking?" He asked me.

"Because our stuff has already been moved into the new house." I tell him and he just looked at me shocked and grabbed a hold of my shirt and kissed me with all the passion and love that a mate could give.

"I love you Sawyer Waylon." Rory said.

"I love you too, Rory Waylon, now let's go home." I said