Chapter SEVENTEEN (17)


I was honestly surprised but the punishments that she laid upon both our dad and Jordan. I would have done so much worse to the both of them. It took me a few hours by wolf to get home. The first I did when I got home was find my mate Violet. I missed her. Seeing my sister happy makes me want mine more. I walk up behind her and wrap my arms around her and give her a hug and kiss my mark on her neck and I smell her oranges and sunflowers scent it was slightly different, I turn her around and she is full of smiles, and I noticed she looked different.

"Violet, what's going on?" I asked her. she had tears in her eyes.

"Come with me and I will show you ok, its nothing bad I don't think. Just let me show you this why. I finished it today." She said I nodded

"Ok anything for you my love," I said.

We headed to the elevator and headed up to the alpha floor. We walked past our master sweet to the next room which was a guest room. We walked into the room and there were two cribs both white, two changing tables, two dressers, two rocking chairs, half the room is blue, and half the room is pink. I was confused for a minute. Then it hit me. her scent changed. Her stomach it bigger and then she has the nursery done. I look at my mate.

"Your pregnant with my pup?" I asked her.

"Pups, there is two, one boy and one girl." She said.

"I and going to be a dad and you're going to be a mom; I can't believe it. I am so happy Violet. I love you." I said.

"Good I am glad, and I love you to, how was your trip, how Nova?" she asked

"She is good, she is Alpha-Luna, and she is happy. He wants to marry her, I see it." I said

'That's great, she will be a great mom." She said

"I know I can't wait for that to." I said

I grabbed my phone and sent Sky a text message.

E: Hey Sky guess what Violet and I are having a pup or pups. One boy and one girl. Oh, I made it back ok. Love you sis.

N Little Brother that is great. Guess I will have to start calling you little dad instead of little brother.

E: Your funny, Love you sis

N Love you too.

I went into my office and Jordan was doing paperwork. Jordan has no idea what is instore for him. I sent a mink-link to Charlie and Beau.

E: Charlie & Beau please come to my office.

C: On my way

B: Be right there

So, I sit here and wait for those two to come into my office. I looked at paperwork that Jordan was supposed to have done while I was gone, and it wasn't. I was gone for two-weeks, and he didn't do any of the paperwork that needed to be completed. He isn't even worth getting upset over anymore. There was a knock at the door. Jordan looks up and he doesn't look happy, he looks annoyed.

"Expecting someone Easton?" he said

"Its Alpha Easton and yes, I am. Please come in." I said. Jordan looked shocked at what I said. Beau came into my office followed by Charlie and they both sat down in the chairs on the other of my desk and Jordon comes over and leans against the wall like he owns the place.

"Hello father, hi Beau" Jordan said to them.

"Hello son, Hello Alpha Easton" Charlie said.

"Beta Jordan, Alpha Easton." Beau Said.

"I brought the three of you here to discuss Nova Sky Daniels." I said Jordan got a smug look on his face.

"What about her she was banished remember?" Jordan said. Garrett walked into the room at that very moment.

"Jordan, you know exactly well that I have removed that banishment, no if I could only find my daughter, I would bring her home." Garrett said.

"Well dad, we were discussing Nova." I said

"Please continue. I'm sorry to interrupt." Garrett said. He was interested to see what his son had to find out.

"Now as you may know, I went out to seek alliance with another pack. Well, that particular pack happened to be where I would find my sister who just happened to be having an Alpha-Luna Ceremony." I said

"Seriously? I am happy for her, she deserves it." Garrett asked

"Yes dad, I am not kidding, and I attended the ceremony and I even spoke with Elder Royce. He wasn't too happy with you dad, but he understood and you're not in trouble with the elder's dad." I said

"That's good I guess." Garrett said

"What's the big deal about her being an Alpha-Luna anyways-she is just some weak she wolfs" Jordan said.

"You are a stupid wolf who needs to learn his place. Boy you're an idiot. I raised you better than that. She holds more power than anyone here. she is right below the Alpha King and Luna Queen." Charlie said with disappointment in his son.

"Oh, one more thing, the elders said that with all the trauma that Beta Jordan and Former Alpha Garrett caused her she can put down their punishment. The elders have agreed to what it is. Beta Jordan Pop, you are forced to stay with your chosen mate no matter what ever happens, and you are hereby stripped of your Beta title, and you can choose between head solder or head warrior." I said.

"Are you serious, you can't do that." Jordan said

"I can and I did, your dismissed Jordan, you can Sadie need to move out of the Beta wing within the next two-hours." I said.

"But she is pregnant and can't lift." Jordan said.

"Get your new warrior or soldier friends to help you, because I don't care right now." I said. Jordan stormed out of my office.

"Beau Davidson, do you accept the responsibility of this pack as your own and do you accept the Beta position as it is being offered to you?" I asked him. He looked at Charlie and then at me, we both nodded at him.

"What did Nova say, about this. Because this was her position? Charlie asked.

"She chose Beau." I said, Beau looked up and without another thought he accepted.

"I accept. If Nova thinks I can do it, then I definitely accept the position. Charlie would you be willing to show me the ropes of what needs to be done?" Beau asked.

"Of course, Nova chose a good won Easton." Charlie said.

"That she did, now dad your punishment." I said

"Yes, what is it" Garrett said

"She wants you to go to the Himalayan pack and explain to her face why you did what you did. Because if you don't you will never get to know your future grand pups. No, she isn't pregnant. She won't hesitate to write you out of her life for good. But any punishment she could give you hurts one of the people who matters most to her." I said

"Your mother" Garrett said.

"Exactly, Well I better plan I trip to see her." he said

"That would be a clever idea dad." I said

I was in my office alone and I got a knock on the door, and it was Jordan slowly came in the room. He looked at me with deep sorrow and sympathy in his eyes. He had compassion and regret all over his face.

"Alpha Easton can I talk to you." Jordan asked.

"What do you need Jordan?" I asked him.

"I am sorry for how I acted earlier, I wanted to apologize to you. But more importantly I wanted to apologize to Nova."

"Warrior or Soldier Jordan decision first, we go from there." I said.

"Well. I have always wanted to be a warrior since I was little." He said.

"Now you can be. There just happened to be an opening for the head warrior since the position is now open. It is yours if you would like it." I said.

"Yes, I would very much so Alpha." He said

"Very well then, when my father goes to visit my sister, go with him. You need the closure as much as she does. I will inform her. This will help both of you. Just so you know she is marked and mated now." I said.

"Is she happy with Alpha Braxton?" he asked.

"Yes, very much so." I said

"Good" he said and walked out of my office.


I deserved a worse punishment that what I was given. But to still even be allowed in the pack is an honor. I was surprised when the warriors had helped Sadie movie to the new house. It was appreciated. She wasn't mad at all. She was happy and proud that I was a warrior and head warrior at that. I was shocked. I mentioned everything to Sadie, and she didn't care. We would get through it. She did agree that closure would be best. That I needed to go with her father when he goes to see her.


I wish I knew where my daughter was, I have been searching for her for months and I still can't find her anywhere. My wife who is my mate still is mad at me. she hardly talks to me. I smelled her and she walked into the library where I was currently at with Easton.

"Hello Dad" Easton said.

"Son your home." I said.

"Hi Hun, Easton and I needed to speak with you about something." Everleigh said

"Ok, what is it? You both already hate me as it is right now. I can't find her. I'm sorry." I said. But I was interrupted but Easton and my mate.

"Stop it!" both Everleigh and Easton said.

"Yes dad, stop I know where she is, and I have known." Easton said to his dad.


"I asked him not to, she didn't want you to know where she was." Everleigh said

"But I am her father. Have you spoked to her?" I asked.

"You are her father who called her an embarrassment and who was ashamed of her. you called her a liar in front of the pack and banished her on her birthday." Easton said

"I did it for her protection." I said

"I have spoken to her on the phone, but she called from a private number and it's not traceable, I've tried. She didn't want to speak to you when she called that day." Everleigh said.

"Well, she didn't know that, Garrett." Everleigh said.

"She does now. But there is something you need to know about her dad." Easton said.

"What it is? Is she ok?" I asked.

"Yes, she is more than ok, she received her Alpha title. The Elder Council gave it too here. She is Alpha-Luna Nova Sky Daniels of the Himalayan pack and is the mate of Alpha Braxton Waylon." Easton said, my mother smiled, and my dad looked shocked.

"Wow, I knew she was his mate when he was here. But WOW. She is almost as powerful as a King and Queen. I need to apologize to her and explain everything to her." I said.

"That is a great idea, but when you go, you will take Head Warrior Jordan with you." Easton said.

"That is a splendid idea Easton?" My mother asked.

"Yes, they all need closure and it's a part of his punishment that Sky, has given him, as your dad, you are to face Sky and tell her in person why you did what you did. If you can't do that then you will be out of her life forever and will never meet your future grand pups." Easton said.

"You better go and see her, because if I never get a chance to see my daughter, and future grand-pups, I will never forgive you Knox." She said.

"I will see my daughter, I will make this right, why else have I been searching for her. So, you both could be Alpha's together Easton." I said with tears in my eyes.

"Dad, I had no idea." Easton said.

"Your dad does have a heart and has changed; it took losing one of you to do it." She said.

"I see that. Well, I will plan the trip for you guys." Easton said.

"Thank you I love you son." He said

"Love you to dad." Easton said and he walked out of the office.


I am laying in our bed with my mate, I love the feeling of her being in my arms. Waking up to her being next to me is the best feeling in the world. I play with her hair to move it out of her beautiful face. I kiss her forehead. She makes a little noise and starts to move a little bit. After a few more minutes of me admiring my beautiful mate. She looks smiles and looks over at me.

"Morning handsome" she said and then she kissed me. I kissed her back.

"Good morning beautiful, what would you like to do today?" I asked her. She just shrugged her shoulders and climbed on top of me.

"I can think of something" she said with a wink. Then she kisses me and slides herself down on my length. I knew I wanted her but damn this girl. She begins to ride me like there was no end. I was grabbing her waist with my hand and kissing her as she is riding me. I am in the brink of bursting. But I'm holding back till I know my girl is ready for her release. So, I flip her over and I pound in and out of her. she is on the verge of climax now.

"Brax don't stop" she said.

"Tell me what you need, babe" I said.

"I need to come, and you to come with me. now please." She said.

"As you wish baby girl." I said. Then I slammed in and out of her till we both hit our climax's. I collapsed on the bed nest to her. she rolled over and kissed me and just looked at me deep in the eyes for a moment.

"I love you Braxton. Please don't ever forget that." She said and got up and went into the bathroom and got in the shower. A few seconds later she popped her head out of the door and looked at me. "Braxton, get your ass in here and join me! Please?" She said.

"Of course, babe." I said. But naturally getting washed up isn't all that happened in the shower. We had sex again. Or you call make love again. After our shower we both got dressed and ready to head over to the pack house for the day.

We went over to the pack house. We were in our office doing work for most of the morning. Athena had given her a book of what needs to be done and what steps to do certain things. She also can talk to my mother whenever she wants to know through mink-link. Which I am fairly sure she has been doing a lot of that today. She has seemed spaced out a few times today. I was doing some computer work.