Chapter TWENTY-TWO (22)

--------------------------------------TIME JUMP Seven months Later-------------------------------------


It has been about seven months since I have been here. Madison and Christi were executed for trying to have their Alpha/Luna killed. There was a wolf Zeke Ray who we found of was involved and he was executed as well. I work alongside with Bryan. He is a cool guy. But recently I have been smelling rosemary and peaches. I walked into the bookstore, and it hit me like crazy. She was behind the counter. My wolf Turk said 'mine, mate' she looked up and smiles.

"I can smell you, but I can't see you completely, just the shadow of your figure." She said

"Your blind?" I asked

"Yes, to a point. If that's means you are going to reject me, then do and leave." She said.

"What's your name?" I asked

"Sylvie Williams" she said.

"I Brock Lewis Adams of Himalayan Pack accept you Sylvie Sutton as my mate" I said, and Turk purred.

"You mean that? Not because you pity me?" she asked

"Sylvie, I have been smelling you and feeling this pull for 3 months but couldn't find you. I will be honest. You're my second chance. My first mate treated me like a puppet and used me to do things for her benefit. But I will tell you I never mated her." I said I put my hand on her Cheech and I kissed her, and I felt these powerful sparks. When I kissed Christi, I felt sparks but not like this. She is my true mate. "You are my true mate" I said.

"I Sylvie Williams of Himalayan Pack accept you as my mate. But there is a problem." She said

"What is it?" I asked

"I am blind because I was attacked, and I hit my head it caused me to lose my sight. I also was raped. I didn't have a child or anything. But I am sorry I am not pure for you." She said

"Who did this," I asked.

'There dead now, Braxton had them killed a year ago." She said.

"Good, because if they were alive, I would have killed them." I said.

"Where do you live?" I asked her.

"The pack house till I found my mate" she said.

"Well let's go pack your things. You can move in with me if you would like to." I said.

"I would like that very much so." She said. They locked the bookstore and when to the pack house the went to her room and he packed all her clothes, necessities, and toiletries. She was sitting on the bed. She was smiling and her arousal was driving me and Turk crazy.

"I went over to her and kissed her, babe if you don't want this, now is the chance to tell me to stop." I said

"Brock, make love to me" she said.

"Don't have to ask me twice my love" I said and that's what we did.

"Ahh Brock" and she felt for my neck and sunk her canines into my neck marking me. I was sucking on her neck, and I sunk my canines into her neck, and it was like the most powerful thing happened. It was amazing. Expect afterwards Sylvie got a really bad migraine and started throwing up. Finally, she stopped, and we got cleaned up and dressed I noticed she was warm, so I took her to the pack doctor.

"Doctor Elijah what's wrong with my mate?" I asked

"Well, when did this still happen" the doctor asked.

"Right after we first marked and mated one another." I said

"I am going to take her down for a C-T Scan and an MRI to make sure I am right." He said about an hour later she is back and awake.

"Brock your tall." She said. I turned and looked at her surprised

"What did you just say?" I asked

"Your tall, with green eyes and blonde hair." She said.

"Y-You can, see??" I asked

"But how? I was told it was permanent?" she said

"I don't know, I will get the doctor." I said and got the doctor.

"Hey Sylvie, how are you feeling?" he asked

"Elijah, I'm Good but confused. I thought that blindness was permanent." She said

"Well, sister of mine, you see that mate of yours, used to be an alpha, but he decided to renounce his title so he could find you instead. But his blood is what you needed in order to fully heal." He said

"You gave up your title for me?" she asked

"Yes, so I could find you and no because I was lost and needed to find myself." I said

"Well hopefully you found yourself because you found me. I personally don't care if you are an alpha or not Brock. You work with the Alpha. I just want you. Can we go home." She asked

"Yes, but I want to introduce to the Alpha first as my mate." I said

"Screw it, we can do that at the new meeting, is tomorrow Love." I said.


Wow finding my mate I can't believe it. I knew he was in the area. I have been smelling vanilla and cinnamon for a few months now. But I haven't known where it was coming from. But when he walked into William's Book Store, I knew it was him. I could smell him. I was so happy that he didn't reject me because of my blindness. But when we mated and marked each other today it was so powerful. But afterwards I got this intense migraine, and I started throwing up. Thank heavens Brock took me to the pack hospital. I heard them saying about CT-Scan and MRI. I heard my brothers voice as I was trying to wake up. But when I opened my eyes, I saw bright lights and I had to blink a bunch of times. I was in the hospital room with my mate. Damn was he tall. About 6'5 blonde hair and green eyes. I was so lucky. I mean I was 5'8 bluish green eyes and about 120 lbs. I still trained but with gym equipment. As my wolf was dormant, she couldn't heal me. All the traumata. The new Luna had been by to workout with me. But I hadn't been up to it the past week or so.

We arrived at his house. It was beautiful. I was sitting on the couch when to doorbell rang. Brock went to answer the door. He opened the door and there stood four people. He let them into the house.

"Mr. and Mrs. Williams it's nice to meet you, I am Brock. Nice to meet you." Brock said

"Alpha, Luna is good to see you." Brock said

"Please you're her mate its Dahlia and Ian" Ian said

"Of Course," Brock said.

"Mother, Father, it's so wonderful to see you again" I said. they looked at me shocked

"What do you mean again, you were at our house for dinner last night sweety." Dahlia said

"Well, after we mated and marked each other. I started to get a really bad headache which turned into a migraine. I started to get sick. Brock got me cleaned up. He took me to the pack hospital. When the doctor rans some test. ---" I was interrupted

"Who was the doctor, Sylvie?" Ian asked with a stun voice.

"Elijah was. He ran a CT-Scan and MRI and confirmed everything. With my mated being Alpha blood. I can see. I don't care that he doesn't have his title anymore. He accepted me when I had a disability. He cares about me for me. That's what matters to me." I said.

"Sweetheart, it doesn't matter what his title is, as long as your happy, Right Ian?" Dahlia asked

"Your mother is right, and I am happy that your brother was your doctor. He knows your case better than anyone." I am said.

"So, you're her mate?" Nova said.

"Yes, and I promise to protect, honor, and cherish her forever and ever. I love her already."

"Good, Because I talked with the council, you still have your title. You are my Co-Alpha if you choose to be it." Braxton said.

"Seriously? But isn't she Alpha/Luna?" Brock asked.

"I am, but I work more with the King and Queen of the Werewolves. Like Your Aunt and Uncle and King Luther and Queen Ana. He could use your help. Especially if we decide to do any travelling or have pups." Nova said.

"Wow, I am honored if anything I am happy to accept. I am glad you had me come here Braxton." Brock said.

"Well, your mate was here, and you were very loyal to rescue of my Luna." Braxton said.

"You're the one who saved her?" Ian asked.

"My uncle and me. My deranged first mate, who treated me like a puppet who I rejected. Kidnapped the Luna because she wanted to mate with the Alpha. So, My Uncle and I rescued her." Brock said.

"Very noble of you. Well, I was just trying to get her back where she belonged. She didn't deserve what they planned on doing to her. I wasn't going to let that happen. So, I put my plan in motion and I am thankful it worked. It didn't I would have died tried to get her back home." Brock said.

"Brock, I will see you in the office on Monday at 10 a.m." Braxton said as he and Nova left.

"Well Brock I approved of you and my daughter." Ian said.

"Thank you." Brock said. they all said their good buys and they left.