Cat Dragons

The day I turned 17 my life took a turn for the worse. Or the better , depending on your perspective. It started off just like any other day. I woke up, greeted my parents, and sat down for breakfast that morning. While I knew it was coming, it didn't make it any better.

"Honey, you know what day it is right?" asked my mother

"Yes Mother, today is my seventeenth birthday."

Now, Seventeenth birthdays aren't the same as other birthdays, in my country's culture when someone reaches the age of seventeen they go to the guild to form a squad.

"Well you better eat quick so you can get to defending our world from those despicable undead" My Father said in his gruff voice.

"You just want to be free from your duty, and the faster that I become an adventurer, the faster you can retire."

Sighing, I spoke once again "But you are right, it's my duty to fulfill my obligation just like every other person in this country."

"Thanks for the meal"

"No problem, have fun." my Mom says as I get out of my chair.

I ran towards the door, quickly swiping the sword my father forged for me.

I continue down the path from my small village abode, towards the big city. As I was running a thick fog started to roll in in front of me. I stopped and thought to myself for a moment, and decided to run into the fog, the path was straightforward and the city wasn't far. I kept going and going, but there seemed to be no end to the mist. After a while I noticed movement from the gray backdrop. Five Skeletons, A Zombie, and a necromancer emerge from the fog.

"Arenam Damnetorium" screams out the necromancer.

The fog proceeded to clear into the shape of a circle within the immediate area. The first Skeleton jumped towards me, and I swung at it with the sword, slicing clean through its spine, causing it to evaporate, and leaving its essence floating where it was killed, quickly after three more of the skeletons came to attack me. I stabbed one, sliced one, and the other managed to grab ahold of me. It threw me to the ground with unbelievable strength. It went down to the ground with me to put me in a chokehold, after a bit of struggling I managed to shatter its skull on a nearby rock. The last two undead charged at me, I shattered the skeleton by smacking it with the hilt of my sword. I quickly re-calibrated myself to the situation, and thrusted the blade through the dead heart of the Zombie, vaporizing it along with the rest of his kin. I was then able to refocus onto my main target, The Necromancer. I ran towards him until…

"OBICE" screamed out the Necromancer.

As soon as he finished the word I was hit with a massive invisible force. I got back up and tried to progress further, but something was blocking my way that I could not see. After the initial shock of the Necromancers trick wore off, I began to be able to see a sort of faint pale barrier in front of me. Before I could think of a method to get past it, the Necromancer began a chant.

"Fluunt ad me animae mortuorum, nam eradicata sunt corpora temporaria propter naturam tuae vitae falsae, confunduntur mecum et renascuntur."

When the statement finished the essences of the undead I had killed flew at immense speed towards the barrier, they flew through it, and into the Necromancer. His body began to convulse, and shapeshift. Suddenly his body melted down to the bone, what was previously the flesh of a mortal coalesced into a black wispy sludge, it floated up to coat the skeleton of the necromancer and form a large robe around his new form. After my attention was refocused after the strange occurrence before me, I noticed slight cracks in the barrier where the undead essences had met it. Using my sword I struck one of the points and sliced my to each one of them, weakening the barrier even further. After I had connected each of the cracks, I took one swift punch at the center point where the slices met, and it shattered like glass.

"How were you able to do that" the Necromancer asked me in a layered Wispy and Demonic Voice

"I was able to see a faint image of the barrier and the damage that the essences going through it had caused."

"So he is the third generation, this is our chance to stop this here" The Necromancer spoke to himself.

He then floated towards me at a rapid speed. I could feel the malice and intent to kill emanating off of him. At that moment I thought to myself that I am unbelievably screwed. Soon after that thought time seemed to slow significantly. I thought to myself, Is this what knowing that you're going to die feels like?'' I had no time to process the thought as time returned as quickly to normal speed as it had slowed down. But instead of dread, I felt amazement as my sword was now thrusted through what used to be the heart of the Necromancer. As he began to fade he whispered in my ear.

"The Undead shall rise, Anlett boy, and you shall rise to meet them."

In confusion I responded with "I mean yes, everyone in the country does, it's an obligatory service when one turns 17 until their child succeeds them."

"You will understand soon, young one." he replied to me

He then evaporated like the other undead, leaving behind a conglomerate of six essences surrounding his soul within a sealed orb. The orb then quickly changed shape into a sharp ovoid, aiming itself at me, and in the next second it was lodged into my eye. The feeling of burning for the first moments was indescribable. As it faded I noticed that I was unable to see out of my right eye, not that all sensory information was gone from it, but it was covered in an opaque purple color that was completely solid. After the pain had completely faded away I noticed that the fog had dissipated, I was standing in the exact spot where I had entered it, only now it was night. I decided that it would be best to continue treading along the path, the city wasn't too far from where I currently was, and I thought it best to just make it there as quickly as I can. After about another hour I was able to see the faint lights of the City, it filled me with vigor, and I sprinted the last half mile. As soon as I stepped foot in the city the adrenaline from the excitement of making it wore off, and I instantly collapsed, everything fading to black. Next thing I knew I was lying in a soft comfortable bed.

"HEY where the hell am I?"

"You are in one of the guilds healing rooms, you found passed out on the trail, and we assumed that you came here to form a squad, so we decided to take you in so you could complete that task.

"Well what happened to me"

"Just a regular case of exhaustion" a tall gorgeous woman said to me while entering the room.

The lady who was attending to me scoffed "Lena what are you doing here, is this another attempt to snatch up a young adventurer, because no one will take you into their squad?

"No it isn't Asayo, and why are you here anyway, you're not even one of the nurses here" responded Lena.

"I'm here because the nurse attending to him told me to wait here with him, to see if his mild condition progressed into anything worse." replied Asayo

"Whatever, I'm just glad that I'm getting some rest."

My vision once again faded into black. Instead of remaining dark my mind quickly shifted into a vision or a dream, I couldn't really tell, it seemed so real, but on the other hand the actual content of it was so abstract. It was just me standing alone in the middle of a field, the wind blowing fiercely, seemingly whipping my face, causing all of the grain surrounding me to begin to tear apart and float upwards. As I realized how strange the situation was, the wind suddenly stopped, dropping all of the grain to the ground. Suddenly an unnaturally large eagle flew above me, the screech it let out thundered through the field, I could feel the force from it vibrate through my entire body, causing my right eye to burst. Once again I was unable to see from my eye, but this time it was true blindness. A few seconds after darkness had enveloped my right eye, it began to expand, destroying the entirety of my vision. I could then see a spark of light from a distance that was rapidly getting closer. As quickly as I was in the darkness, I was once again back in the field, the same sequence of events played out once again, the amount of times a swapped from the field and the darkness and back all blended together, I eventually lost count, it could have been hundreds, thousands, or even millions of times I went through the cycle, all I know is that eventually I became numb to pain in my eye, and used to constant changes in my state of vision. Eventually solace would come when my eyes finally opened once again, to the sight of the one named Asayo watching over me. This vision in my right eye had not been fully restored but the opaque nature of the color blocking lessened , and it had become a little more translucent.

"How long have I been out"

"It's been a few weeks" responded Asayo

"No, no, no, that's not good, I need to get to the guild main office now, my father is probably wondering, why he hasn't been released from his duty".

"Oh Honey, you don't have to worry about that, your father came here a few days ago looking for you, after it took so long for his contract to wear off. A few hours before he arrived I signed the contract on your behalf, and you are now the proud leader of the Cat Dragons." says Lena as she once again walks in the room right on queue.

"Wait, don't I need to find six others before I can form a squad, and plus I was gonna wait for my friend to turn 17 a few days after I did, so that we could form one together."

"Don't you worry your little head about that, I did the searching for you. About your friend, his name is Shyvielle, correct?"

"Before we get to the topic of my friend, are the people selected strong? How did you find them? And yes my friend is Shyvielle"

"Well before we get to the topic of the squad. Your friend has joined the most powerful squad in all of the Paladins Guild, one of their members died and Xistia sensed that he would be a fine replacement for their numbers. As for the squad, you already know two of us.

"Yep, I finally have a squad to fight with" Asayo exclaims proudly

"Oh you gotta be shitting me, Lena all I have seen you do is strangely walk in the room on queue every time, and Asayo while I appreciate you saving me, and caring for me in the past few weeks, I would not suspect you to be a fighter."

"Oh trust me honey, I'm plenty strong"

Lena approaches him and brings her left fingertips up to the base of his chin. Her hand quickly changing into a scaly claw, with electricity crackling between her solid nails, her deeply beautiful black hair, becoming silver and cloud like, her gorgeous features quickly contorting into a blue scaly lizard face, and antlers began to protrude from the back of her head. As soon as I fully processed it, she tapped me on the cheek, sending a wave of energy through it, forcing me to make a slight smirk. Her body changed back to normal.

"You are just so cute when you smile like that"

"I can absolutely fight." Asayo says as she gets up from beside me.

She fully stands up and removes a charm from around her neck, instantly a pair of ears emerged from the sides of her head, as her human ears receded, along with the ears a forked tail emerged from behind her, and her eyes were suddenly catlike.

"So you named our guild, that I'm supposed to be the leader of, after yourselves."

"That's your only comment about this? And yes, we did because we rescued you and nursed you back to health"

"No, I did those things Lena, stop lying to the boy. All you did was waltz in here whenever he woke up, just so that you could talk to him, while I spent many days and nights here caring for him.."

"Well I was trying to find squad members during that time."

"I know you, you already had everyone for the squad in your mind, you just had to go look for them. At most each member only took you a few days to find, and he's been out for almost two months, even the others have come to see him more."

I could feel the tension in the room building, and before this argument started to get destructive I had to intervene.

"HEY, calm down no need for all this animosity, if we are going to be in a squad together, we need to be able to get along, or someone is going to end up dead, and I don't want that for anyone"

"Well neither one of us can die, nor any of the others" Lena told me

"Well I can die, and if we all can't get along, then that might just happen. Plus we all need to calm down, so that I can meet the others and then visit my parents, because they probably want to see that their son is awake and well."



I could tell both of their submissions to my words were reluctant, and the weak truce they just formed would not last long, but I personally didn't care at the time, because I had things that I needed to get done.

"So are you ready to meet the girls" Lena asks me

"Yep, let's get this shitshow started"

"Well then, follow me Leone"

Even though I was still a little drowsy, I got up and followed the Dragon out of the room, and up an extremely creaky staircase. I could tell we were almost to the top when I was able to finally see natural light once again. We emerged from the basement hospital, and I saw the glory of the guild, or what I thought my whole life would be a glorious place. The second floor balconies looked like they were about to fall off, there were dozens of what I assumed to be fellow Paladins running around drunk, and the service desks looked extremely old, with only three total secretaries manning them.

"Hey Lena, what happened to this place"

"Well over the past decade the monetary funding for the guild has gone down hill, and the quality of paladins with it, although it's their fault really. As soon as they had given up hope and realized that they only had to be a member of a squad for their contract to count, they all became lazy drunkards with side jobs, therefore influencing the kingdom to decrease funding for our branch of the paladins guild. No one sees the point of continuing the fight, there seems to be no end to the undead hordes.

"Well that's a Nihilistic view, while I do know that it is true that the undead are nearly endless, if we didn't continue the fight for all of these generations, we would have been overrun by now."

"You know, I wish more would think like you, maybe you could bring change to this place."

"I'm not sure that I could do it as one man."

"Well I guess we'll see honey, but for now we have some business to take care of. First one of the lovely secretaries needs to introduce how it works around here, and then we can have you meet the girls."

"Hello Mary, it's nice to see you again, could you explain to my young adventurer friend here, on the functions and methods of the guild."

"No problem Lena, I love talking to the young ones before they lose their hope to the nihilism of these old asses that I work with on a daily basis."

Mary turned her attention to me and began speaking "Hello, so you're Leone, the leader of the new Cat Dragons squad."

"Yes, that is correct."

"Well nice to meet you, let me get through the basics so you can truly begin your contract with us. Well a young one like yourself starts off as a two paladin rank, as you destroy more and more undead, overtime you will be promoted through the ranks…"

As she was talking to me, I overheard Lena speaking to one of the other secretaries. "Hey, Sam, do you know where the other four went?"

"They went over to Mr. Richard's restaurant."

"Didn't I tell them to stand by and wait for their new leader to wake up so they could greet him."

"I mean yes, My Lady, but when they left they told me that they got bored, and didn't know when he was going to wake up, so they went over to Mr. Richard's restaurant."

"It's only been three days, and I told them to wait, because I knew exactly when he would wake up, those girls really are impatient, why can't they be more like Asayo."

"So after you reach the 10 rank, there are some special ranks that you can progress through, from extreme merit, or showing extraordinary ability. The first is the Knight rank, which is earned through excellent swordsmanship or your weapon of choice. The second is the sorcerer, which can be earned through showing superb ability in the magical arts. The third is the Archpaladin, which can be earned through mastery of both weapons, and the mystic arts. The final rank and title that you can earn is the Ace, this can be earned through showing a skill that is unique to you, and testing it's merit in battle. We've only had three in the entirety of our branch of the Guild, and along with earning the rank of Ace, one gains a title that is unique to them. In fact, two of them are related to you, your father and grandfather, They were excellent soldiers in the glory days of our branch, Richard "The Death Hunter" Anlett, and Ezekiel "The Eagle Eye"Anlett."

"Who was the other"

"He was the glorious founder of our branch after he was granted the rank, Adam Enoch David "The Untouchable" Benel. He died soon after the founding of our guild, but those of us who have been working here still consider him one of our Aces."

"So your telling me that I am a direct descendant of two of the Aces"

"Maybe that's what the Necromancer meant about being the third generation" I spoke quietly to myself.

"What was that?" Mary asked me

"Nothing, just continue on with the explanation of the Guild."

"So as you probably suspected, even though this is an obligation for the citizens of our fine country, you will still be compensated for your successful work. As you progress through the ranks, the compensation that you gain will increase along with the difficulty of the mission that you are given. Although the pay is not as high as would be in other locations within the Empire, due to the lack of funding that we get. But who knows, maybe you'll be able to turn that around."

"Why does everyone here seem to have so much faith in me"

"It's probably a false spark of hope that is produced from the fact you are the son and grandson of the most successful members of the guild besides our glorious founder, but it's just something that we cling onto."

"Well Leone, are you ready to meet the rest of the squad? I have pinned down their location."

"I sure am Lena, because the faster that we get introductions done, the faster I get to go see my father, before our first mission."

"Well about that I already have your first mission for you due to how long it took you to wake up" said Mary from behind me

"Damn it, what do you have for us?"

"It's just a simple tomb clearing mission, a local necromancer has recently broken out of prison and managed to raise the entire tomb, now there's skeletons roaming it, and leaking out into the public, and it's preventing people from visiting the graves of their loved ones."

"Fine we'll do it, but afterwards will I have time to visit my father."

"I can make that work, it is a relatively hard mission, so I think I can grant you the time after."

"Wait, why are you giving a hard mission to one of the newest parties?"

"If you haven't noticed, none of these lazy asses are going to do it, and the only other active parties are already on missions."


She hands me the scroll that had the details of the mission on it, and the payout along with the amount of promotion points that it will grant. I had to admit that the payout wasn't bad, it was about 7,000 gold pieces which was just about the right price for a finely crafted bow.

"Well Lena, I guess it's about time for me to meet the rest of the squad, so that we can get this adventure started."

Lena said nothing, but gestured for me to follow, as I was walking out of the door I looked back and Asayo was curled up on the floor, passed out. So I followed Lena down the street and we took a left, and kept walking. I then heard a loud noise, what I saw playing out in front of me was completely baffling, a stunningly gorgeous kitsune in an elegant set of robes crashed through the window, after being blasted by water from an unknown source at the time. I soon understood what the source was, an olive skinned mid twenties looking girl with black hair in a navy blue glistening dress, floating her way out of the window. The naiad went in for another attack, but before the rush of water was able to hit the kitsune, a large wall of fire appeared in between them.

"Zahra, what the hell are you doing? This eight-tailed bitch just ordered fish in front of me with no indication of any sort of empathy."

"Whoa, Whoa, Althaia, I didn't know that your lack of eating fish dictated whether or not I was able to eat it or not, because let me tell you, fish is good, and there is nothing that you can do to change my opinion."

"This isn't fun anymore, Zahra just wanted to eat Mr. Richard's food, but now Zahra doubts we'll be let back in." cried out a new voice.

I looked for the source, and noticed a voluptuous tan skinned woman in skimpy clothing, with large wings of flame being produced from her back.

"Oh stop bitching, you can get in anywhere, with that "charm"of yours"

"That's so rude, you know Zahra's trying to get away from that life, that's why Zahra decided to join the squad."

The flames on her back faded along with the large wall of flames, and she began to cry and dropped to the floor.

"Oh look at that, you made Zahra cry, you insufferable piece of shit" said another new voice

As soon as I heard it, a toned female oni with crimson eyes, black hair with a red tint, and fair skin with a gray tint, jumped down from the roof, aiming her large Naginata at the naiad below her. As soon as the blade met the flesh of Althaia, it passed through completely. The oni who lost her leverage with the weapon fell to the ground. She got back up leaving the blade on the floor.

"Arghaaaaa, why do you always do that? Fight me like a real woman, stop using your cheap tricks to avoid this conflict."

After all that I was completely baffled that this was the team that I would be fighting with, Lena's thought process for putting this team together was completely incomprehensible to me.

"ALL OF YOU STOP" yelled Lena as she returned once again to her true form.

The four girls backed down and stopped the commotion, and approached us.

"Now Girls, play nice and introduce yourselves to our new squad leader, while I go fix this issue you caused."

The dragon reverted back to a humanoid form and walked through the front door of the restaurant.

My attention was returned to the group of my new teammates, when one of them spoke up.

"Heeey Leone, my name's Ichika, your resident Kitsune, and pleasure seeker."

I could understand what she had meant, I was able to get a closer look now. She had silky dirty blonde hair, Silver Irises and pupils in the shape of ovals. Which I have to admit was a little off putting. Her face was extremely gorgeous and put out an aura of light to her surroundings. Her skin was smooth and slightly sunkissed. Her body was well shaped, not possessing too much or too little, it seemed to fit the perfect space of attractiveness. She wore a modest robe tied with a sash around her waist, along with elevated sandals. Her hair was tied into a loose bun. Not to mention the eight large tails that emerged from behind her. This had never happened to me before, but I was stumbling on my words trying to give a response back to her, eventually I found something fairly awkward to say back.

"I can see, well my name is Leone Anlett, and it is nice to be working with you"

She leaned in close to my ear and whispered. "Don't you… mean… it's… a… PLEASURE… to… be… working with me."

I could feel my face grow hot, as she returned to her original position, and let out a faint snicker. I tried to change the subject as quickly as possible.

"Well anyways how about you three."

The Naiad looked at me scornfully. "Well there's nothing that needs to be said here about me, this is just a temporary arrangement, until I'm able to get into Xistia's squad."

"Oh. so you want to join the squad Shyvielle is in…"

The naiad's face turned red, as her stare became more intense by the second, it was quite cute honestly, but I quickly realized the mistake that I had made. A large orb of water began to form above the embarrassed Naiad's head.

"How do you know about that, you better promise me that you won't tell anyone."

"Well I didn't even know what you were talking about until about ten seconds ago, but the way you reacted pretty much just revealed it to everyone."

Again I had made another mistake. Was it because i'm stupid, quite possibly. But in that moment I wanted to point out the fact that she had been stupid by basically pointing out what I assumed she didn't want anyone to know. The large mass of water crashed into me, knocking my dumbass onto the ground. This sent the Oni girl into a frenzy, she charged at the Naiad, and attempted to hit her to no avail, as her attacks passed through her once again. She continued to attack as they yelled at each other.

"Why are you like this, you need to get a hold of yourself, you insufferable bitch, stop getting so fumed up for no reason."

"You're one to talk, all I ever see you be is angry, anytime I do anything you just get pissed off immediately."

"Maybe because everything you do is just so annoying, you're always whining, if you would just shut up sometimes then maybe you would see how calm I can really be."

Ichika then raised her hand and waved it in a square motion. Blue flames enveloped the two girls, and when they cleared they were trapped in blue translucent boxes that fell to the ground, Althaia melted to the ground, and the Oni girl kept trying to break out of it.

"Damn, they should just kiss already" exclaimed Ichika

I felt a sudden warmth surrounding my body. I could tell that the source of the heat was intense, but something was preventing it from completely touching me. It was evaporating the water that had soaked me, and warming my body back to a comfortable temperature. I looked to my left and saw who I assumed to be Zahra producing a small flame from her outstretched palms. She was undeniably attractive, her deeply tanned skin paired with her short blonde hair with red streaks in random places, and her voluptuous figure, but I wasn't sure if I could get down with the skimpy outfit, I wasn't sure how much protection that would offer during a fight. She just seemed so kind, and I didn't want to see her hurt.

"Thanks Zahra, I appreciate the assistance"

"You appreciate me? Now Leone gives Zahra something in return."

She reached down for the waist of my pants, Ichika quickly looked in our direction and performed the same gesture as earlier. Zahra was engulfed in blue flames, and when they faded she was in a similar box as the other two.

Shocked and blushing, I asked "What the hell was that?"

"I don't know what I'm going to do with that girl, her heart is in the right place, but she sometimes goes about it wrong."

"That doesn't answer my question."

"Oh well you see Zahra used to be, let's say, a woman of the night, and due to the nature of her abuser, she became conditioned to believe that compensation for a job well done, was the thing that two people do together, if you know what I mean."

"Oh, that's honestly pretty depressing, was her abuser ever caught."

"He was never caught, but he passed away about two years ago, and ever since then she has kind of been lost, and stuck in her ways. After I discovered her wandering the streets and took her up as my own."

"Well then, I'm not really sure how to process this information." I thought to myself that it might be a little hard to deal with her on the team, I wasn't really sure how I was going to make it with that situation all the time.

"Well onto a topic that's less sad, let's have you meet Kanna, that feisty little one over there."

Ichika pointed at the box that the Oni girl was trapped in.


I followed Ichika over to the box, and she opened a person sized whole in the cage, Kanna ran towards it, and as soon as her face was through it, Ichika collapsed on her. Kanna's face became stuck, and it was quite funny to me. I could tell she was beautiful in a strange way, her grayish roughed up skin, her soft-looking short black hair that was compressed into a ponytail, her toned physique that was just covered by large black pants, and some bandages covering her nearly flat chest, her eyes are what struck at me the most, the deep red stare was fascinating. Her cute singular horn, and the small fangs protruding from her bottom lip, but from where she was at the moment, she looked like an absolute gremlin. She was waving her arms and legs around, unable to move.

"Hey, hey, Ichika let meeeeee out."

"Only if you agree to introduce yourself to our leader."

"No, I don't want to." Kanna says as she begins to blush

"Oh, have you developed a little crush on young Leone here?"

"Of course I have, just look at how he's built." Kanna says as she points to my arms.

While I have to admit, I gained a lot of muscle mass and toning from thousands of hours of combat training with my father, I've never really thought anything of it. I have had this physique from a young age, and my father has always had this physique as far back as I can remember.

"Oh Kanna, is that all you care about in a man"

"I mean look at him Ichika, they are just well shaped and finely crafted."

"While I have to admit they look nice, there's gotta be more to a man for me."

"Whoa, hey, I've got more to me than just muscle, I am a very intelligent strategist, and expert in multiple forms of combat."

"Even better" Kanna says as she starts to drool

"And you, stop gawking over me, it's not that important, plus everyone should be combat ready in the guild."

"Have you seen the other men in the guild, they are fat and lazy slobs, except this one guy, but he just left because his contract is over. How'd you get those scars anyway."

"Just standard combat training with my father, he had to get me ready to fight with the guild somehow."

"Even hotter" Kanna says as she gets more of a crazed look in her eyes.

"Now look, what you've done Leone, this is the horniest I have ever seen her. Good going, now you're going to have three girls vying for your attention."

Wait, who's the last one, don't tell me it's y…"

"No, no, while I think you are attractive I have my sights set on someone else in the guild. The other one is Asayo, after taking care of you for so long, she developed a little thing for you."

"Well this is going to get real awkward, real fast."

"I concur"

Ichika pushed Kanna and closed the gap in the cube prison. Soon after Lena emerged from the restaurant, with a long piece of paper.

"Well look at with this little commotion has caused, here's the list of all the damages that we owe"

"How much is it going to cost?" Ichika asked, giving a slight wince.

"Around twenty-thousand gold pieces"

"That doesn't sound like too much, only two or three missions." I said ignorantly

"Well yes, if every mission was the difficulty rating of the one we have been given. We were only given that mission because Xistia's little squad wasn't available to do it.

"Well how many regular missions is it going to take?"

"Well after this first one, about thirty more."

"You gotta be kidding me, so you're telling me I won't get any actual payout until I complete thirty missions"

"That's correct Leone"

"Why exactly does this debt fall on me"

"Because members of your squad caused the damage"

"Well that still seems unfair, why should I have to pay for it, can't they pay for it themselves"

"I mean, they will be paying for themselves, but as you are their only source of income it pretty much falls onto you."

"Well that's fantastic, if that's the case we should probably get going then"

"We should probably retrieve Asayo before we go anywhere"

You're right, this squad seems shitty enough as it is, we might as well pick up the sleeping cat"

"She's only sleeping because she's been taking care of your comatose ass for the past few weeks"

"Yeah, Yeah, my bad, i'm just frustrated that I gotta supply the money for this stupid debt, that those four dumbasses caused. You know what, each of you is gonna find another source of income as well."

"I have an idea" yelled out Zahra in excitement

"No you don't" responded Lena

"Alright let's go get the final member of our squad so we can finally get to the mission at hand. "

We walked in the opposite direction of the restaurant towards the guild, on the way there, the four dumbasses that put our squad in debt continually apologized, except for Althaia, she was confident that she did nothing wrong.