Eccentric master

Su Yulan looked around the place. A part of him wanted to see his beloved little princess one more time, but he understood that seeing her means she would die too, so he lowered his gaze while hoping she would be able to avoid this calamity that had befallen them.

One by one, the generals were tied to the heavily chained beasts and with a little pull from the animals, a general would be shredded to pieces.

The process repeated itself twice until it was finally general Su Yulan's turn. His limbs were tied to the four beasts, waiting for the beasts to start pulling.

The moment the beasts started to walk in four directions while roaring, little Su Yue came back from searching for Bai Lu when she couldn't find him.

The little girl stood there like she had been struck by lightning. She didn't understand what the animals were doing with her father in the air and his hands and legs tied to each of the beasts, but hearing her father screaming, she understood that whatever the animals were doing to him was not a good thing.

"Father!.. no, father!!!'

Her raspy voice screamed but the roar of the beasts stopped her almost inaudible voice from being heard, however, she never stopped screaming.

Seeing her father's white undergarment had started to turn red with blood stains, her cry increased. She took a step towards them but remembered her father and mother's serious warning, she stepped back as she gripped her light blue dress with all her might, biting her lips to relieve her of the pain that was harassing her heavy heart.

Su Yue's cry ceased when she saw her father's limbs has been separated from his body. Her eyes widened in shock and disbelief. She was horrified at the same time in awe at how someone's limbs could be torn off from their bodies.

Due to the little girl's unstable state, all the screams and curses coming from the people were blocked from her hearing. Time seemed to have stopped as she saw her father, without limbs staring back at her. His stomach was bloody, along with other parts of his body that were missing some parts part.

The isolated world her mind created where only she and her father were staring at each other was broken when the beasts rushed towards him and took a bite off his injury.

Her father no longer cried in pain. Seeing his daughter whom he had sent away three days ago surprised him so much that he forgot to feel pain even when having his flesh gnawed on.

Su Yue's father was shredded by the beasts and as if she hasn't seen enough for her age, the beasts started eating her father!

Even to Su Yulan's last breath, his gaze didn't leave his heartbroken daughter. His regret until he stopped breathing was: 'If only I didn't love my third brother so much.'

Seeing how the greatest general of all time was being eaten alive, some people couldn't bear it anymore and started to throw up.
The thick smell of blood had long filled the place but the little girl was too frightened and heartbroken to notice anything else.

Su Yue stood there like she was a statue. Her eyes wouldn't move away from the sight even though she found it repulsive and gory. She watched as her father's eyes slowly closed.

Everyone had moved away from the area, leaving only Su Yue standing there with her eyes still stuck on the gory scene.

Just then, a loud voice boomed. "Who owns that child?!" The voice sounded from the senior official sitting on a high seat.

"S–she is my child." A frightened old peasant woman with bloodshot eyes stuttered and rushed to carry Su Yue away.

The woman had known the little girl because Su Yue used to stop by her shop with her family to buy flowers.

Su Yue didn't react. Even when she was being carried away, her eyes didn't blink away from her father's half-eaten body.

After had been carried away, one of the officials that had been lost in thought ever since the woman claimed the child, suddenly stood up. "That child is General Su Yulan's daughter!" he screamed.

The moment the man's words fell, the senior official ordered for Su Yue's head to be brought back.

The old woman who took Su Yue away couldn't run far from the guards and soon they caught up to her, but Su Yue was nowhere to be found.

Even after torturing the woman, she still refused to say where she hid Su Yue, so she was killed by the guards.

Meanwhile, Su Yue was being taken away by the old woman's only son, but because the guards didn't give up, they chased them until they caught up with them in the forest.

The young man was a good fighter, but against ten well-trained guards, he was almost nothing. In no time, his head fell from his neck.

Just when Su Yue was about to be killed, an eccentric-looking old man with long white beard, unkempt hair, and looking like he was tired of the troubles of the world, threw his wine gourd from the branch of a tree he was resting on. The gourd hit one of the guards in the face. "She's only a child." The eccentric-looking master said, but the men paid no heed, and instead warned him to stay out of it.

The little girl looked up with tear-filled eyes at the old man. She tried to say something, but no words came out. She tried again and again, but nothing, so she clasped her hands together and made a bow to the man on the tree.

Even a wicked person would feel a ripple of emotion seeing a little child begging so earnestly to be saved, in spite that she couldn't speak.

One of the guards told the rest to let the child go and make up excuses, but they refused and the one who seemed to be the leader even slapped the guard.

Just when a guard thrust his sword towards the little child's stomach, the eccentric master leaped down from the branch and kicked the sword off the guard's hand, then stood beside the little child.
"I hate fighting," he said before pulling the child behind him.

The guards were stunned for a little while before a few of them rushed towards the man, intending to cut him down, but the old man only shook his head and sighed. "Hot-blooded children." He said and then waved his large sleeve towards the guards.

In no time, the guards started to fall one after the other while holding their throats with bulging red eyes as they coughed.

Looking at the guards who were starting to bleed from their eyes, nose, ear, and mouth, the old man walked towards the one that showed pity on Su Yue and pushed a pill into his mouth.

"Your kind heart saved you." He said before trying to walk away, however, he felt a tug on the lower part of his robe.
He turned to stare at the child who was looking at him with lifeless eyes, evident she was the one stopping him from moving freely.
"What is it?" He asked, but the child said nothing.

The eccentric old man tried to move again, however this time, the child didn't stop him but when he looked back, he saw her walking behind him.
"Don't tell me you want to come with me?" The man asked and the child nodded.

He sighed. "This is why it's not good to interfere in matters that do not concern one. Go back home." He commanded, but the child shook her head.

Seeing this, the remaining guard decided to speak up. "M—master, her family has been killed and her life is in danger... P_please master, can you help us save the kind general's daughter? she is the only one left in her family." The guard went on his knees and kowtowed to the old master.

The old man glanced at the little child and sighed. "I hope you won't bring me trouble… You have your legs, right?"

Su Yue nodded.

"Then walk with them." The old man said and continued walking forward while Su Yue followed behind him.

"Thank you, master, may the heavens reward you!" The guard prayed, but the old man ignored him.