The plan

"Yue'er, let's go and have fun for a few days. Don't you always say you want to marry me? Come, let's go and get married." The boy's voice didn't sound amusing, but sorrowful.

Little Su Yue was so happy with the overdose of joy that she didn't notice the tear that dropped from the boy's right eye.

The scene changed to when Su Yue was seen running with all her might towards where the people were gathered on the execution ground.

Bai Lu ran after her and held her hand, trying to pull her away. Both of them paused when they heard their fathers' names being called.

"General Su Yulan, general Bai Ting, and general Zhu Muyi were supposed to be the pillars of Hua Xia kingdom, but unfortunately, these great generals are the enemies of the kingdom!"

The two kids dashed into the crowd and paved way through the adults legs with difficulty to get to the front.

"...They gave the kingdom's layout to the enemies, sacrificed the lives of thousands of soldiers, bribed and killed officials, and recently, they were caught conspiring to kill the new emperor and bring crown prince Yi to the throne.

Plotting treason, endangering the lives of the citizens, corruption amidst other crimes not mentioned, the new emperor hereby declared the public execution of the traitors and their familes.

The emperor spared general Su Yulan's third brother; master Su Tian for coming forth and exposing his older brother, and for that, the son of heaven— the emperor, shall reward him." The man rolled up the decree once he was done reading and then announced. "Let the execution begin!"

The lady jerked awake. She brushed the stray hair that had glued to her face due to sweat to reveal a pretty face that looked exactly like her older sister who died in that incident.

She got off the bed and washed her face with the water in a bowl that was placed close to her bed.

The subordinate serving her before she goes to sleep was made aware that a bowl of water must be placed beside her bed at a given time and for many years, the surbodinate had never failed for once.

Su Yue placed her mask on after wiping her face with a towel and left the room through the window. Getting outside, she leaped up and landed on the roof of her dwelling.

Using that as a starter, she sprinted through the roofs of the linked buildings specifically made for the top fifty assassins who lives in a courtyard Separated from hers by a fence.

Her steps were light, so light that they'd never hear a sound even though they were fully awake and vigilant in their rooms.

Getting to her destination, she stopped and sat on the roof to stare at the full moon.

"I knew you won't be sleeping."

A voice sounded from beside her. Su Yue didn't turn to look at the person because she knows that only one person would dare to start a conversation with her without greeting her first.

"Let me get your writing tools." The fifteen years old boy said with a bright smile before he jumped down and entered his room.

Every night when she cannot sleep due to nightmares, Su Yue comes to sit on her naughty subordinate's roof knowing that he also might not be sleeping. She feels lonely sometimes and the only person who doesn't fear her and could speak to her like siblings would, was Ah Yue Fan– the third brother of the Yue house.

The sword of death assassin guild doesn't care about age. Their hierarchy system for giving title is based on the strength the disciples posses.

Ah Yue Fan is the youngest member of the Yue house, but he is called third brother because he is the third most powerful disciple in the guild.

A few seconds later, Ah Yue Fan arrived with an ink slab and lots of white papers. He handed them to Su Yue and sat beside her.

"You didn't give me the new mission," He said.

Su Yue glanced at him for a while before she turned away and wrote: 'I have other things that needs urgent attention and you are coming with me.'

Reading what she wrote, Ah Yue Fan was so excited that he couldn't wait to ask: "Which city are we destroying this time?"

His master doesn't go on a mission by herself unless it was a super difficult mission and, its only when the mission is about her revenge or her subordinates' revenge.

Any mission that his master attends to by herself, there is always bound to be a massive aftermath. The whole kingdom would know that the sword of death assassin's master is out.

Wherever she visits and whoever she kills, she would always leave a message– 'we bring you peace' on the walls of the City, bodies of those she killed, or their houses. That is her signature.

'Capital,' She wrote.

Ah Yue Fan choked on his saliva. His eyes turned wide. The size of his widened mouth could contain an egg. He shifted towards her and held her arm while shaking it softly. "Master, you cannot go there. The emperor is…"

Seeing him behaving like a pitiful kitten, Su Yue smiled faintly and ruffled his long hair that was left to fall on his back. Then she wrote: 'we are not going for a fight. We will be going to survey the city.'

Reading that, Ah Yue Fan sighed in relief, then asked: "The emperor has tightened the security around the capital, how are we supposed to go in?"

'Spread the news that the miracle doctor will be going there in a few days,' she wrote.

"Ok… but that still doesn't make much difference. If we are going to survey, we need to be around the most powerful people in the capital…" he suddenly looked at her and smiled, "master, you are so wicked! Was that why you sent the poison to older brother Ah Jin? who do you have in mind for the lab rat?"

Su Yue smiled but didn't respond.

"Hahahaha…" Ah Yue Fan laughed boisterously. "I can't wait to cause some trouble."

'Before we go to the capital, I have some scores to settle with the poison valley. Tell your first brother to see me at dawn.'

She got up and headed back to her courtyard after writing that, leaving Ah Yue Fan staring at her back with a mesmerized look on his face like a young boy in love.