Entering the Capital

As for the women and ladies, their searching was not so thorough, though they were being searched by women.

Rong sighed and changed her clothes to a woman's. Instead of tying her hair as other young ladies would, she didn't and let them fall on her back.

Done with it, she soundlessly jumped down from the tree after noticing that no one was looking her way. 

She walked to the back of the line and stood there, watching as the line moved slowly. 

"Where is your nameplate?!" A guard barked at a young man.

"I'm a visitor, I don't have one. I didn't know that…"

"Young man, that's not an excuse. You either go back home now and fetch your family's nameplate or you don't bother to come to the capital because you will be arrested! Don't waste my time and get lost!!" The guard rudely pushed the young man out of the way to attend to others.

The young man fell on his butt and glared at the guards, "You dogs! Can't you learn to be a human?!!" 

The people gasped and turned to look at the pitiful-looking poor young man. 

'You are pitiful but you chose the wrong words to say to the wrong person.' They thought in their minds and sighed. 

"What did you say?" The guard stopped what he was doing and strode towards the man on the ground. 

"I said you are a dog, the evil Emperor's dog! I came to the Capital to get medicine for my sick mother, all you could have done was…" 


The guard landed a heavy slap on the fellow's face before he pulled him to stand on his feet. 

"Did you just call the Emperor such a name?" The guard immediately pulled the young man's clothes off his shoulder and saw a mark in the shape of an unrecognized animal, then he smiled. "As I thought." 

Without thinking, he unsheathed his sword and before the young man could pull his senses back from the heavy tight slap he received early, he felt a tingling pain on his neck. He widened his eyes and tried to say something but a line of blood slowly started to trail down his neck.

The young man felt warm liquid trailing down his neck, ignoring the fact that he has suddenly lost his voice, he brought his hands to his neck and held it in place, but his hastened movement was all the finely slit throat needed. 

Blood gushed out as his head slowly slid off his shoulders. 


The faint-hearted people screamed as a commotion broke out, but no matter how chaotic the place had become, no one dared to walk past the guards by the gate and enter. 

Taking advantage of the chaos, Rong stole a nameplate from a lady who had fainted and walked to the gate. 

The female guard looked at her and frowned a little but after searching her and opening a few parts of her skin but didn't see any marks, she felt Rong's palm and when she noticed that the palm was of those that had used the sword a lot, she then understood why the cold-looking lady in front of her didn't flinch after someone was beheaded in front of her.  

"Why are you here?" The female guard asked. 

"I'm here to pass a message to my brother," Rong answered. 

"What message?" The female guard asked. 

"Our grandmother is sick, we need him to ask for help from his master,"  She answered.

"Which household is your brother living in?" The female guard asked. 

"He lives in prime minister Su's manor… as the physician's only apprentice," she answered coldly.

"Oh, you can go in…. Without the wooden plate," The guard said.

Rong frowned slightly, just when she was about to say something, the female guard shook her head.

"Don't say anything else, Rong, the nameplate will cause you trouble." The female guard whispered to her.

Rong was dumbstruck. Who is she?

Seeing that Rong was stunned, the female guard continued in a whisper, "I'll see you soon." With that, she collected the wooden plate from her and rudely pushed her into the gate with the words. "Leave, you have been standing here for so long, others are waiting!!"

Rong who was still confused finally understood after seeing the man that had killed the boy earlier staring at them. 'Oh, so that's why.' She thought and started walking away from the gate, however, the guard's eyes were still on her until she disappeared.

A thoughtful look flashed past his eyes and he immediately went to the female guard. "Who was she?" He asked.

"She claimed to be the relative of Physician Wang's only disciple," she answered nonchalantly while attending to another lady who was still shivering from the beheading scene. 

The guard frowned with a thoughtful look on his face, making the female guard roll her eyes. "What are you not sure of this time?" Although her heart was fearful that this dog-nose would smell a rat, still, she appeared to care less, just like her usual self. 

"I don't know, but I feel something's not quite right with her." 

"Everyone has something that's not 'quite right' with them when it comes to you." She rolled her eyes again while searching the shivering lady.

"That's not it, that lady gives me the feeling of an assassin from that guild." 

The female guard froze. She slowly turned to look at him with a faked reaction. "W– what are you talking about?" 

"Yes, she awakened the feelings I had when they stopped the emperor's caravan that I was leading to his maternal home a few days ago. I still cannot forget that fear that gripped me. I saw the color of death, but then, they just ignored all the guards and took away the boxes."  

"Y– you mean, the sword of death assas–" the guy immediately covered her mouth and nose with his large palm, suffocating her. 

The female guard smacked the back of his head while glaring at him. Seeing that he still didn't know what he was doing wrong, she slapped his hand at the same time and stepped on his boot.