Rejected by the guild

In prime minister Su Tian's study room….

Prime minister Su angrily crumpled a sheet of paper he was writing on and threw it into the heap of papers that had the same miserable endings, silently building a hill in a corner of the room.

After leaving Su Yan's room, he had been trying to write a letter but he couldn't write a satisfying letter even after so many attempts. He dropped the ink pen on the ink slab and got off the chair.

"Did you say they refused to accept my mission again?" His frustrated voice sounded in the quiet room that had no one but him alone in it.

The voice of a man drifted from outside the moon door of the study room. "Yes, master. This time they killed the messenger bird and…" the voice paused.

"And what? has the cat got your tongue?!" he snapped.

"...And the spies we sent after the messenger bird were killed." The voice reported.

"I expected it, you may leave." Prime minister Su said and rubbed his aching temple after the guard stopped talking.

He has been trying for months now to get the sword of death assassin guild to help him sort out some problems, but the assassin guild refused to take his mission, or rather, didn't respond to him at all.

Although there are other assassin guilds he could go to, like the red hawk, dark crawl, and black blood, still he chose to be diligent in his pursuit of the sword of death assassin guild because the success rate of other assassin guilds was never a guarantee. He didn't want a situation whereby his enemy finds out, or suspects him of his involvement.

He would be overjoyed if the least powerful YUE disciple could take on his mission... No, that's too much to ask. A few disciples from the Yulan or Bai disciples would be enough to carry out his mission.

Money is not a problem for him, but the guild doesn't even bat an eyelid when he seeks them.

"What should I do to get them to accept my mission?" Prime minister Su murmured to himself.

Recently, nothing has been going his way. One of his leverages to become in-laws with the emperor has been ruined, and his mission was rejected again! Who did he offend?

He paced back and forth, thinking of a possible solution to one of his many problems and he mindlessly glanced past his shelf. He paused his gaze on the shelf for a while, then his eyes lit up with renewed hope.

He called one of his shadow guards standing outside his study room and instructed: "Tell Shadow one to not allow anyone, I mean anyone, into my study. Whoever disobeys, kill them."

The guard who had his head down raised it slightly: "Including the madams, young masters, and young Misses?"

"Are you stupid? Touch my family and see what I do to you and your entire generation!"

"I'm sorry, master." The guard bowed even lower. 'didn't he just say anybody? What is he angry at me for?' the guard thought with his head down.

"You are dismissed." He waved the guard away like he was an eyesore.

"Yes, master." The guard bowed and left.

Kill his wives and children? Ha! He wasn't ready to have problems with his wives' families right now and those two women's daughters are still very important to him.

After he closed the study room door, prime minister Su walked towards the shelf with lots of porcelain jars of the same color, style, and height sitting on it.

The beautiful arrangement of the jars looked enticing to the eye but somehow, it looked like an illusion.

If a person were to be entering his study room for the first time, the first thought they'd have would be that these porcelain jars were just one and their eyes were playing trips on them, unless they felt the jars with their fingers.

The prime minister brushed his hand against one of the jars like he didn't intend to and the jars changed positions.

The movement was so fast that nobody would be able to catch it. Well, except the somebody that was lying lazily on the rooftop watching him since a while ago.

The shelf shook and a cracking sound was heard before a slit appeared in the middle and the shelf tore open. Prime minister Su looked around and after sensing no one, he walked in and the shelf closed back with the jars changing again.

Ah Yue Jin who was on the rooftop sighed. "When am I going to see what's in that room? I'm dying of curiosity ah, I wonder why master told me to not go near his study. I already know where the mechanisms are and how to avoid and open them."

He sighed again before placing back the roof tiles he had taken away from the roof and crawled on the roof to the back of the manor and jumped out of the fence when he saw no one.

His lips curled into a wicked smile as he made his way towards the gate like he was just coming back from an errand with a paper bag in hand.

Getting to the gate, he greeted the guards standing by the gate warmly and walked in with a beautiful smile, just like every other day.

"Older brother Jin, where did you go? Your master has been searching for you!"

A young lady walked towards him, but he immediately changed his direction and while walking away in a hurry to prevent the lady from catching up. When he felt he was a reasonable distance away from her, he stopped to answer her.

"I went to buy something for my master to surprise him. Thank you Xiaoli for passing the message."

"Older brother Jin–"

"You should go to first young miss, she might need your help in a while, I'm leaving," He nodded at her before running off. Leaving the young girl trailing his back with watery eyes.

"If I had known, I wouldn't have said that." She bit her lip and lowered her head as she headed towards her intended destination.