Ah Yue Jin in the bathhouse.

Shadow two turned around and Jin raised his head from the floor to see the young servant girl standing there and glaring at her brother. 

He helped himself off the floor and said to shadow two, "Thank you older brother, I should run along." With that said, Jin literally ran away, leaving the young servant staring at his back with a sad pout. 

"You chased him away," Shadow two teased.

"I didn't even go close to him this time." Her voice sounded dispirited. 

Shadow two walked towards her and brushed her silky black hair that was braided and tied at the tip with a creamy cotton material, a clue that she was a servant. 

"You don't have to say anything or get close to him before he runs away. He is shy and scared of women." He let go of her head and changed the topic.  

"I believe first young Miss sent you on an errand, you should get going. First young Miss might be forgiving and kind, but her mother isn't," He reminded her.

"Older brother, was it because I said that to him the other day? Is that why he is avoiding me?" She asked as her eyes sparkled with unshed tears. 

"Of course not..." He lied. "Jin must have had his reason, give him a little time, ok?" 

She nodded and wiped her tears. 

"Ok, brother, I'll leave now.... oh, I almost forgot. I kept a portion of food in your room. My mistress gave me excess, so I brought some for you, and..." She didn't continue her words, but her gaze traveled in the direction that Jin left in. 

"My Xiao Xixi is so kind-hearted. Don't worry, Jin knows that you are kind, don't beat yourself over it."

 Shadow two patted her head gently as he said that, making her nod slowly before she turned and walked away. 

Standing there alone, shadow two looked towards the direction that Jin left in and looked at his sister's disappearing back, then sighed softly before shaking his head.

Meanwhile, Ah Yue Jin who claimed his grandmother was dying was seen going into a bathhouse with his face covered. 

When he got inside, there was a large area filled with half-naked men soaking in a large steaming pool. All the men turned their attention to him and watched as he dropped some gold coins into a bowl that was half filled with gold coins. 

One of the men with a long and deep scar on one side of his face revealed his yellowish teeth as he beamed at Ah Yue Jin.

Ah Jin ignored them and walked towards an empty hanger to hang the clothes he was taking off, leaving only the cover on his face. He walked towards them and got inside the hot pool.

What was he there for? 

The man with the scar on his face cleared his throat and said: " we can start now."

"You can't believe this, I heard that the fifth young master of the Xie household is in trouble." One of the storytellers said.

"Why, what happened?" one of the men in the pool asked with interest.

"I heard that his manhood is no longer useful." 


"How is that possible?!"

"What is a man without manhood?"

"Keep your voices down. There is more, hehehe," the storyteller laughed excitedly. 

"Tell us more, brother." 

"I heard his grandfather has called a large number of physicians but he couldn't find the problem." 

"When did this happen?" 

"My whistle-blower said it started last night when he wanted to bed one of his concubines."


"Tell us more!" 

"The physicians suspected he was poisoned and when the young master was asked to narrate his weird encounters of the day, he talked about the Miss who beat them up in the restaurant yesterday morning…"

"Ah, I was there!" One of the men blurted out.

"Second brother, you were there?"

"Yes, I was there and witnessed the horrifying scene…" 

Thinking of what happened yesterday made him shiver even though he was inside a hot pool. 

The man started to narrate the story as his memory flashed and took him to the event of that morning.

Thinking of what happened that morning, his mind flashed while he narrated this story.....

…After Ah Yue Rong had broken that guard's arm and threw him to the young masters, she turned her emotionless and fierce eyes towards the other two guards that were still stunned. She unsheathed her sword in one swift and clean move and…






One slashing of her sword that cut through the throat of the two guards shocked everyone in the inn so much so that the waiter that was bringing over a tray full of dishes froze and the tray fell from his hands, still no one woke up from their shock. 

She turned her eyes that had communicated how bloodthirty she was to the three young masters and slowly walked towards them while dragging her bloody sword behind her. 

The sound of the tip of the sword being dragged on the floor sent a chill down everyone's spine. 

"A– anyone there?!!!" Fifth young master Xie screamed at the door with a shaky voice. 

The minute his voice fell, tens of men in black uniforms rushed into the inn. 

"Kill her!!!" He yelled with confidence after seeing his men.

The men had first thought it was their young master causing trouble again so they didn't interfere, but now that they were seeing dead bodies and a girl walking towards their master with a sword, they jumped into a fight with her. 

One of the guards threw a small knife at Ah Yue Rong.

Ah Yue Rong heard the whistling sound of the wind coming close to her ear and she ducked her head to the side to avoid whatever was thrown at her. 

The small knife missed, but Rong didn't let the weapon go to waste. She immediately slapped the small knife towards the three young masters. 

Seeing that the knife had changed direction and was coming towards him, instead of running away from it, Fifth young master Xie pulled the guard with a broken hand as a shield and the knife pierced into his heart. 

Everyone in the inn saw that. They all knew that young master Xie Kim was wicked, but they never knew his wickedness had gotten to the extent of using someone as a shield!

Rong smirked when she saw that and swiftly turned around to deal with the guards and leave. She has wasted a lot of time already.

With a speed that was visible to the eyes, she rushed towards the guards. She thrust her sword forward and pierced it into one of the guards' stomach, then she made a quick cut to the right, leaving a deeper wound on his stomach. She pulled the sword out and went after the others. With every swift and decisive slash she made, one or two guards left their lives with her sword. 

The young ladies that were stunned before suddenly started to scream after seeing so much blood. 

The young masters shortly started to regret ever offending her, but it was too late… regret has no pills. 

Seeing she was about to kill the last guard, one of the three young masters shouted. "Run!!" 

However, would Ah Yue Rong let them go?

She chopped down the last person and leaped after the three young masters while stepping on tables. She did a somersault in the air and landed squarely in front of them. 

She curled her lip into a sneer and was set to chop them into pieces when she caught the waiter from the corner of her eyes shaking his head fervently. 

She understood why he didn't want her to kill them and she wasn't even intending to kill them…now, so she slashed the side of the green-cloaked boy's ear. The ear fell off without hindrance. 

While the frightened lad was screaming for his ear, she turned to the Du Yi. He was the one making the loudest noise and disturbing her peace. He was also the one who kicked the poor waitperson, so she kicked his knee cap with full force, so much so that the sound of a cracking bone could be heard. 

Du Yi screamed like a pig on a chopping board. 

Being the only one still standing, Fifth young master Xie got so scared that he didn't know when he started to wet his pants.

Ah Yue Rong looked at the boy whose forehead was riddled with sweat, his hands that were holding onto the frame of the door were shaking, likewise his legs. 

She walked step by step towards him while watching him going down slowly as his legs had gone slimy. 

Sitting on the floor with liquid gushing out of his manhood, he saw her– the monster hovering above him. Then she lowered herself to his level while staring into his eyes. 

Those eyes that looked back at him were malevolent, but captivating. He couldn't take his eyes off them. He saw that those eyes held the coldness and wickedness he had never seen before, yet, he was glued to them. His heart beat had long frozen from fear. All he could think of was death. 

He wanted to shout, cry for forgiveness, but he couldn't find his voice and even if he found it, it would be incoherent. 

Just when he was about to force himself to beg, he felt the evil lady touch his neck. A sharp pain that lasted for a few seconds followed before she stood up and walked away. 

Except for the screaming young masters, everyone, including the fifth young master Xie, were shocked. How could she let him go without doing anything to him?

The narrator snapped out of his daze to look at his friends. "That was the story," he said.