Sashed boy beating Mo Xu up

However, this guard in front of her cannot only be said to be good with the way he wielded his sword, but he was also very fast and accurate. Only one slash was all he needed to make the guard's head roll off his shoulders.

"You, come here." The killer said with a weirdly dead tone. 

The guy with the sash bag stood rooted to his spot, not moving. 

"I said, come here!" The killer thundered with a murderous aura emitting from him. 

His voice held no trace of goodness to it that the boy with the sash bag looked right and left, but saw no one else. Probably not believing that he was the one being yelled at. 

Seeing the sashed boy was playing deaf, the killer got angry, pulled a knife from his boot, and threw it at the sashed boy. 

He hoped that the knife would stab the target in the neck and things settled. 

However, to his shock, the sashed boy stretched his hand out and grabbed the knife in mid-air. He looked at the knife and nodded before he secured it in his belt. 

That was not the killer's awe. It was the fact that he missed! Which was rare and also, his attack was stopped! 

Mo Xu is one of the best and only a handful in the capital can contest with him, but this weak-looking sissy in front of him with an ice face could stop his attack? That's not possible!

"Who are you?" Mo Xu finally asked. He couldn't believe that a person who could stop his attack would be the weakest in the group as they claimed. 

After all, he was added to the group as a shield.

"A person you wouldn't want to know." The sashed boy walked unhurriedly towards Mo Xu who had a frown on his face.

Standing a few paces apart, the sashed boy said: "Tell me what all this is about and your life will be spared." 

The moment Mo Xu heard that his frown turned into rage as he wielded his sword again and thrust it towards the sashed boy's heart. 

The boy's aura changed and he became serious.

He watched the sword pointed to his chest area coming closer. The instant the sword was a handspan away from his chest, the boy twisted his body away from the tip of the sword and let out a kick at the sword that was redirected at his neck. 

The sashed boy narrowed his eyes at the sword before leaning back to avoid the blade that passed through his face and sliced off the front of his wig. 

The two stopped to stare at each other for a while before Mo Xu chuckled. "I knew it. Tell me, who are you?" His face changed like the chuckle never came from his throat.

"Too weak, no fun." The sashed boy said before he dashed to Mo Xu with his hand clawed. 

Mo Xu extended his sword to counterattack, but it seemed the sashed boy has had enough playing around, so he avoided the sword and clawed Mo Xu by the neck, pushing him backward and forcefully hitting his back on a tree trunk. 


The sashed boy, whose face was as cold as ice, curled the corner of his lips when he saw Mo Xu trying desperately to force his way out of his grasp. 

Feeling that his breathing was being cut short, Mo Xu turned the sword in his hand towards the sashed boy's stomach.

Seeing this, the sashed boy grabbed his right hand with her left hand and bent the wrist at an awkward angle until the sword fell off.


He twisted the hand and the sound of a bone breaking filled their ears. 

Mo Xu was about to scream when the sashed boy tightened his hold on his neck, muffling his voice and killing the scream in his throat. 

"Will you tell me now?" The sashed boy asked, but Mo Xu seemed to be hell-bent on dying rather than telling him what the crown prince was doing.

"Fine," the sashed boy said and tightened his hand on Mo Xu's throat, a step away from snapping the life out of him.

Mo Xu's eyes bulged and turned red and watery. He continued to gasp for air as his legs danced on the grassland, but the sashed boy wasn't ready to release him until he nod that stupid head of his.

No Xu saw the silhouette of death. He saw that it was not a beautiful sight, so hurriedly nodded his head. 

The sashed boy loosened his hold, just enough for Mo Xu to get a little air into his lungs. 

"I don't have the luxury of time to stay with you, so start talking!" The sashed boy raised his voice a little.

Then they heard a voice from a distance away. It seems the others were approaching. 

Mo Xu's eyes shone with the light of hope, but were immediately extinguished by what the sashed boy said:

"As many as they come, I'll kill them all."

That was right. After the captain, he was the next best fighter in this group, yet he could only exchange blows 5 times with this person. He was also sure that the captain won't be able to fight him either, so he had no choice left but to save his life. 

"G– gold min..." He said but his words were silenced by other voices that chorused from close by. 

"Older brother!!"

"What is keeping you guys? We got a few games, bring out the firewood!"

As the voices drew nearer, the sashed boy became irritated and looked at Mo Xu one last time before he said:

"Good luck in staying alive. I might find you in the future..."

The sashed boy let go of his neck and Mo Xu fell to his knees and entered a fit of coughing.

He watched with hatred brewing in his eyes at the figure of the sashed-boy walking towards the depth of the forest and wished that he would be killed by the animals residing inside. 

A while later, the others came into the scene to see a headless body and Mo Xu sitting with his back to a tree. They were surprised and couldn't bring themselves to believe that a fight happened here when they were some distance away. 

"Brother Xu, what happened?" Someone asked, but Mo Xu glared at him before standing up and walking towards the camp area, leaving the others with perplexed looks on their faces.