War with the Poison valley–1

Su Yue sat on her domineering black horse. Her coldness rubbed on her horse so that even her mount could make a person shiver at its stare.

Standing on a hill with hundreds of disciples behind her, Su Yue looked towards the large academy standing tall in a far distance away.

A silhouette of a person could be seen from afar riding their horse over speedily.

Soon a handsome young man with a cold face came into view. He jumped off his brown horse and rushed in front of Su Yue. He knelt on one knee and said: "Subordinate Ah Yue Ai greets master!"

Su Yue waved her hand and Ah Yue Ai stood up and bowed. "Master, the enemies have colluded with the Black blood and Dark crawl guilds as a backup plan. They planted lots of explosives around the academy and many different poisons were shared among all the students," he reported.

Su Yue smirked. So what if they had prepared in advance? Do they really think she was stupid enough to let them prepare in peace? Ha, a fair fight cannot be used on despicable people like them. When they killed her master and wiped out all of her seniors and pursued her for three years, did they think this day would come? Did they play fair? So why would she?

She stared at Ah Yue Ai and gave a small nod, an indication for him to continue.

"I and the others soaked the explosives in water. They can't be lit. As for the poisons, sorry master, we couldn't do anything about the poisons. They were only distributed this morning. We had no idea they would be changing the poisons they had distributed before." He said apologetically.

Fortunately, Eight sister, Ah Yue Ran had brought them all-purpose antidotes for the possible poisons the academy could make, so they were not afraid of getting poisoned.

Ah Yue Ai was only feeling apologetic for almost ruining his master's preparation.

If their master had not been knowledgeable enough to make an all-purpose antidote, what would have happened to them? Also, he and the others that were sent to the poison valley were not antidote makers.

They are only good at making poisons and only one antidote, which was their special poison's antidote.

Since they knew beforehand that their master would be attacking the Poison valley at any time, they had made sure to keep an eye out for possible threats that could crop up on that day, after all, that's why they were sent there as spies.

Su Yue shook her head slightly, an assurance that she was not upset. She tapped her horse with her legs on its stomach and the black horse started to move forward.

With hundreds of subordinates, Su Yue marched towards the Poison pavilion, ready to wipe them all out.


"Sword of death assassin master, what Is the meaning of this?!" An elder thundered from the watch tower attached to the gate of the academy.

He glared daggers at the person wearing all black with a black mask, who was sitting on a black horse in front of her subordinates.

Yue Fan who was sitting on his white horse a few steps behind Su Yue moved his horse forward to stand in line with her.

He pulled two arrows from his back and arranged them on his bow. With a wicked smirk on his lips, he raised the bow in the direction of the elder who just yelled. Ah Yue Fan stretched the string to his desired length before letting go.

The two arrows diverted on their way. One lurched into the old man's chest and another lurched into the boy standing beside him, killing the two people on the tower.

Su Yue's lips curled on seeing that and she turned to glance at Ah Yue Fan who returned her a beam.

Ah Yue Cheng and the others shook their heads with a sigh. When would these people learn? They thought.

Another elder climbed up the tower and screamed in rage.

"Very good, we thought we could talk things out and let this matter slide, but since you have started the war, we shall–"


The elder didn't get to finish his words before an arrow lurched into his throat.


The man fell to the side with his eyes wide in disbelief. He couldn't believe that he died like a chicken.

"Get your master up there. You elders are not befitting to speak to my master!" Yue Fan thundered after killing another elder.

Everyone in the kingdom and beyond knows that his master, Su Yue commands respect, so why are these old geezers not giving his master that respect? Are they not courting death?

Just after the second elder was killed, the battle drum was sounded by the disciples of poison valley.

The huge gates of the academy were still locked so Su Yue and her people stood outside the gate.

A while later, archers started to gather around the wall fencing the academy. They arranged themselves. Tens of them rained down arrows on Su Yue and her disciples.




The sound of arrows cutting through the air filled the space as the disciples on foot with armors formed a protective shield around themselves while those on horses, mostly the Yue disciples deflected the arrows.

The more the rains of arrows came, the fiercer the sword of death assassin members became.

Hitting off the last arrow that was coming towards her, Su Yue looked up at the archers on the wall. The students seemed to want to change positions, so she smiled and stretched her hand towards Yue Fan.

He didn't need to ask what she wants and immediately handed his bow and six arrows to her.

Su Yue combined the six arrows on the bow. She pulled them with great force before letting go.

Once she did that, it became a mandate for the others to attack. All her archers, numbering in tens formed three lines with ten in each row.

They took turns with the command from Ah Yue Cheng and continuously fired arrows at everyone on the wall.

Even after killing off the students on the wall, the archers didn't relax. Whoever reared their heads to peep gets an arrow lurched in between their brows.