End of war– The event of that night.

'Master, seniors, your revenge is half done. Those who gave the orders, mournful city, I will show them no mercy'. Her memory flashed to the event of that painful night. 

Ten years ago…

The night was cold as it was winter.  Master Longwei and all his disciples that were present in the building, about fifty of them, were seated around a bonfire celebrating the opening of their new academy which would be named 'death'.

Su Yue had also sat with them for a little while before her master sent her away. He never liked her sitting around her seniors. His reason was that she was the only girl among them and should be protected from their lustful desires.

Su Yue went into her room after her master chased her away, but a while later she couldn't hear their cheerful voices and laughter nor the uproar coming from them anymore. 

She walked out of her room, only to see her seniors all lying around the bonfire with a few men in black chopping at their motionless bodies on the ground.

She screamed, but no sound came out, after all, she was mute. 

Even though she lived with her master and seniors since that incident years ago, they had never allowed her to kill anyone, nor attend dangerous missions, still, her master taught her all he taught her seniors. 

She joins the assassin classes, and takes the poison lessons, but has never tested her combat skills on anyone, unless when training with her master. 

She couldn't utter a word, so she rushed to them with fury and resentment. That was her first time killing anyone. She went on a killing spree and after killing the last person, she looked crazily for her master and found him with his last breath, struggling to stay alive with a stab wound on his chest while vomiting black blood.

"Yue'er…run… away… they… they are…dangerous..." He coughed. "I'm sorry, I couldn't help..." He coughed out more black blood but insisted on finishing his words. "...help you with your… with your revenge."

With his shaky hand, he pulled out a book from his chest and handed it to her before saying: "Im...imp… very important..." He succumbed to the poison or the wound on his chest and stopped breathing.

Tears rolled down Su Yue's eyes. Just then, she heard chaotic footsteps and ran to hide. 

A few moments later, some men in black walked to the bodies and formed a semi-circle around them. 

They created a part for someone and the person stood by master Longwei's dead body and scoffed. "Master, look at how you ended. If you hadn't loved Yue'er so much, I was your first disciple, yet you chose a weak girl over me. I approached you nicely and told you how I felt about Yue'er, but instead of nicely giving her to me, you slapped me. 

 I didn't despise Yue until you started to overprotect her while you neglected me. As if you weren't biased enough, you made her your successor! 

You old hag. What did you think? That I'll leave you alone and not come for you after you banished me? You should have killed me instead of sending me away. Now, you not only got yourself poisoned but also ruined my junior brothers and Yue. 

It's only a pity I didn't get to have fun with Yue'er before she drank the well water I poisoned.

Yes, master, I poisoned the well water, therefore, all my juniors will die. If there's anyone who survived today, it means they went out on a mission. 

Don't think you have anyone to avenge you. I'll look for them all and send them to you, one after another. You can continue your lovey-dovey master and student relationship there." He chuckled for a while before he sighed. 

"Nothing saddens me more than not playing with Yue'er's smooth skin and removing that disguise of hers to see the pretty face underneath that mask and also to behold that face that owned those pairs of sparkling eyes that could spy into your darkest secrets...uh? I can still see her face even though she is dead… Hahaha.'' 

He walked around the dead bodies but couldn't find her. "Yue'er is missing, search for her!!" He yelled.

"But we poisoned them all," Poison valley's pavilion master said. 

"I said. Search. for. her!!" He spelled the words through gritted teeth.

Su Yue ran away the moment she saw the men scattering everywhere to search for her. 

However, someone saw her running silhouette.

"There she is, after her!!" 


Su Yue snapped out of her reverie to find herself walking towards her subordinates with the academy burning so fiercely behind her.

She stopped and turned to look at the burning academy. She pulled out a knife from her waist belt and strode towards the wall. 

"We bring you peace," she scribbled on the wall with the tip of her sharp knife. 

Su Yue glanced at her beautiful calligraphy before she turned and started to walk towards her people.

All her subordinates stood erect and bowed when she got closer. She scanned them and counted on her fingers. 

Yue Fan, who was standing in front of the others, asked; "How many deaths and how many were injured?" 

"Master, we had 5 deaths and fifty were injured. The dead bodies have been sent to the guild and the wounded have been treated." A subordinate reported. 

"Which rank are those that died and those that are injured?" Yue Fan asked. 

"They are from the Kangs," the subordinate answered. 

The Kangs are the lowly disciples and this is the first battle for some of them.

Su Yue nodded and clapped. Her horse came galloping over and rubbed its head affectionately on her. Her heart warmed and she got on its back. 

The rest who still had horses got on theirs as well and carried an injured person along. 

Meanwhile, on a mountain not far away, a young man in black stared at the disappearing silhouettes of the Assassins until they vanished out of sight. 

He raised his hand and a messenger bird perched on it. He wrapped a small note on its leg and tossed it up. The messenger bird balanced itself before flying in the direction of the capital.