Chou Lèi Kingdom

King Zhou adjusted his collar before turning around and heading out of the chambers with the eunuch and a few other servants trailing behind him.

Entering the throne room, all the ministers, guards, and eunuchs bowed in greeting to him.

To the Emperor, everyone prostates, but to kings and princes, they bow.

"Greetings to the King! May you live above your predecessors!"

To the Emperor, they wish him thousands of years and refer to him as the son of heaven, but to the kings, their addresses and greetings are completely different.

"You may all rise!" He said after taking his seat on his throne.

The king's throne doesn't look domineering or elegant like the Emperor's seat, let alone Su Yue's throne.

Yes, Su Yue is so defiant that the whole Kingdom knows that only she has the greatest throne in Hua Xia.

Even the Emperor's throne cannot compare in might and dignity when it comes to her throne.

Her reason is simple: whatever would anger the Emperor, she cannot miss out on it.

The Minister of rites stepped out and bowed before standing erect.

"Your Highness, a report came from the Capital, the Emperor sent an invitation for his 30th birthday,"

To the Emperor, the Ministers remain bowing while giving their reports. However, to the Kings and Princes, the people stand erect.

"Hmm… that's good news. How many countries and states did the Emperor send this invitation to?" The king asked.

"According to the report I could lay my hands on, It says that this birthday is a massive celebration and people of Duyao Kingdom and other neighboring Kingdoms will be coming.

I also heard that the Princess of Chou Lèi kingdom will be coming too."

After the Minister's words, everyone in the hall took in sharp breaths.

After a while of shock, the king asked: "Did you say, the Princess of Chou Lèi kingdom?"

"Yes, your highness." The Minister replied.

"Chou Lèi kingdom has never interacted with us. Do you have an idea why? Everyone is free to give their opinions." The king said, giving everyone the liberty to say their minds.

He has a weird notion but doesn't want to rely on it.

"Your Highness, I think the new Emperor of Chou Lèi kingdom wants to relate with other Kingdoms."

"I disagree, your Highness. Chou Lèi Kingdom does nothing but to conquer other Kingdoms and they have been doing it all their lives.

The 5 smaller Kingdoms surrounding Chou Lèi have been conquered. Chou Lèi's population is so immense that the animals they depend on have gone extinct.

We all know that they have no land. It snows year after year without a break. If the snow isn't causing misfortune, an avalanche is, so what good can those people have in their hearts?" The left Prime Minister said.

"I support you in that. However, like you said, the people of Chou Lèi Kingdom have been suffering for years on end. I think they want a new life, so they might be stretching a hand to start a trade with Hua Xia Kingdom." The Right Prime Minister voiced his thought.

Another minister shook his head, "If Chou Lèi Kingdom were so honest, they wouldn't have been given that name, 'Chou Lèi'.

Those people, as their name implies, are the most villainous, wicked, evil, dangerous, inhumane, uncultured, atrocious, and vile people that could ever exist in the world.

We all know their stories, so I don't think I should be repeating this, but I think it's important to wake you all up from your slumber.

The reigning Emperor who just ascended the throne a year ago, Emperor Tan Lan, was said to have beheaded his father, the late Emperor and made himself the new Emperor. Nobody, not even his brothers spoke against it, because it's their practice... The strongest takes it all.

Emperor Tan Lan stole his oldest brother's wife because she appeared to be more womanly, and then killed the woman after he was done with her. No body was mad about it, because it was their practice.

The same Emperor advocates the evil practice of his people which the late Emperor tried to curb, Emperor Tan Lan doesn't mind where he takes a woman, so is the whole kingdom.

Their men consummate marriages in the presence of everyone. How much can I say?

If we are to talk about the Chou Lèi Kingdom, three days will not be enough to talk about them."

"That Is right. Your Highness, we don't believe that the people of Chou Lèi Kingdom are coming to Hua Xia for anything good. I think the Emperor had thought about that which was why he started to build a fortress around the whole kingdom." Left Prime Minister stated.

All the Ministers nodded. Now it made sense as to why the Emperor would burn into the Kingdom's wealth just to build a boundary around the massive Hua Xia Kingdom.

After listening to them, King Zhou adjusted his sitting position and cleared his throat.

"I have heard you all. Even if I send a message to the Emperor, he won't say a word and I might be punished for trying to spy into the son of heaven's mind.

This matter with Chou Lèi Kingdom shall be put aside until the Emperor's birthday. Which other Might has the Emperor invited to his birthday?" The king asked.

"I was told that the Emperor invited the miracle doctor and the leader of the Sword of Death Assassin guild."




The hall erupted in murmurs after their initial surprise.

Hearing that, a glint flashed in the King's eyes for a brief moment before it disappeared.

A minister was about to talk when the king raised his hand to stop him.

"If the Emperor is inviting the Kingdom's greatest enemy, then something more than we know of is about to happen in Hua Xia. Meanwhile, keep your ears out for more information. I wouldn't want to see other countries doing better than us this time. I want us to become the next after the Capital. So do well to not humiliate me."

While the Emperor uses royal plurals like the 'royal We' and the likes, the kings use the singular "I" to refer to themselves.

"Yes, your Highness." The Ministers bowed.

"While we are at it, I want to inform you all that I and a few Ministers will be journeying to Solace city for the Qingming festival.

The purpose of going there is to conduct a ritual for my older brother, Prince Shen An, and burn incense sticks for his safe passage to the afterlife. Doing so during the Qingming festival is a great blessing, so I won't let it pass.

Spread the news far and wide. That is my decree."

"Yes, your Highness!" Everyone bowed.

'Nephew, for how long will you hide from me?' the King curled his lips into a smile as he thought of the foolproof plot he had made for his poor nephew.