Qingming festival– the ritual

Ah Yue Fan stared at the willow branches placed on the gate before he took his first step into the manor. Good thing he was here before, if not he might have given himself away.

Although he felt grievance, he didn't let it show on his face. His fist tightened around the fan he was holding so that his knuckles turned white.

Ah Yue Fan totally ignored the people bowing to them as he marched forward beside Su Yue who was given a proud goddess-like aura. They were of higher status, so others were expected to give them that respect.

The proud Miss and her brother continued walking until they got to the back of the courtyard where the graves were.

The graveyards belonging to Prince Shen An and his wife, consort Zhou Shi were neatly decorated with fresh flowers.

Different types of cold food which were prepared a few days before the festival, drinks, paper money, and a few other paper objects were arranged on the grave with incense sticks that would be lit by the king.