Causing trouble

His belief that the snort came from Su Yue solidified. For five years, he had never heard her make a sound let alone open her mouth. Ah Yue Fan had been dying to hear her speak to him which never came and now she snorted but didn't look like it.

'Was I imagining things?' he shook his head. Although the sound was low, it was clear enough for him to pick. Ah Yue Fan glanced at her one last time before he put the matter aside and started to eat.

He drank more than he ate but Su Yue said nor did anything. The more she watched him drink, the angrier Ah Yue Fan became.

Su Yue hated the smell of wine and didn't like it when it was taken excessively in front of her. He ordered these wines not because he enjoyed them but because he wanted to solicit a reaction from her but his actions seemed to only make her colder.

While he was mad, a few men dressed like rogues unceremoniously barged into the inn, slapping the wooden door against the wooden building.