Old Madam Su

"We heard the miracle doctor doesn't like to talk. It seems the rumor Is true." The Emperor stated while staring at Su Yue.

Ah Yue Rong stepped forward and bowed. "Your Majesty, the miracle doctor encountered a misfortune after saving a child from some illness a few weeks ago. The illness was contagious, so the miracle doctor got careless due to the child's vulnerability. She got infected with it. Although she killed the virus and healed herself, the disease took away her voice, which will last for a short period of time before she talks again. Even though my master never liked to talk, she used to talk when necessary, so please, do not be angry at my master." She bowed even further.

The Ministers couldn't stop nodding after hearing the story. In their minds, they couldn't stop praising and idolizing Su Yue. 'She's nice', 'she's clearly the goddess herself'.

Such praises rang in their mind while others thought of marrying her, people like the Royals.