
"I still don't care about her," Yunxi said

Yinglan chuckled and placed the heirloom down, then started to arrange her daughter's hair. "She will be the Empress someday. Please don't find trouble with her."

"Mother, stop believing such rumors."

"How can you call it a rumor when it's already approved?"

"By who?" Yunxi chuckled. "Mother, when I was in the Academy, I heard my teachers discussing how delusional Left Prime Minister Su Tian is. Thinking his daughter would be the Empress. What a bluff. Tsk. "

"Yun'er, don't neglect filial piety. You can say whatever you want about your father in my presence but you must not say it outside. I only have you and if you are punished for being unfilial to your father, what will I do? "

"Mother, you worry too much. In the future, I will become a Prime Minister. By then, I'll implore the Emperor to make a change to filial piety. Parents who aren't treating their children right should be punished severely."