The group has reached the destination after a long trip. The hideout of their target was now only 10km away from their current location. They had stop here to plan their next move
"Regulus you will be leading 3 enforcers from the south, while Razor and his group will attack from north. I will lead the rest of the enforcers from east side of the village and you the group of freelancers will attack from the west. we will clean the village first, we can't leave any of those bloodsukers behind"
All of the enforcers agreed with the plan while some of the freelancers didn't.
"can't we have an enforcer in our group?" A freelancer said, he trusted his skills but he knows that enforcers are more skill then him . The difference between them is enforcers are mostly from noble families and old magi families they have better knowledge in magecraft while freelancers are mostly from new generation of magus their magic circuits are shit and cannot be compared to that of a enforcer.
The freelancer don't know why but the enforcers were giving him a angry look
"there are 6 of you it will be fine" Razor was the first to speak among the angry enforcers.
Razor along with his group of 3 enforcer went inside their car and drive to location not waiting for the freelancer to protest
"B-but what-"
"I am also heading out" Regulus don't allowed the freelancer to finish his words he along with his group leave. Now only Hilberd and his group of enforcers along with the freelancers.
Hilberd sighs as he looks at the way his subordinates were behaving. Most of them were noble born magus and belong to old magus families who think nothing of human lives but they were different from their familes that's why they became enforcers. They know love and companionship, the enforcers in his group treat each other like families and after the incident of Bennett all of them tried to kill Kiritsugu, if it wasn't for him, Kiritsugu had been a dead meat. He also couldn't forgive Kiritsugu, Bennett is his son-in-law after all and his daughter Amy love that guy. He also never wanted to called for Kiritsugu's aid but they were running low on enforcers as most of them were busy hunting down an ancestor along with the church
"The plan was already decided days ago and I had already given you the plan before coming, if you had any problem you should have said it before, nothing can be done now. Don't worry we are only fighting an apostle not an ancestor and your numbers are also high, don't forget that you have the magus killer by your side" Hilberd looked at his watch and then look at the freelancers again "Well be in time"
Hilberd wave them a goodbye before driving to his location.
Hilberd looks at the map again as they were driving and without a doubt he can tell that the freelancers will be the first to reach the hideout of the apostle. He knows that his group was acting reckless as they were baiting the lives of some innocent freelancers to make Kiritsugu suffer but he can't do anything, Regulus and Razor were the Strategist along with him but both of them favor on this plan, so he really couldn't do anything expect pray for the safety of the freelancers.
Razor and his group had reached their location and have already started the cleaning process. The abounded village had a lot of cactus and unusual plants. The ghouls started approaching them, Razor took out his dagger mystic code.
"howl" Razor image his mental switch of a wolf biting his head off. Circuit like lines formed into him sleeves, gloves and pants and he dash forward cutting through the ghouls. His teammates followed him behind they also had the same circuit like lines form into their sleeves and pants. They began spreading out in different directions leaving each other along
A block of concrete was thrown towards Razor, who quickly notice it and punch it into debris. He looked towards the one responsible for it and could easily tell that it wasn't a ghoul but a vampire as it seems to posses some intelligence
'it wasn't in the report' Razor looked towards the vampire as he pour mana at his bracelet to alert his teammates.
"I am surprise to see a vampire here, the report said that there were only ghouls here"
The vampire jumps down from the destroyed building as he smirks at Razor "what happen are you scared? Do you know I have killed atleast 2 mages before so you might as well give me your head"
Razor don't say anything he just throws his dagger at the vampire who just moved sideways to avoid it.
Razor moved his fingers backwards and the dagger flew back from behind the vampire, but it was only able to avoid it barely. The smirks on the face of the vampire disappeared and was replace with anger as he touch his burning ears
"do you like it? it's a special mystic code made by Wagner, a very capable mystic code maker, if I had to say."
"w-why is it burning, so much? I was supposed to be invincible" The vampire tear his burning ear apart and looked at Razor with hatred.
"the dagger is a special mystic code with the scriptures of Bible written on it"
That's all Razor said before dashing towards the vampire in a incredible speed cutting off the arms of the vampire with the same dagger before cutting off it's head.
Razor took out a phone from his pocket and started calling Hilberd "Hilberd, something was wrong with the report there are vampires present here along with ghouls"
"we can't do anything about it now. I am going to call the freelancers and did you tell Regulus about it?"
"no, but I will now"
"okay be safe, we have already finish most of the cleaning on our side. ohhh and theirs the vampire"
Hilberd hung up. Most of Razor's teammates had also gathered back and before he could called Regulus, he had already called him
"Razor we encountered 5 vampires on our way, what about you?"
"only one. Do you think the one who provided us the information was lying"
After Razor voiced out his thoughts Regulus stayed silent for a few seconds
"We will talk to him after completing the hunt. Our team has already found the apostles hideout and he is infront of us, I think we will be needing back up"
Razor could hear explosion and fighting noise from the phone which probably mean that they had engaged in combat.
"Try not to die before we arrive" Razor said before hanging up. He look at his teammates and nods at them before running towards Regulus direction.
Regulus had decided something today, that he hated plants. The apostle infront of him was using his magecraft to grow the vines of plants and trying to capture them, while some of those plants were throwing spells at them. Regulus don't know how the apostle was able to do this but he knows for sure that he will be the one to cleave his head.
"Regulus do something"
Glory Halton a girl with brunette hair shouts at Regulus who was busy dodging the vines and spells of the apostle.
"what the fk am I suppose to do?" Regulus shouts back
"Maybe pray to God?" suggested Albert Simpson, a blonde hair enforcer from an old magi house of America which specialise in Jewel Magecraft their family moto is 'only a jeweler knows the jewels best'
"Albert I swear on root, don't go to that church, you are being manipulated by that deaconess" said Glory as she tries her best to avoid the cactuses that are being thrown at her.
The previous dry ground was now full of grass and plants were beginning to grow flower buds. Seeing this all 4 of them cast fire spell and burned the flowers before they could open.
"ANSUZ" Regulus used the runes inscribed on his gloves to break free of the vines holding his leg.
The vines burned into crisp. All 4 of them gather side by side and looked around them only for them to find out that they are now covered by a thick forest of many dangerous plants altered by magecraft in the middle of a village that is located in the desert.
Regulus quickly started writing runes in the air with his magecraft and cast a powerful spell to burn the plants that were blocking their way. All of them quickly started looking for the apostle again but he was no where to be seen.
"Damn it" Godwin Adolheart one of the enforcer in Regulus group said as he unsheathed his sword.
"He ran towards Hilberd's location" while fighting the apostle Regulus was able to put a tracking rune on the apostle without it noticing.
Regulus skills in rune was that of mastery, Wilhelm had teach him about runes for only 1 year and according to Wilhelm, Regulus mastery in runes was only second to his and he believes that in another 5 year or so Regulus might even surpass him.
The apostle was able to escape barely, he was angry, very angry. He was so close to completing his research but the enforcers had to attack today only.
He was very exhausted, the continuous research he had been doing for the past few days had taken a toll in his body, he needs blood to replenish his energy. But the enforcers were very skilled for him to caught them off guard. If only he wasn't exhausted then he would have easily killed then off easily.
The apostle jumb as his instincts told him that he was in danger. A gandr shot pass through the place where he was previously in.
The vampire looked behind him and found 4 enforcers behind him.
"Well well well look at you, looks like Regulus's team did quite a lot to you" said Hilberd as electric sparks started to appear around him "but it looks like we will be the one to finish you"
The apostle quickly took out some seeds he kept in his pouch throw them at the enforcers around him which quickly turned into giant plants and started attacking the enforcers.
The apostle then notices a gem near his shoes and quickly apply reinforcement around him while running away. The gem exploded but the apostle was able to escape quickly.
The apostle was about to run away again but then he saw that he was surrounded by mages all around him. He couldn't die today his research isn't completed yet. He needs to do something and fast, all of his ghouls and vampires were already dead. So he decided to show his final card.
"Let my Origin be the base of it
I shall show you my life's work
And you shall remember it for a lifetime
My Evergreen Forest!
Soon the whole area was covered in bright light. All of them close their eyes as it was the natural reflex of the human body to do so when encountering a bright light.
The enforcers and freelancers looked around them and found themself in a green forest with different types of plants and trees. The flowers present in the plants slowly began to blow from which small spores began to come out which gradually turn into some kind of floating creatures.
Seeing this before them the enforcers grouped up. They know that they are inside a reality marble where the laws of Gaia don't apply. They can only wait for the apostle to ran out of mana or for Gaia to destroy the reality marble.
"Welcome to my never changing evergreen forest. You guys have killed all of my ghouls and vampires so I gonna use you all to replace them"
The floating mushrooms like creatures started attacking them. Kiritsugu was using a flame thrower he brought while the other freelancers were using spells and curses to fight them off.
Those creatures were extremely weak but there numbers were many which was causing a lot of problems. The apostle wasn't interested in most of them he was only interested in Regulus. That guy burn most of his research and also burned his new shoes. Unforgivable, Regulus needs to pay for what he did to him. The apostle take pride in his research and his 20 years of research was burned by a boy who might be the same age as his research.
Regulus notices the apostles glare and knew why he was receiving it.
"Wi Hilberd, you and others cover me from his floating toys. I am gonna fight that apostle" Regulus receives a nod from Hilberd
The reinforcement runes in Regulus pants shines as he dash towards the apostle who was on top of a tree. The branches and the vines tried to block and capture Regulus but it all fail.
The vines trying to capture Regulus were burned into crisp by him, the branches trying to hit Regulus met the same fate. Seeing this the apostle tried to used the braches to block his way. Regulus started apply reinforcement in the branches blocking his way till they exploded and break apart.
Regulus was now in the same brach as where the apostle was and could now see the apostle infront of him clearly. He activated the runes on his gloves once again and dash forward.
The apostle tries to block Regulus path once again but before he could do that he notices a hand coming out of shadows and stabbing his legs. And before he could react Regulus was infront of him and was about to punch him.
A bullet hit the apostle who violently fall to the ground. Regulus was also able to punch the apostle in the head cracking it's skull. The apostle falls to the ground as the reality marble vanishes.
Regulus looks towards the one responsible for shooting the apostle and as he suspected it was none other than Kiritsugu. Despite his brutal and heretical way of working Regulus had to accept that Kiritsugu was effective and efficient.
Regulus looks at the apostle lying in the ground. The face of the apostle tells that he is experiencing an immeasurable amount of pain.
The runes on Regulus shoe activities and he cruch the head of the apostle ending it's misery and his work.
"Good work, you all. But don't forget our work isn't done yet gather all of his remaining research we are gonna collect the money from both the church and the association. HAHAHA"
Regulus was clearing the blood out of his shoes but his pants were also covered in blood. He needs to change his clothes. They were in the middle of a desert and he was wearing a suit but the night was cold so it was necessary but the day was hot and he is now full of sweat.
After 2 hours their group had collected every research done by the apostle and burned all the corpses till nothing remained.
"the flight is in next 3 hours" Regulus says as he looks at his watch "Hey Razor, wanna go to an antique shop. I need to buy something"
Razor was busy eating a burrito but he accepted the invitation. It was boring to go to an antique shop but it was more borning to just sit while doing nothing except eating burrito. Most of the people in their group were busy with shopping, for Godwin it was suffering as he had to carry the shopping bags for Glory.
Regulus and Razor get in the car that they rent and went to the antique shop.
Regulus was looking around the antique shop only to meet to disappointment. Most of the items their were only 50 years old and some were even fake.
As Regulus looking around he finally found a presentable piece, a old vase and if he was right then it should be around 500 years old. The magical energy is still present indicating that it was well made and by some talented magus.
He pick the item up and looked at it. 'it should be a good gift' as he was about to go to the caiser he realise something why was he buying it again, oh that's right because Touko was writing notes for him but is it really worth that much just for some simple notes.
Razor looked at his friend's complicated face. He was already bored and Regulus was wasting time just by staring at the vase. He only came to feel the air while driving the car and it's already been 1 hour since they came here.
"if you don't wanna but it I will buy it and piss in there"
Razor's words brought Regulus out of his thoughts and he looked at his friend with disgust
"how much is it" Regulus asked the cashier as he place the vase infront of him.
"about 50,000 peso sir"
Regulus pays the amount he has been asked and took the vase with him.
Both Regulus and Razor were now driving back to the airport. Razor looks at Regulus and sees him smiling. What for? he doesn't know but he knows Regulus and whenever he buys antique items he doesn't show this much happiness.
"so, who is it for?" Razor exactly knew something was up
"For a friend. She is writing notes for me while I am in the hunt"
Razor raise an eye. Regulus is smart even if he miss four or five classes he will still be better then others and by coming to the hunt he only miss two days of class and he knows Regulus is a maniac who will not rest the next day and go straight to the class.
"really? a friend. Hmmm I would like to meet her one day"
Regulus nods and continues driving