Pam Lortra Part 1

"Umm, just the city's free housing. I only plan to use it for crafting…." Ayden had no idea what he was saying, but he wanted to make sure he added 'for crafting' in case there was something special he needed in the house.

"I see. Then you do not want free housing. The location for the free housing is not the best and you might even be broken into if people knew you had things lying around, especially for crafting items. But there is a safer place that is cheap that even comes with a workbench, one bedroom, bath, and a small kitchen, it's just that the landlord for this place is a bit special…. You will need to get her okay. But the rent is only one credit a month." The young woman offered. She gave Ayden a curious look which confused Ayden.

Ayden thought for a moment before nodding his head. "If it's only one credit a month, then I see no harm in trying. I mean, the worst she can do is tell me no, right?"

"Hmmm? You are a strange one. My name is Luci, " Luci ran her hand through her shoulder length blue hair and smiled at Ayden. "Come, I will take you to see the landlord. She should be there. Not like she ever leaves the place...."

"Thanks. This is a big help." Ayden was grateful to Luci since she seemed to be willing to go above and beyond for him. He also couldn't help noticing her silver eyes that slightly glowed. It was quite captivating.

"It's all part of the job," Luci said as she turned around. "Sam, I am going to Pam's place."

"Huh? Wasn't the last one beaten to death?" Sam asked as she walked out but quickly covered her mouth when she saw Ayden. She then tried to laugh it off as she scratched her head and said: "Haha… I was thinking of something else."

Luci glared at her as she took a file and exited through the side door, and looked at Ayden. "May I have your name?"

"Yes, my name is Edge. I will be in your care, Luci." Ayden answered with a smile.

"Then Edge. Follow me, and I will lead you to the place. Also, you can ignore Samantha. She has a hard time remembering where she is half the time." Luci said with a smile as she looked over at Sam and snorted.

Samantha: "...." 'Fine, I said something I shouldn't have! Do you need to give me dirty looks!?'

Ayden felt a little awkward being stuck in between the two girl's little feud, but luckily Luci led him out of the Housing Authority. "So, what do you plan on crafting?"

"Ummm…. Probably some injections and some cybernetics. Maybe some other things I am not sure just yet." Ayden answered. He had yet to go through all his materials. If he could, he would like to sell what he can and keep anything slightly inferior for himself. Because he knew it would be difficult to progress if he did not keep himself at least semi updated with proper items. He really wanted to get some leg cybernetics to go along with his arms. As cybernetic fists also needed to use their legs. Luckily the stat bonus from his arms also applied to his current legs, which was a nice bonus.

"Those will definitely come in handy in the future. I do know there are not many going around as of late, so you might be able to make some good credits. Just watch out for scammers." Luci warned before saying: "Let me say this now, you should be prepared for Pam's strange attitude. She is someone who will judge a person with one look, so if she does not like you, she will say so. The last person I suggested this place to, had a big mouth and ended up being hammered into the ground until they died. So if she says something rude, just ignore it."

"That's easy enough." Ayden realized that poor Sam was telling the truth and Luci was trying to cover it up. Now she came clean as if she had not lied to him before. However, Ayden could care less about that since it really did not bother him any.

They walked for almost fifteen minutes before coming to a small house built into a cybernetic tree. There was a small white picket metal fence that had a stone path leading to the metal door embedded into the cybernetic tree. While Ayden found the place to be out of the ordinary, he was quite surprised at how quiet the place was once he passed through the gate. The sounds of the hustle and bustle of the street that was only a foot away were completely shut out. "This….."

"Ah, Pam is a master of nano casting. She is what is called a Techno Elf. A race of Elves that are symbiotic with the cybernetic nature. They normally do not live in cities, but Pam is different from most." Luci explained. Ayden could only nod his head since he really did not understand any of that.

As they walked up to the door, a loud roar came from inside. "Dammit! It failed again!"

Luci smiled as she reached up with her hand, brought it back, and with the full force that would send a person to hell, she slammed her fist off the door. "Pam! Open up!"

Ayden was quite confused as to what was going on when Luci suddenly started having grievances with the door, but he soon heard a voice coming from inside as the door to the house opened: "Huh!? Luci, is that you!?"

What Ayden saw when the door opened was a short young woman with big round red glasses that covered half her face, pink messy hair, and big round pink eyes. Her skin was white with blue glowing lines etched into it. "Luci! Long time no see? What did you come for? Huh? Another one….."