Becoming A Pro Gamer Part 2

--AN) Only one chapter today and tomorrow due to some doc appointments. Enjoy! --

A Tall five story building stood in front of Ayden and Pam. The passerby kept looking at the duo in interest, mainly because elves were not seen very often in this city. Especially since Pam rarely left her house.

"So this is the auction house?" Ayden asked.

"That it is. It is the only place we can put our things on sale in hopes of getting a higher price. Now Ayden, when we go in, first check the auction for anything with eleven in the title, and if there is, go off their prices. If there is nothing, sell these for 10k credits each." Pam was firm in her words since she wanted Ayden to get as many credits as possible.

Ayden's head was spinning. If he sold these for 10k credits each, that would be 1k credits real world money, and selling fifty of them all in one go would be 50,000 credits! Ayden had to take a deep breath. If this was the case and he was able to keep making such things, then that meant he would be able to just play the game and not work any dead end jobs, which meant he could even spend more time with his sister.

After calming himself down, Ayden decided to see how well these things sold first. If he can sell two, then he would be making more than he would make in a month at a normal job. He may even get a chance to buy his sister some cybernetics and maybe even himself. He also had money from when he completed his first quest. He could at least get a few hundred from that, which would already big a big boost in income.

"Edge, you okay?" Pam looked up at Ayden with a bit of concern in her eyes as she gripped his arm even tighter.

"Ah… I am fine, I was just thinking, let's go inside." Ayden replied with a smile. With Pam's help, he was brought over to a terminal which would allow him to check the market. NPCs in CyPunk Online could use any service a player could use, this also meant the auction. Although typically, it was player only.

When the window popped up, the first thing Ayden did was use the search function to check for any eleven items. Only a few popped up, and they were all high level and worth millions of credits. Seeing such a thing caused Ayden's eyes to almost fall out of his head. But seeing these prices, he felt 10k credits was too little! " Pam, I will put these up for 50k each…."

"Mmm… I think you should too. I did not realize how expensive elven cybernetics were. Plus, there is no level requirement on these, and you can equip many of them." Basically, his augment chips were really a cheat item. They stacked without a problem and would allow him to make his own cybernetics stronger by quite a bit. Although there was a limit for his cybernetics which was a max of ten but that was a hundred points for each stat if he used all the same chips.

Ayden took a deep breath. As he began adding things to the marketplace…..


Ten minutes later, on the ingame forums….

IAmAGirl: @Everyone Have you seen the new elven mod elven Aug chips!?

ThatDude: @IAmAGirl I saw, but they were too expensive.

IAmAGirl: @ThatDude Expensive!? Elven items are known to be rare! Plus, these have no level requirement and boost three stats! Regular augment chips don't even do that! I already bought five!

ThatDude: @IAmAGirl you already bought five!? Where did you even get that much money!? No, wait…. You paid to win!

IAmAGirl: @ThatDude so what!? Those things are the key to leveling up quickly! Blame yourself and your parents for being poor!

ThatDude: @IAmAGirl Who said I was Poor!?

Isabella: You all are missing the fact that it is the same player who killed the mini boss just yesterday.

Isabella's words caused the forum to explode even more as more and more people began to join in on the conversation. As for Isabella, she looked over at the handsome man who had an elf girl hanging from his arm and shook her head. "He is a new player yet he is already making some crazy stuff."

She stuck her hands in her pocket as she blew a bubble with the gum she was chewing and walked over to where the young man was standing. "You are Edge, right?"

Ayden was startled by the sudden voice next to him as he turned to see a cute girl with black hair and eyes standing there looking at him with a small smile on her face. Pam, on the other hand, glared at her like a cat trying to protect her kittens.

Ayden's eyes focused on the girl…

[Player: Isabella]

[Level: 32]

"I am…. May I know how you know my name?" Ayden asked. He did not know if this girl was going to try to rob him or not.

"No need to be defensive. I do not think there is anyone in this town who can beat the elf glaring at me as if I am the worst enemy in the world. I just wanted to meet the player who beat a mini boss at such a low level solo. I saw your fight. It impressed me. My name is Isabella." Isabella replied as she waved at Pam, who growled at her in return.

Ayden noticed that this Isabella seemed to be quite carefree, kinda like Pam, but that did not mean he was going to let his guard down easily. "It was just luck that I didn't die."

"You could say that. You almost got hit a few times. Anyway, Add me to your friends list. If there is a chance in the future, we can run a dungeon or something." Isabella sent a friend request to Ayden, who did not see any problems with accepting it, so he did. When Isabella saw Edge's name now in her friends list, she smiled and said: "Until next time."

Ayden watched as Isabella blew a bubble with her gum and waved as she walked away. He tilted his head in confusion. "Did she just want to add me to her friends list?"

"Humph! Just someone trying to steal my apprentice! Ignore the thieving cat and see if anything has sold." Pam said with a snort.

Ayden nodded and looked at in message on the auction house to see fifty messages. A blank expression appeared on his face as he said: "They…. They all sold….."