Cat's Grace

Sasha hums as she steps up the service exit to the rooftop, eyes darting around as she comes out and surveys the area. No security cameras here, but once she looked over the ledge to the next building, she spotted cameras at nearly every viewpoint.

Maybe she had been a bit too lackadaisical in accepting Ori's job, without pay at least. She'd been planning on jumping onto the next building and sneaking inside to breach Saeki Yori's office, but she'd misjudged the difficulty of it all.

First, the distance between the two made it impossible for her to simply jump across as is, plus the cameras would be tough to avoid. Even when hacked, she'd have a limited time to get past them or she ran the risk of alerting whoever was in charge of the building's security.

Whatever, she wouldn't go back on her word once given.

She spits her bubblegum onto the floor and walks a good distance from the edge, dropping into a sprint start. Without a moment of hesitation, she launches herself forwards, her Cybernetic enhancements allowing her to run at ridiculous speeds.

Her eyes flash with light as she hacks and temporarily disables the nearest camera before finally throwing herself off of the roof. Her metal cable/Interface port shoots out and latches on to an advertisement hanging overhead, allowing her to swing over the drop and land gracefully on the rooftop with a roll.

Now in enemy territory, she had to move quickly, pushing her way into the stairwell and quietly making her way down the building. Quick hacking every security measure she came across in the process.

She steps into a hallway and spots two Tyger Claw goons, she doesn't try sneaking however, simply walking past them after hacking their Cyberware to make herself invisible to them... On the building's cameras, it would look like she belonged there, especially with the guards being so 'accommodating'.

Some more scouting around and she finds her Saeki Yori's office. It'd been locked down with its lights turned off already, the woman herself had obviously gone home already... Good thing for Sasha, they put too much trust in their static security systems, allowing her to slip past and insert her port into the computer.

"Hmph, piece of cake." she smiles to herself, stealing not only the data about the Scav Ori had spoken about, but every other client too. Even if she was doing this for free, there was no reason not to gain something for herself... This information would be worth quite a lot to other Corporations like Militech, IEC, or Kang Tao.

While she's at it, she stores large unprocessed data packets belonging to Saeki Yori's personal devices... This potentially included texts, calls, and many more possibly incriminating things, how fun!


With her pledge Ori complete, all she needed to do now was get out... Contrary to popular belief, escaping a restricted area was usually the easy part. Like walking around private places in a suit, present yourself with enough authority and you could leave anywhere unmolested. She'd done such a thing on many occasions in fact. Still, with the Tyger Claws it was better to play it safe... Back to the roof she goes.


Ori huffs as he does one last weighed press-up under Bats' supervision, numerous wires and cables connected to him to analyse his body's health and performance. Both were wary of the nanites possibly touching something they shouldn't. One wrong adjustment to a gene sequence and he might just turn into a giant cancer cell or something... Which might be removable... Or might not.

Ori finishes and wipes the sweat from his brow, not out of breath due to his prior upgrades, but just experiencing muscle aches. "How's it look?"

"All green... Did the nanites say when they were planning on the next 'upgrade'?" he questions.

Ori shrugs, "Apparently my 'Fat energy stores' are only at fifty percent. They'll to the lungs next, which I'm not exactly looking forward to..."

Bats idly nods, "Thanks for leaving me on the side of the road by the way..."

"It worked out in the end didn't it? A free Netrunner to boot!"

Bats shakes his head disappointedly, "You really think they'll do as they said?"

"Yeah... I think I do..." Honestly, Ori had been worried about the same thing Bats' had, he was no stranger to betrayal after all... Call it naive though, but he honestly thought Sasha would help him out here.

"This is Night City, they're probably reporting your ass to the Tyger Claws right-"



"-now. Huh..." Bats mutters, hearing the same thing as Ori, who sends him a smug grin in response.

[That's my part fin. c u around Oriii xxx] - Sasha

Ori smiles like an idiot at the text and goes to open it, only for Bats to stop him at the last second, "Wait! Check it for viruses first!"


Shrugging, he runs it through Bats' anti-virus software, coming out green much to the Ripperdoc's chagrin.

"B-Bats! This is it, everything! Locations, names, faces, routes!" Ori excitedly exclaims.

"Damn... That Runner really did it all in one night..." Bats mutters, swiping through the intel and quickly pointing out Marv's current base of operations. "A warehouse in Longshore, Northside... How're we gonna do this?"

"That is the question... I figured I'd just sneak around and shoot Marv in the face but, that probably isn't the best idea." Ori sheepishly admits, "I've got a job with Max and Six tomorrow, I'll ask 'em about it."

"Think they'll help?"

Ori shrugs noncommittally, "No idea... Max maybe, Six? Doubt it. I'd consider paying some mercs to help but, we need to save our Eddies."

He'd spoken with Judy a couple hours ago, and apparently Afterlife's rates were a bit out of their price range right now. Apparently the minimum fee was fifteen thousand Eddies, but add the difficulty to it and she was sure it'd come out much higher than that. Everything they had right now combined plus his week of Merc work came out to around thirty-three thousand Eddies. Which wouldn't be nearly enough.