Warehouse Raid

Ori kicks open the door and Six steps inside, ready to take the brunt of whatever defences Marv had set up. Strangely, when they step in they see a communications room, with monitors on the wall with camera feeds, a regular office desk, and two people sitting in chairs facing the door.

"Marv." Ori growls at the man on the left who was sitting nonchalantly with his legs folded. As if he wasn't about to get shot by three angry mercs. The guy didn't even blink as Six, Ori, and Rebecca pointed their guns at his face.

"Ori, how's the family?" he smiles 'kindly' back, holding his arms at chest height and showing his empty hands.

"Fuck you!" he angrily spits in response.

Marv tilts his head, "Language. What would your parents think?" he questions smugly.

"Are you insane? You do realise how close you are to getting domed', right? You creepy-lookin' asshole." Rebecca states a scowl after cocking her shotgun, pushing out an unfired shell to add further intimidation.

Marv acknowledges her with a shrug, "Yeah, so? Dyin' ain't that bad, or so my priest tells me. Guy probably doesn't realise where I'm going if there is an afterlife. Besides, I doubt I'll get another chance to mock you rag-tag dick-heads." he glances at Six, "That buddy of yours kept his mouth shut, even after we tore out his tongue. Be proud he only started screamin' when we get below the belt."

"Mother fucker!" Ori grinds his teeth while noting Six's hand visibly trembling in rage as he holds his gun. "I ain't gonna kill you... I'm gonna strap you down in that fucking basement and harvest you like you did to Max!"

Marv chuckles, "How're you gonna do that? You're runnin' outta time." he states, his eyes minutely twitching to the person sitting still at his side.

The others had ignored him until now, not seeing the nerdy, weaponless guy as a threat, not more than Marv at least. They were wrong however, which they realised as soon as their vision started crackling.

"N-Netrunner!" Six rasps, attempting to aim his revolver at the man when his arms fall limply, his Cyberware failing him.

Rebecca was having a similar reaction, her colourful shotgun falling to the ground as she grips her head and lets out a pained shout.

The only Cyberware Ori had was his interface which most people had, but unlike last time with Sasha, the nanites had worked out a countermeasure against this sort of assault... His distorting vision instantly cleared up as the nanites disconnected the Interface from his brain, allowing him to spot Marv drawing a pistol from behind his back.

Ori raises the LMG to fire at him but receives a couple bullets to his arm, causing him to drop it. Another bullet hits his leg, forcing him to kneel.

"Hm? You broke through the Daemon? Weird kid." Marv remarks as he aims the gun at Ori's head. "Say hi to your daddy for me."





Marv looks down at his hand, or what used to his hand... He looks back up at Ori who was lying on the ground with Rebecca's shotgun, a deep gouge running along the side of his head, above his ear.

It takes a couple seconds for everyone to register what'd just happened, until finally... "FFUUUUUUAARRRRGGGGHHHHHHH!!!!" Marv lets out an agonized yell as he falls backwards, tipping over his chair as blood squirts from his mangled forearm.

The Netrunner's eyes widen as Ori turns his attention to him, he stands and holds his arms up pleadingly, "Hold on, wait-wait-wai-"


The shotgun lets out a second blast, this one hitting the guy at center mass and almost cutting him completely in half from the force of the pellets. Some of the camera monitors behind him shatter and spark as they're hit too, sprinkling the Netrunner's corpse with embers as it falls beside the whimpering Marv.

With him dead, Six and Rebecca are released from the hack, both slumping slightly as they attempt to recover from the ordeal, breathing hard breaths.

Ori slowly gets up as the wounds on his arm and legs slowly heal with help from the nanites. His arm was still bleeding, but the worst damage hadn't even come from Marv... His entire arm had been dislocated from shooting Rebecca's shotgun and was now hanging limply.

He ignores the screaming Marv and glances at the pale-chibi, "The fuck is wrong with that thing," he points at the gun with his still working arm, "You swap out the gunpowder with C4 or something!?"

Rebecca gives him a subdued grin, still reeling from the hack-induced migraine, "N-not my fault you can't handle it... You'd need my Cyberware to not break using it..." she lets out a long breath and tiredly shoos him with her hand, "Now deal with the screamer, you were sayin' about 'harvesting' him?" she ventures.

Ori nods, turning his attention to Marv. He limps over the shattered remnants of the guy's pistol and stands over him. The scav glares up, stifling his pained whimpers in some attempt to retain his pride...

"Laugh it up kid. Sometime soon, you're gonna find yourself in the exact same position. People like us, we're all goin' to the same place." he grits out through the pain.

"I don't know about that. Does hell accept package deals? Cuz' I'm sending you there in pieces." he harshly states before attempting to apply a Tourniquet to Marv's arm. He couldn't have him bleeding out so soon. Only to pause when the man starts chuckling, which quickly devolves into full-blown laughter.

"Hahahahahaha! I told you kid! YOU'RE RUNNIN' OUTTA TIME!"

Ori, Six, and Rebecca turn to the cameras as the sound of engines reaches them... A whole fucking fleet of vehicles had just parked outside the warehouse courtyard, all printed with Maelstrom tags. "Oh, shit..."

"What're they doing?" Rebecca questions as three people get outta the lead car, one pushing two emaciated, heavily modded men forwards.

"You ever wondered what happened to those people we kidnapped?" Marv quietly asks with a shit-eating grin on his face, "Those two out there might be the last of your fam."