
Everyone mulled over the information about their targets Crystal had given, most were confident in the mission, but a few with more experience were wary. People usually didn't live long enough to make a name for themselves in Night City, those who did, did so for a reason. Be it their intelligence, skills, or even simply their contacts.

There was also their rank amongst the Tyger Claws to take into account, one didn't simply get 'promoted'. From what he'd heard, you had to fight and scrape your way up, backstabbing and conniving all the way. That or have a contact within Arasaka to earn you protection.

"We got any intel on the building itself? How're we heading in? The NCPD headquarters are only a mile or two away..." Ori questions, knowing the cops would be on them not long after the fighting started.

Crystal nods, allowing her holophone to begin showing various pictures of the place, displaying doors, exits, windows, and even common guard positions. Most of this would be useless as soon as they got inside however, their lack of information on the interior of the building all but forcing them to go in blind. "This ain't an infiltration gig, we go in guns blazing and kill our way to the prisoners. No mercy, no stragglers, and no surrender, understand?"


Ori tunes out the rest of the planning Crystal and the Moxes discuss, adjusting the Smart Scope Judy had gifted him, and checking his LMG's ammo and other parts, a jammed gun in this situation might just kill him and his friends.

He checks his pistol another dozen times, chewing his lip as he counts the bullets once more. Eventually though, they reach their destination. The van creaks as it comes to a stop a couple blocks away from the Tyger Claw building.

"Area clear." Crystal reports as they begin shuffling out the back of the truck, "Keep this thing hidden, we'll need it as a getaway once we're done." she orders, the driver giving a short nod in response.

"You guys ready?" Rebecca asks Ori and Six, stepping between them with a grin on her face.


The Tyger Claw building itself was a two-story office building that was placed in a rundown district that'd been heavily damaged previously by a riot. The large windows had all been shattered and covered over with planks and metal, the wire fencing around it rusted, tangled, and clipped presumably by scavengers before the Tygers moved in.

There were makeshift cameras all around the building, along with Tyger Claw guards who boredly patrolled the area. No one else was in the area, most to scared of the gangers to risk a confrontation, which was a good thing, as they wouldn't have to risk civilian casualties.

Crystal hugs a corner of an alleyway overlooking the building and nods to one of the Moxes holding a sniper. They take aim, everyone tensing, ready for action...


A Tyger's head explodes from the high-velocity sniper round, punching a hole into the concrete wall behind them. Before the body even hits the floor the Moxes moved, all running out of cover and spraying bullets at the confounded guards who hadn't realized their situation yet.

Two go down with a spray of blood, while four others throw themselves into cover, most having taken damage from the ambush. "Sore wa kuso midaradesu! Arāto Manaka-sama!"

"Karera wa baishunpu no tame ni koko ni imasu!" another shouts in response.

"Shut the fuck up and arigato you slaver bitches!" Rebecca interrupts them, sliding behind a car they were using as cover and sticking Guts over the bonnet, allowing it to press its barrel into the face of a frozen Tyger Claw. "GOMENASA-" the man shouts in complete fear but gets cut off... Or blown apart to be more accurate.


His entire head, neck, and part of his upper torso turn to bloody mulch as the shotgun fires, sending both the corpse and Rebecca falling to the ground from the blast. She laughs as her back hits the ground, quickly springing up and firing another shot at the dead guy's partner.

The guy throws the car's door open in an attempt to block the shot, but the birdshot penetrates it and hits him anyway, bringing with it metal shrapnel from the door. The guy stumbles backwards as blood drips from his chest, dropping like a rock not long after as Six nails him in the face with his revolver.

"Hey! That guy was mine!" Rebecca exclaims, only for the merc to run past her, taking up position next to one of the backdoors, waiting for someone to come through.

Ori kneels next to Rebecca behind the car as cover and notices some of the planks of the boarded-up windows on the second story getting shifted. One's pried off, revealing a Tyger Claw attempting to get a high-ground advantage... Unfortunately for him, Ori's weapon wouldn't be blocked by just some wood...


Bullets tear through the other wooden boards, hitting the guy behind them and showering the room in dust as metal strikes the walls and roof.

Crystal and the other Moxes had already breached the front door, fighting their way into the long hallway which the Tyger Claws were using as a choke point. A couple Moxes had already gone down, but Crystal rectifies the situation by throwing a fragmentation grenade down the hallway.


[We're in! Wipe these fucks out and find the prisoners!] Crystal reports over the comms.


Two Tyger Claws hoping to flank the Moxes barrel through the back door, only to get clotheslined by Six, then executed by Rebecca with two quick shots from Guts.

"Come on! The fun's waiting for us inside!" she beckons Ori as she follows Six into the building. Ori takes one final scan of the area before joining them, not wanting to get shot in the back by some sneaky Tyger Claw ninja.

The trio pause however as the building's intercom turns on...